是一間充滿温情的興趣實習西餅、蛋糕、酥餅、麵包及甜品教室。 由專業導師本著熱誠的服務態度,與您建立一個亦師亦友的關係。 詳情可瀏覽http://www. aromaso. com 或親臨本公司查詢. [read more]
The True Light Middle School of Hong Kong is a Protestant girls secondary school located on Hong Kong Island. In addition to secondary education, the school has a kindergarten section and a.. [read more]
Teach with Heart Dance with Heart 用心栽培 因材施教 成就更大的舞台. [read more]
本專頁只用於發放本園不同的校園通訊,分享學生校園生活。因此,我們不會為任何留言作出回應,若有任何惡意的留言,我們亦會即時關閉,謝謝!. [read more]
Master of Arts in Religious Studies 宗教研究文學碩士課程. [read more]
Rebel-utionary tools for accessing world languages, engaging visual, tactile and kinaesthetic senses that clarify native tones and pronunciation--- (talk to Tiff). [read more]
Musical Instrumental Training提供專業樂器訓練: Winds 管樂, Strings 弦樂, Piano 鋼琴, Chamber Music Training室內樂合奏訓練 Music Theory Grade 5-8 & Dip Retail Instruments. [read more]
Viva Dance專業拉丁舞學院由香港傳奇拉丁舞精英運動員吳森雋及林惠怡主理,培育無數港隊精英,薪火相傳. [read more]
Bilok Creative Kindergarten is a school, located at G/F, Block 1, Fu Ning Garden, Tseung Kwan O. , Hang Hau. They can be contacted via phone at 27027188 for more detailed information. [read more]
逢星期六下午3:00係基督書院315室,歡迎大家一齊黎參加. [read more]
活力創新新領導, I. C. A. C. 全做到! 請多多支持&follow我地【 I. C. A. C. 】啦 :-D. [read more]
堅持小班教學 增強學習成效 配合遊戲教具 激發學習動機 制定學習目標 緊貼個人進度教授 多元化應用題 全面切合小學需要. [read more]
Easy Peasy is led by three well-experienced native English speaking teachers. Classes starts from 12months or above. . [read more]
The official page of 2013-2014 CNEC Christian College Student Council - Spectrum. [read more]
透過音樂活動,有教無類,栽培下一代多方面的發展. [read more]
香港跆拳道委員會 (ITF) Hong Kong Taekwon-Do Concil,並獲國際跆拳道聯盟 維也納ITF總部發出委任狀正式委任為香港地區唯一官方代表組織。. [read more]
LRSM高級演奏文憑女導師Miss Chiu 上門教授各級鋼琴/伴奏/樂理 九龍或新界區上門授課 WhatsApp/Phone: 6190 2492 歡迎直接來電查詢. [read more]
Ms Leung - 全職演奏級鋼琴老師於何文田教授鋼琴及樂理, 位於何文田廣場, 佛光街地段, 近公開大學, 欣圖軒, 皓畋, ONE HOMANTIN, 御龍居, 雅利德樺臺, 俊民苑, 天鑄和君逸山, 電90306510. [read more]
8級鋼琴, 理工大學學士畢業,10年教琴經驗,可以上門教琴 (紅磡/土瓜灣/黃埔/九龍城/九龍灣), 上堂時間穩定 http://pianotutor-miss-yau. blogspot. com/ Email: pianotutor_missyau@yahoo. com. hk Tel: 60825354. [read more]
You have a piano sitting at home, collecting dust and you need some help on what to do next? I can help you to pick-up your piano learning!. [read more]
Legal training always is the crucial difference. www. hklti. hk. [read more]
Cake decoration tools and materials retailer and wholesaler 蛋糕裝飾物料零售及批發 PME training centre PME證書課程培訓中心. [read more]
本校校訓:至真至善(Agathos & Aletheia) 本校是一所浸信會中學,秉承基督教精神辦學,旨在培養學生整全人格,躬行實踐「至真至善」的校訓。透過廣泛課程,灌輸各樣學科知識及技能;組織多元化的課外活動,讓學生參與,啟發學生潛質;學校亦與家長保持緊密聯繫,共同合作,培育學生成長,使能獨立思考,明辨是非,學會與人相處,勇於承擔責任。. [read more]
中英數補習. [read more]
Discover the exciting world of flower arranging. . . . . [read more]
迦密唐賓南紀念中學2013-2014年度學生會候選內閣~唐兄妹~. [read more]
Eye Level (previously known as E. nopi) is an international education program that was established about 30 years ago and now has over 2. 5 million children. [read more]
Eye Level 導師會透徹了解不同學生的學習需要,根據他們的能力及學習進度,為孩子提供最適切的指導,從而令孩子得到最大的裨益。. [read more]
校訓 : 聖經 理智 經驗. [read more]
Kiangsu-Chekiang College is one of the secondary schools in Shatin District of Hong Kong. HistoryThe school is one of the four schools established by the Kiangsu & Chekiang Residents.. [read more]
Carpio Music represents the full musical experience in Education, Performance, Production and Recording. In our hearts, music is an art form that needs to be nurtured and educated on a.. [read more]
學校. [read more]
致力為中小學學員提供優質的學術專科課程。全方位提升學員在學習旅途上的各種能力,培養良好的「讀書感」,增強自信心,挑戰自我,並向著清晰的目標前進。. [read more]
A group of people dedicated to the perfection of martial arts; to develop the art of fighting and to build character. . [read more]
We teach life, not just knowledge - building up students' confidence & good character. 我們不單教授知識, 更是建立兒童的自信及良好品格。. [read more]
Prof du LFI de HK ouvre une maternelle à Central www. wonderfulcreation. org/playgroup Venez nombreux à notre open day le 24 mars à 15h !!. [read more]