Itamomo Plus 意樂餐廳 is a restaurant, located at Shop 2A, G/F, Hoi Fu Shopping Centre, 2 Hoi Ting Rd. They can be contacted via phone at +85224818968 for more detailed information. [read more]
意樂餐廳 Cafe de Itamomo - 東涌 is a restaurant, located at 東涌迎東路1號迎東邨地下2號舖, 0000 Tung Chung. They can be contacted via phone at 2453-3100 for more detailed information. [read more]
肥牛火鍋海鮮酒家 is a restaurant, located at 旺角山東街32號C舖. They can be contacted via phone at 2770-2633 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Route Twisk is a steep and tortuous dual-lane road in Hong Kong, linking Tsuen Wan and Pat Heung via Shek Kong. It joins Kam Tin Road and Lam Kam Road north in Kam Tin, and ends in the Tsuen.. [read more]
識飲既. . . 一定去Fans Club Bass. [read more]
浪漫優閒,美酒音樂地中海西餐. [read more]
我們是一間本地西餐廳,簡樸的環境伴隨寫意無憂的心情,與家人或友人享用一頓美味的飯餐,確實令人賞心悅目. [read more]
至尊惹味雞煲火鍋 總共7種鍋底,新鮮火鍋配料 雞煲無限食,食完再加雞! 屯門全星期營業。 元朗則逢星期三晚休息 重申!! 本公司不設任何訂台服務!! 只接受電話或親臨拎飛, 拎飛不等同BOOK. [read more]
接受訂位,營業時間下午5點至凌晨2點. [read more]
夜燒遙 is a restaurant, located at 長沙灣元州街162-188號天悅廣場地下CB1號舖, 852 Hong Kong. They can be contacted via phone at 56695922 for more detailed information. . [read more]
餃子是我們中國傳統的賀年食品,已經有5000年的文化,本店希望誠心誠意製作,新鮮的食材及優質的出品,讓更多人認識這種健康,傳統而千變萬化的食品。. [read more]
Japanese Restaurant. [read more]
漁樂 Lime Fish is a restaurant, located at 將軍澳尚德廣場 205 號舖. They can be contacted via phone at 852 2572 8200 for more detailed information. . [read more]
點子是一間波點主題的日式班戟咖啡店,「點子」除了是Little Dot的意思,也是指Idea,店主通過簡單的創意造出不平凡的味道,在香港這個繁忙都市中為甜品愛好者帶來一點小清新。. [read more]
Hong Kong's leading producer of delicious guilt-free Paleo treats. Big selection of gluten-free, dairy-free, grain-free, flour less, no refined sugars GOODIES. [read more]
正宗桂林米粉,品味一流,滿滿回憶. [read more]
「茶檔」是香港開埠以來首個能代表香港自家創新餐飲文化的經典食肆,五十年代初的香港,以貿易港的定位吸引了不少外國人來港經商,中環商業區一帶出現大量高級西餐廳,60後的香港人或許對「告羅士打」、「ABC」等西餐廳還有印象,但初期高級西餐廳主要服務稱為「大班」的洋行老闆,那一般的打工仔白領可以食什麼呢?那個年代一些「綠鐵皮攤檔」,即「茶檔」開始出現,這些食肆,𣊬間從中環的小角落開遍全港各區,成為上一代的meeting place。及後政府立例控制,要求這些攤檔必須領取牌照,並要求攤檔必須把牌照掛在當眼處,所以持牌茶檔被稱為「大牌檔」,而當時的檔口都是並排經營,所以「大排檔」的叫法也隨之出現了。說回當年一排過的茶檔提供了不同組合的美食,上午有粥、油條、奶茶、多士、三文治;中午有蒸飯、燒味;晚上更有小炒、海鮮、夜宵和糖水,但八十年代初市政局礙於市容衛生消防等問題,停止發出新「大牌檔」的牌照,取而代之的「冰室」陸續出現,時而至今的「茶餐廳」,就是昔日大排檔的縮影。. [read more]
我們會為這個新地點加入更多咖啡原素,請大家密切留意我們的更新!. [read more]
Hi this Mr. korea chicken in Hong kong Mon-Sat Lunch 12:00-3:00 Dinner 5:00-12:00 Working time 12pm-12am. [read more]
韓先生定地為你搜羅韓國最新最熱賣的食品及產品,由產地直送。. [read more]
美心MX - 創業中心 is a restaurant, located at 香港德輔道西 402-404 號創業中心地下 G76-G78 及 G84-G88 號舖, N/A Shek Tong Tsui. They can be contacted via phone at 2857-2910 for more detailed information. [read more]
美心Food², Telford Plaza, Kowloon. [read more]
Peking Garden is a restaurant, located at Shop 201, 2/F, Cityplaza 2, 18 Taikoo Shing Rd. They can be contacted via phone at +85228844131 for more detailed information. [read more]
Icafe tst is a restaurant, located at 尖沙咀東麼地道67號半島中心1樓115號舖, 852 Hong Kong. They can be contacted via phone at 85223127668 for more detailed information. [read more]
Located in Causeway Bay, less than 10 minutes walking distance from Time Square Old Shanghai style, music bar and restaurant venue. [read more]
Opening Hours: 11:30am - 11pm (Last order: 10pm). [read more]
A stylish dine room that provide western food; pasta, sandwich and fresh salad. . [read more]
公司聚餐、試酒會、咖啡品嘗沖泡工作坊、茶文化欣賞、婚宴活動、雞尾酒會、包場派對、生日派對…等等 到會或遞送, 在我們的場地或戶外,我們都可以為您提供優質的餐飲服務。. [read more]
8月中旬開張!Dining Gusto 吉士. 忌廉意式餐廳為大家提供價廉物美的意大利美食,透過美味可口的食物帶給每一個顧客幸福. . [read more]
Maxim's Jade Garden 美心.翠園 is a restaurant, located at Unit 8T010, Departures Check-in Hall Mezzanine, Level 8, Terminal 1 International Airport, 1 Sky Plaza Rd. [read more]
豪利茶餐廳 is a restaurant, located at 中環皇后大道中142-146號金利商業大廈地下C及D舖. They can be contacted via phone at 2525-5613 for more detailed information. . [read more]
小食, 粉麵/米線. [read more]
英記燒臘茶餐小廚 Ying Kee Restaurant is a restaurant, located at 西環皇后大道西554號地下, N/A Hong Kong. They can be contacted via phone at +852 28188373 for more detailed information. [read more]
Be a part of the center #芝士奶蓋金鳳茶王 #foodie #雞尾酒 #teacircle #teacocktail #royaltea #旺角 #芝士奶蓋 #皇茶 #suntory #皇茶 #winniethepooh #anchor #foodblogger #珍珠奶茶 #東方美人茶 #玉露茶 #凍頂烏龍茶. [read more]
It's good, it's warm, it's friendly! Welcome to La Grande Bouffe!. [read more]
Route 83就係代表廣福道嘅83號 係一間美式公路主題餐廳 大部分嘅醬料同食物都係由廚師親自調製 漢堡、薄餅、各色醬料等,都充滿著我地嘅心意�. [read more]