「隨意門」是新一代的流動迷你倉,客戶足不出戶就可以輕鬆使用各種儲存服務,為你的居所擴闊空間。. [read more]
Top wealthy Asia Pacific Ltd(寶高亞太)在香港及韓國共擁有著兩個貨倉庫,共約15000尺,以及集裝箱拖車隊和配送車隊等設備設施。 Wechat: j60184427 Kakao:jacksonlin1205@hotmail. com whatsapp:60184427. [read more]
Yes-Storage客戶毋須親身到迷你倉,儲存或提取物品全程由我們代勞,一個電話即可安排專人到府上把物品取回或送往儲存,方便快捷,輕鬆自在。. [read more]
SE Kl-Van 成記物流 客貨車. 5. 5-24噸尾板貨車. 搬屋. 拖櫃. 機埸. 電召中心 香港電話: 27555555 認清電話 提防假冒 老字號。專業服務 代客搬運. 搬琴. 清垃圾 搬屋/搬廠/搬寫字樓 出入貨倉/机場交收. [read more]
Hip Cellar is a HKQAA-assured, 24-hour temperature, humidity-controlled, fully secured professional wine storage with harbourfront wine lounge facilities. [read more]
政府拆車商 拆車商號 0256. [read more]
專營新界元朗、上水、粉嶺之倉地、貨倉、工貿廠房 ,免費提供最新樓盤資訊。有近30年做倉地經驗。 歡迎查詢 26772844 / 92818757 梁小姐 大量倉地實盤。. [read more]
保管箱出租 Safe Deposit Box Leasing Service. [read more]
台灣迷你倉領導品牌,多年來致力提升倉庫的便利性及安全性,秉持台灣親切、熱情、高標準的客戶服務,給您最安全的租倉體驗!. [read more]
24hrs Hotline 8202 2008 We provide secure storage units & moving supplies that fit your requirements. 鑽石山7/F分店: 提供及一站式儲存,管理及 搬運服務. 包括: 紅酒,文件,雜物,必定有合適你的方案. [read more]
5D迷你倉, 安全D! 經濟D! 實用D! 舒適D! 安心D!. [read more]
e+Solutions - 你的網店物流小幫手 e+Solutions 為大家帶來最貼地的網店物流資訊,並提供一站式物流服務,包括彈性存倉、貨物管理、執貨包裝和安排速遞,為各位網店店主解決物流上的煩惱。. [read more]
24小時開倉熱線: 51030313. [read more]
地址 : 香港九龍觀塘巧明街巧明工業大廈3/F, C & D 室. [read more]
改善生活空間 增加成本效益. [read more]
寶加物流有限公司1994年成立,20年來我們一直致力為客人提供優質當地搬屋、搬厰、搬寫字樓及海外移民包裝等搬運服務。. [read more]
我們的服務主要是將當天收到貨物後,翌日便自動送往香港,當貨物到達香港取貨點後手機App會推送短信通知客戶取貨方便快捷,貨到後先以港幣結算付款!!. [read more]
蘋果迷你倉於2005年開始經營迷你倉業務,以舒適環境及優質服務取勝。 集團式經營,實力雄厚,深得客戶愛戴,令我們擠身成為全港最大的迷你倉集團之一。. [read more]
EASY offers reliable, flexible and high-quality services of packaging design procurement, packaging, storage, delivery and labour supply. . [read more]
皇室迷你倉 (火炭迷你倉) storage-select. com is a storage, located at Hong Kong, Fo Tan, 火炭禾香街1-7號華威工業大廈14樓. They can be contacted via phone at +852 2111 1123 for more detailed information. [read more]
原築迷你倉 (荃灣迷你倉) storage-select. com is a storage, located at Golden Bear Industrial Centre, 66 Chai Wan Kok St, Tsuen Wan. They can be contacted via phone at +852 2111 1123 for.. [read more]
世紀迷你倉 (荃灣迷你倉) storage-select. com is a storage, located at Hong Kong, Chai Wan Kok, 新界荃灣柴灣角街30 – 32號京華工廠貨倉大廈12樓B室. They can be contacted via phone at +852 2111 1123 for more detailed information. [read more]
致富迷你倉 (元朗迷你倉) storage-select. com is a storage, located at Hong Kong, Yuen Long, 元朗德業街12號寶威大廈3樓306室. They can be contacted via phone at +852 2111 1123 for more detailed information. [read more]
卓越迷你倉 (觀塘迷你倉) storage-select. com is a storage, located at Hong Kong, 觀塘牛頭角觀塘道342-344號泉源工業大廈9樓A02室. They can be contacted via phone at +852 2111 1123 for more detailed information. [read more]
藝美迷你倉 (觀塘迷你倉) storage-select. com is a storage, located at Hong Kong, Kwun Tong, 九龍觀塘敬業街敬運工業大廈四樓B室. They can be contacted via phone at +852 2111 1123 for more detailed information. [read more]
原築迷你倉 (觀塘迷你倉) storage-select. com is a storage, located at Hong Kong, Kwun Tong, 成運工業大廈 15 Shing Yip St, Kwun Tong, 4 F. They can be contacted via phone at.. [read more]
卓越迷你倉(長沙灣迷你倉) storage-select. com is a storage, located at Hong Kong, Cheung Sha Wan, 長沙灣瓊林街109號聯興工業大廈九樓全層. They can be contacted via phone at +852 2111 1123 for more detailed information. [read more]
卓越迷你倉 (長沙灣迷你倉) storage-select. com is a storage, located at Hong Kong, Cheung Sha Wan, 長沙灣青山道688號嘉名工廠大廈7樓D座. They can be contacted via phone at +852 2111 1123 for more detailed information. [read more]
時昌迷你倉 (葵涌迷你倉) storage-select. com is a storage, located at Hong Kong, Shek Lei, 葵涌石建街17-23建興工業大廈LG(地下室)A室. They can be contacted via phone at +852 2111 1123 for more detailed information. [read more]
時昌迷你倉 (火炭迷你倉) storage-select. com is a storage, located at Hong Kong, Fo Tan, 火炭黃竹洋街5-7號富昌工業中心 10/F、G、H室. They can be contacted via phone at +852 2111 1123 for more detailed information. [read more]
Any job for me in this company. Great company , bad management. [read more]
原築迷你倉 (屯門迷你倉) storage-select. com is a storage, located at Tuen Mun Industrial Centre, 2 San Ping Circuit, Tuen Mun. They can be contacted via phone at +852 2111 1123 for more detailed information. [read more]
很讚。二十四小時出入,價錢合理。員工態度很好. [read more]