Kuma Sushi is a restaurant, located at Shop 4, G/F, 276 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay. They can be contacted via phone at +85291721167 for more detailed information. [read more]
12時間じっくり煮込んだ魚介豚骨ラーメン 12 hours slow cook pork soup Japanese ramen. [read more]
Limewood is a mix of our favorite South East Asian, Hawaiian, South American and Caribbean flavors centered around barbecued seafood and meats. . [read more]
Chateau @ Central 主要食物為生蠔, fusion 西餐! 法國紅酒等等. . . . . . opening hour: mon-sat 11:00-2:00 public holiday & sun: 16:00-2:00. [read more]
Subway Sandwich. [read more]
稻庭養助, 稻庭うどん, 炉端燒 - 紅磡 is a restaurant, located at 紅磡黃埔新邨民泰街27號地下A1舖, 0000 Hong Kong. They can be contacted via phone at 2393 8355 for more detailed information. [read more]
Uncle Pizza, Pasta & Grill is a restaurant, located at 25 Elgin Street SoHo Central, 0000 Hong Kong. They can be contacted via phone at +852 26832188 for more detailed information. [read more]
香港葫同日式燒肉的第一家分店,座落於上環港鐵站外的禧利街,主打日式燒烤。. [read more]
鐵板燒和菊 Wagiku Teppanyaki以為顧客提供高級新派日式鐵板燒為宗旨的餐廳。一眾資深大廚務求帶給食客一次難忘的味覺享受為首要目標!所有食材皆由日本等地每天空運到港,保證新鮮!. [read more]
Green Ocean Seafood is a restaurant, located at 108, Kam Tin Road, Kam Tin, Yuen Long District. They can be contacted via phone at +852 9738 2196 for more detailed information. [read more]
Café&meal MUJI 又一城 is a restaurant, located at 九龍塘達之路80號又一城 Shop LG 1-30. They can be contacted via phone at 2265-8232 for more detailed information. . [read more]
想歎盡環球鮮蠔? 想知品嚐生蠔要訣? 在這裡我們將與蠔粉分享蠔情資訊和海鮮樂事,快按LIKE成為fans啦!. [read more]
前新樂海鮮酒家,開業五十多年。傳統懷舊粵菜,現場即製點心,明爐燒味。. [read more]
Wonderful Factory 提供繁囂都市中嘅小綠洲。由朝到晚提供性價比高嘅選擇。由朝早必須嘅咖啡,到lunch set 同下午茶一應俱全。晚間仲有包場服務,可以按馬上預訂預約。 Menu : https://www. yumpu. com/s/dR. [read more]
芝麻開門甜品專門店 is a restaurant, located at 九龍旺角大南街35號地下B鋪(太子地鐵站C出口),. Hong Kong. They can be contacted via phone at +85223922382 for more detailed information. [read more]
三代橋日本料理是元朗田中的新品牌,秉承我們多年堅持的經營理念再配合舒適簡約的風格打造而成,務求帶給每位客人「滿足」的餐飲體驗! We want to bring you the "satisfied" dining experience!. [read more]
來自重慶的味道. [read more]
UNO DUO TRIO - Lana's Italian Home-cooking. [read more]
小店專營台式手工芋圓/沙冰/梳乎厘pancake/小食/飲品 大廚每日用心製作,選料嚴謹,Tarone 芋圓一希望帶給客人滿滿的幸福感覺。. [read more]
We make the Biggest Pizza in Hong Kong!. [read more]
海斯植物奶系列產品均是純天然、不添加色素及防腐劑。 針對不同人士需要,加入不同天然成份,營養豐富。如果對牛奶過敏、有乳糖不耐症,或敏感性皮膚人士,均可飲用。. [read more]
One Michelin Star・Molecular Chinese Cuisine・Modern Comfort Food・Innovative Dishes・Freshest Ingredients・Unique Experience. [read more]
讓大家可以品嘗到新發用心制造地美食和真誠的table services. [read more]
Roasty House is a restaurant, located at Shop 3, G/F, Greenland Garden, 3 Hong Kong. They can be contacted via phone at +852 2601 1308 for more detailed information. [read more]
盤裝派對到會. [read more]
翠華餐廳(香港仔) is a restaurant, located at 香港仔香港仔舊大街108-116號地下, Aberdeen. They can be contacted via phone at 2552 6998 for more detailed information. . [read more]
There is a time for drink and a time for enjoy. 營業時間 17:30-06:00. [read more]
Shake shake 薯條就食得多, 自由配搭調味嘅炸雞你又食過未? 美式炸雞店- Chok雞 即叫即炸的🐣和小食, 配上多種🎖自家製🏅的調味粉 任您Mix & Match😋 如有查詢歡迎致電 63843640 (Kenneth). [read more]
上環東南亞美食 is a restaurant, located at 上環信德中心西座3樓澳門廣場3019室. They can be contacted via phone at 28589029 for more detailed information. . [read more]
丼丼亭是來自日本大阪的一間天丼專門店,旨在以慰心的價錢,為顧客提供高品質及正宗的天婦羅丼。2015年10月丼丼亭於香港第一間分店正式開幕,希望為香港的市民帶來全新的日本餐飲體驗。. [read more]
餐廳裝潢走型格路線,較受歡迎的菜式有火車頭湯河、生蝦刺身及軟殼蟹米紙卷。. [read more]
A Japanese Ramen Restaurant. [read more]
一碗小麵 is a restaurant, located at 紅磡寶其利街59-67號寶威大廈地下3號舖, 999077 Hong Kong. They can be contacted via phone at 2392 8377 for more detailed information. . [read more]
A cocktail bar & restaurant at The Pottinger Hotel is a modern take on the colonial influences of Hong Kong. Indoor & outdoor space available. . [read more]
百份百自己製 流心玉子义燒拉麵 牛脷玉子拉麵 鹽燒厚牛舌 魚生丼 特製炸雞 長沙灣深水埗區之友 特價午市飯盒$30-38 學生特價飯盒$18 即叫即做 對迎 Whatsapp 外賣98533166. [read more]
【千味燒】主要經營燒烤食品,及地方特色小食,價格合理,品種繁多。【千味燒】為確保質量,及食品特色,每一樣出產食品都以自家獨有秘方腌制及調味,別具風味。. [read more]