Hanare is a restaurant, located at 中環德輔道中68號萬宜大廈302號舖. They can be contacted via phone at 61360898 for more detailed information. . [read more]
陳儀興飯店 is a restaurant, located at 九龍 崇齡街 40號地下, 852 Hong Kong. They can be contacted via phone at +852 2321 5398 for more detailed information. . [read more]
越斗,越南湯粉小食店 位置於荃灣四坡坊,千色滙附近 營業時間早上11點至晚上9點. [read more]
古早味-澎湖台灣 地址:九龍紅磡民泰街1-25號地下B1舖 古早是從閩南語衍生而來的台灣俚語 一般是形容令人懷念的事物。多用來形容食物用傳統做法、有傳統風味的意思。. [read more]
泰國人主理的泰菜. [read more]
獨家秘方~魔鬼辣雞煲~ 全日新鮮烹調獨家魔鬼椒雞煲, 挑戰你的菊花 餐廳地址: 新界元朗鳳攸南街3號好順景大廈1座地址47號店 訂座電話/Whatsapp: https://api. whatsapp. com/send?phone=85298566034. [read more]
Teishoku 8 (Chelsea Heights) is a restaurant, located at 1號 石排頭 徑. They can be contacted via phone at +85226559478 for more detailed information. . [read more]
專營新鮮果汁, 特式果籃, 代客預訂高級水果 地址:深水埗 福榮街營盤街交界,美居中心地下49a2鋪. [read more]
美味館 · 泰之味 is a restaurant, located at 沙田馬鞍山新港城第三期城下1號, 001 Hong Kong. They can be contacted via phone at 24137413 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Including family style recipes with a twist, ARIA will take you on a delectable culinary journey to a modern Italian ristorante. . [read more]
堂食, 外賣. [read more]
擂茶館. Ricetea HK is a restaurant, located at 九龍大角咀海泓道富榮花園11座地下46號, 0000 Hong Kong. They can be contacted via phone at +85266901770 for more detailed information. [read more]
The Boathouse overlooking Stanley Bay is one of seafront spot's most popular dining landmarks. . [read more]
蛇王芬創立於1895年,以食蛇聞名。2019年和天天集團合作共同創立四季芬芳by蛇王芬作為品牌副線,這個新品牌很快將在2020年3月在沙田新城市廣場推出。. [read more]
任飲任食任追雞煲火鍋$168,午市精選小菜套餐$58起. [read more]
�電話訂座�加一服務費�VIP房�切餅費. [read more]
With a specially curated menu inspired by the seasons, 181 is a unique new dining destination at Fortnum & Mason set in Victoria Dockside’s K11 MUSEA. [read more]
豪景花園(HongKong Garden),是香港新界荃灣青龍頭的一項大型物業,由華懋集團發展,全屋苑分3期發展,共28座,合共提供2830個單位。背景資料豪景花園最初落成時建的4座,並沒有命名。但第5-28座,卻以各英文字母為首的名稱排名: (豪景花園的5-18座及原19座(15座除外)的中文及英文名稱均與同一發展商的沙田富豪花園各座的座名相同。)樓宇翻新豪景花園的第三期19至21座及27、28座共五座樓宇空置多年,於2002年及2010年出售前進行樓宇翻新,入伙前19-21座改名為傲庭峰、27及28座改名為御濤·凱濤。傲庭峰翻新包括地下大堂,電梯大堂及單位內的廚廁設備。御濤·凱濤則全幢大廈進行翻新,包括外牆設計及將單位內的設備用料升級,如新樓一樣,但有某些地方仍屬舊式設計。銷售年期最長的私人屋苑豪景花園落成後,銷售單位超過25年以上仍然有一手貨尾單位,直到2013年還有少量高層貨尾單位於27座(御濤)及28庭(凱濤)仍未賣出,屋苑的售樓模型多年來一直都放在屋苑內的商場內,而售樓處於2013年3月已遷往荃灣如心廣場,豪景花園已成為全港銷售年期最長的私人屋苑。由於貨尾單位仍然無人問津,發展商決定把這些單位轉售為租。2015年2月18日,華懋集團上載全新第三期售樓書,顯示剩餘5伙,為27座及28座頂層。2016月6月10日,豪景花園最後一個位於第28座23樓B室的貨尾單位以1,991. [read more]
滬江飯店 is a restaurant, located at 銅鑼灣波斯富街99號利舞臺廣場17樓B室. They can be contacted via phone at 25061018 for more detailed information. . [read more]
CoCo's Ichibanya Curry House is a restaurant, located at 北谷町北前一丁目10番3, Okinawa-shi, Okinawa, Japan 904-0101. They can be contacted via phone at +81 (98) 926-1851 for more detailed information. [read more]
Gogi Korean-American Street Food is a restaurant, located at Shop B G/F Winning Heights 277-287 Castle Peak Road Tsuen Wan. [read more]
Coffee Lover @ SST Charity Café. [read more]
失傳了20年的懷舊風味. [read more]
位於天水圍站的越南小店,由越南華僑主理。�希望大家係香港食到地道的家庭式越南菜. [read more]
Hong Kong City Hall is a building located at Edinburgh Place, Central, Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong. Since Hong Kong is a "Special Administrative Region" and not a normal Chinese city, there is.. [read more]
美味牛腩,牛雜,雞煲。. [read more]
Yung Kee is a Chinese restaurant located on Wellington Street in Central, Hong Kong. It is most famous for its roast goose. HistoryIn 1938, Kam Shui-fai began selling siu mei at a dai pai dong.. [read more]
中菜,海鮮,小炒. [read more]
Subway"tsuen Wan" is a restaurant, located at 荃灣荃興徑13-23號荃發大廈地下E鋪, 852 Hong Kong. They can be contacted via phone at 3428 5329 for more detailed information. [read more]
『Uniboil Point 煮道熱點』銷售『Uniboil 煮道』便捷快餐系列品牌產品,系列涵蓋各階層的消費者,產品主要以無火自熱飯盒及無火自熱火鍋為主。. [read more]
上海維記 is a restaurant, located at 9A 水街西營盤. They can be contacted via phone at +85236187709 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Meow mi home is a restaurant, located at 2/F, Kiu Kin Building, 566-568 Nathan Rd, 000000 Hong Kong. They can be contacted via phone at 68326990 for more detailed information. [read more]
保留傳統中菜的風味,以創新手法打造極具個人風格的「中菜小館」,融合西式的特色,呈現「中菜西食」的菜式,打破中菜一向予人傳統老派的形象,成為一家三代、朋友共享的聚腳點。. [read more]
利萊餐廳 is a restaurant, located at 大埔墟懷義街12號. They can be contacted via phone at 22371717 for more detailed information. . [read more]
樂聚裕滿、真味人家。. [read more]
Poke’n Roll ������� Bringing you delicious, healthy Asian-touch Hawaiian Poke �� #happyfood (星期六、日、公眾假期休息). [read more]