Airlines Pilots share their Real Flight Experience With YOU!! 一班航空公司專業飛機師將帶你進入航空界的精采!!. [read more]
Zumba, Dee Dance Fitness, Pound Fit, Yoga, Meditation, Life Coaching and more! We aim to be your one-stop-shop holistic health solution for all!. [read more]
智留日本語教育中心位於土瓜灣,是一家提供小組日語課程(2-6人)的中心,並不時會介紹實用書藉以供預訂,及販賣日語二手書。(所有訂書服務每月15號截單,現貨則可立即安排交收) *部. [read more]
學校. [read more]
A premium learning centre at Shatin/TaiWai - focusing early childhood development and language learning at different levels from Kindergarten to Secondary. [read more]
Talentkids strive to give full exposure and training regime to young dancers in building up their ability across five continent of western dance style. [read more]
成立於2000年,專為0 - 18歲兒童提供一套高效能中文讀寫課程,課堂以粵語授課,著重提升聽、說、讀、寫四方面的能力。. [read more]
香港聖公會在香港及澳門設立的神學院, 矢志推動普及神學教育。 The theological college of HKSKH works for the training & education of all members of God’s Church in HK & Macau. . [read more]
愛望誠信 尊己立群 本著聖經的真理和原則,幫助學生成長,著重各方面均衡發展,建立良好品格及增進學科知識,並為升學就業作好準備。. [read more]
Many people attend our centre to learn Putonghua, Cantonese and English. This is a great way to make Korean friends as well as to learn about Korean language and culture. [read more]
弘德圍棋成立十餘年,在棋界享負盛名,學生獲奬無數,現於灣仔設立分院,弘揚圍棋,以教人之德. [read more]
本會係一個修練日本戶山流居合道及武士道精神的道場. 為全日本戸山流居合道連盟及日本劍術誠斬会所認可的香港支部. 為求希望可以將日本武術文化帶入香港, 本會會以日本傳統方式教學. [read more]
Updates the latest events of the Harpy Place, a unique platform for harp showroom and chamber harp performance. . [read more]
KidsCode IT Education 是一所為兒童提供程式設計課程的教育中心。辦學宗旨是透過生活化的方式向小朋友灌輸編寫程式時所需要的概念,幫助小朋友打好基礎,迎接未來世界的每一個挑戰。. [read more]
智研韓語學院 Wise College - 將外語融入生活 讓興趣創造前途 - 歡迎查詢,試堂! Tel: 37912192 Whatsapp: 56676170. [read more]
We are a group of dedicated designers and art educators. Our curriculum focuses mainly in the area of Digital Creative applications & thinking. . [read more]
電話: 62837073(棋棋) 53001507(Jackie) *預約後“經常“取消或更改時間者將會列入黑名單,不作另行通知*. [read more]
(屯門補習社)風穎教育[屯碼啟豐分校]- 英數中專科,補習班,專教梁周順琴小學、志豪小學、馮李佩瑤小學,學生得以超前十多名 最終保持全級十名和考進全級第一名. [read more]
舞團2015年成立,導師教學經驗豐富,致力發掘學童舞蹈興趣及潛能。 專業教授中國舞,爵士舞,北京舞蹈學院等級考試,澳洲聯邦爵士舞考試等. . . . . . . . [read more]
Kids Playhouse aims to provide a warm and stimulating environment for your children. . [read more]
樂天藝音樂教室乃一間集古典及流行樂器的音樂教室,導師們具有豐富教學經驗,為學生提供優質學習環境及表演機會,更保送皇家音樂學院及英國Rock School音樂考試。. [read more]
Vlingo圖語學於2018年成立,是創憶學坊屬下的圖像思考學習的教育中心。我們亦以「圖像思考及創意趣味學習」為宗旨,期望幼兒在學習文字上不再感到困難,並且從此愛上學習。. [read more]
We aim to provide first class ambience for our students. . [read more]
The most popular IB educational company in Hong Kong and globally. From 2017-18, we produced 11 45/45 students. Over 90% students reported a boost of 2+ levels overall. [read more]
WhatsApp: bit. ly/2vJtgBn 創憶學坊於2007年由梁簡祥先生成立,是首間將記憶技巧全面引入香港的教育機構。我們以「創意記憶趣味學習」為宗旨,期望幼兒學習文字不再困難,並且從此愛上學習。. [read more]
Miss CC Playgroup是一所嬰幼兒教育中心,主要課程包括 :嬰兒按摩班、親子Playgroup、學前預備班、各類幼兒興趣班。配合0-6歲嬰幼兒身心全面發展的專業課程。讓幼兒透過循序漸進中輕鬆愉快學習. [read more]
We are a group of young emerging musicians, passionate at sharing our music learning experience to students in a pleasant and stress-free environment. [read more]
台灣資深媒體專欄彩妝造型達人 董玉容Candy 教育訓練總監 進駐台北+香港教學中心親授 ~專業彩妝造型進修課程~ ~新娘秘書專業創業培訓~ 台北教學中心華山三創商圈. [read more]
讓兒童充分發揮創意; 以「兒童為本」作為教學理念 讓學生可發揮學習自主、跟據興趣,生活接觸與學生發揮畫作。 導師擁有專業經驗,新穎的教學技巧,讓學生充分發揮自己思維。 導師會. [read more]
【教授】或【訂購】任何低糖蛋糕甜品2d或3d蛋糕&中西小菜 網址︰www. cake1cake. com. hk 電郵︰info@cake1cake. com. hk whatsapp︰5400 8814 另設食品製造工埸 *取貨點及教室現已搬至佐敦港鐵站附近. [read more]
Enjoy learning. Learn to learn, learn to grow and grow to learn. 喜愛學習, 學會學習, 學習中成長, 成長中學習. . [read more]
德社 德社以進德修業為本,社色藍。藍有恬靜優雅,誠實磊落之意,以飛鶴為徽。鶴乃仙禽,壽永延年,形貌瀟灑,行止雋逸,如修身踐言,清高勵節之士,為時所稱頌也。. [read more]
加州花園商場 Candy Dance Academy is a school, located at 新界元朗加州花園商場一樓136&138, 00000 Hong Kong. They can be contacted via phone at 65019680 for more detailed information. [read more]
莊沛珩舞蹈團 總校: 屯門柏麗廣場17樓1709室 Room 1709 Parklane Square Tuen Mun N. T. 其他上課地點: 荃灣,粉嶺 報名熱線:92609790 Facebook:NC DG. [read more]
EF English Centers Sheung Shui is a school, located at 上水新豐路89-95號6樓. They can be contacted via phone at 26020398 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Founded in 2014 Écoutez Music Studio's mission is to transform lives through singing and theatre. Not focussing only on vocal techniques, we work to make the real-life benefits of theatre.. [read more]