Atom Academy aims to encourage and nurture the unique characteristics of each child. Through diverse and innovative teaching methods, children will build self esteem, enhance creativity and.. [read more]
RAW FOOD cooking classes and Events. [read more]
香港專業肚皮舞學院 Professional Belly Dance School in Hong Kong. [read more]
語言*遊樂場(언어 놀이터)提供多元化的韓語及普通話語言培訓課程. 歡迎致電95820032 / 51838687查詢. [read more]
Peak School is an coeducational preparatory school, located on Plunkett's Road on Victoria Peak, Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong. The school is one of around twenty institutions in Hong Kong operated.. [read more]
Swoosh English is a premier English eLearning service brought to you by a team of fully qualified and experience UK native English teachers. . [read more]
Certified Social Work Supervisor Training Course. [read more]
Monkey Tree Northpoint. [read more]
63 Tai Yip Street, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong. [read more]
Arcanuz, the 29th Executive Committee of Religion and Philosophy Society, HKBU. [read more]
香港浸會大學普通話辯論隊創立于2000年,在九角盃、港臺盃、人電盃、廉政盃各大比賽中均有不俗表現,是一支有傳統、有理念、凝聚力極強的實力團隊。 現任隊長為17届汤嘉伟. [read more]
香港浸會大學饒宗頤國學院 Hong Kong Baptist University Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology is a school, located at 香港九龍塘聯福道34號逸夫行政樓7樓. They can be contacted via phone at +852-34116655 for more detailed information. [read more]
The aim of the course is to provide free lessons for improving the language skills of the students. We have very broad entry criteria, basically students from disadvantaged family.. [read more]
保良局田家炳校友會 is a school, located at 新界大埔第六區運頭塘村, 852 Hong Kong. They can be contacted via phone at 26521222 for more detailed information. . [read more]
優化教學 成就雋才. [read more]
保良局梁周順琴小學 is a school, located at 新界屯門湖景村小學校舍第三座. They can be contacted via phone at 2467-8107 for more detailed information. . [read more]
簡介. . . . . . . xdd. [read more]
學校攤位 https://www. facebook. com/PLKCWCHU 學生會 http://home. plkcwc. edu. hk/special/2013-2014/su2013/ 校友會 www. facebook. com/PLKCWCAlumni. [read more]
2017-2018 PLK83 Proposed Student Union Cabinet ✯We are Lumos, Shed Light on the Darkness✯. [read more]
香港公開大學第三屆學生會編輯委員會 - 言志 The 3rd OUHK Students’ Union Editorial Board - Insight. [read more]
香港公開大學內地學生學者聯誼會,為來港就讀的內地生提供全方位資訊和幫助。. [read more]
本會致力成為香港公開大學學生踏入投資及金融世界的平台,希望能以專業,年輕,充滿活力的形象,向同學分享有關投資的心得和經驗。. [read more]
The Department of Marketing aspires to be internationally recognized for excellence in teaching and research and for providing innovative marketing education in the Asia-Pacific region. [read more]
Anthropology Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). [read more]
學生自治、獨立自主 本會根據2014年全民投票結果,堅持2017年特首選舉提名方法必須具有公民提名或其元素。. [read more]
-木結他/木箱鼓/夏威夷小結他班 -流行音樂課程 (電結他/流行鼓/低音結他) -古典音樂課程(鋼琴/色士風/單簧管/樂理課程) -多款優惠樂器零售 -鼓房/琴房租用 -樂隊表演/外展課程/樂器租用. [read more]
The Court of First Instance of the High Court of the Hong Kong Administrative Region is the lower court of the High Court of Hong Kong, the upper court being the Court of Appeal. [read more]
Medschool is a platform for medical students to exchange knowledge and to share resources. Some useful learning skills and medical news can be found here. [read more]
知識庫「小學中文專科 口碑相傳」 我們提供中文閱讀理解、寫作及普通話訓練課程。課程系統全面,小組教學,愉快學習,助學生有效率地提升中文水平。中心遍佈港九新界,深受家長支持!. [read more]
- 補習班 - 功課輔導班 - 中文專科班 (普通話/廣東話) - 英普playgroup - 拼音班 - 會話班 (兒童/成人) - 專業老師 (語文大學畢業, 外國大學畢業). [read more]
將軍澳寶琳慧安商場地下A105號鋪 (廁所後面) Tel: 23359451 我們的服務: 定期提供英文/興趣小組 以生命影響生命 以協助兒童和青少年發揮無限創意. [read more]
聖安多尼學校St. Anthony's School位於中西區小學校網,創立於1963年,辦學團體為鮑思高慈幼會,校訓:「篤信博愛 Sincerity, faith, compassion and love」。. [read more]
Queen's College 33rd Student Council Candidate Party —Ventus. [read more]
Welcome to the official Facebook page of the Department of Mathematics, HKU. [read more]
葉氏小提琴老師,學生在第68, 67, 66屆學校音樂節中,共獲得61, 52和43個獎項(包括冠,亞,季軍),隨著名小提琴教授張世祥教授,黃輔棠教授,楊寶智教授,關文輝副教授學習小提琴教學法。. [read more]