請到網頁http://www. lammabaliresort. com 查看房間資料和圖片,不接受留言及inbox預定 預定請電話聯絡客戶服務員. [read more]
Come stay with us at our various Properties across Hong Kong and have an amazing experience. Book on Facebook now and message us for any queries. Address:- 2/F, H, New Lucky House Jordan. [read more]
B5 - New look for A Uber Stay. [read more]
The distance until success!!! I wish you be always filled with Happiness!!! 幸せを掴む 成功の鍵 . [read more]
店主現正在韓國長期定居, 為大家帶來最新最潮的韓國生活百貨,LIKE我們專頁,我們會舉行激抵團購! 所有貨品韓國空運到港 信心保證!. [read more]
Tagus Residences, at No. 8 Ventris Road, is a property designed with the modern urbanite in mind. All apartments are for lease only. . [read more]
摩星嶺青年旅舍 is a lodging, located at 薄扶林摩星嶺徑123號. They can be contacted via phone at 27881638 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Olea Malasiqui Pang. is a lodging, located at Hong Kong. [read more]
本酒店套房全新裝修,設備完善,致力為旅客提供優質的住宿服務。 住游行渡假賓館位於香港主要旅遊區,鄰近香港熱門的旅遊景點 女人街(通菜街)、電器街 (西洋菜街)、波鞋街(洗衣街). [read more]
The Hongkong Hotel was Hong Kong's first luxury hotel modelled after sumptuous London hotels. It opened on Queen's Road and Pedder Street in 1868, later expanding into the Victoria Harbour.. [read more]
Fish Bar is located on Level 7 of JW Marriott Hotel Hong Kong Lunch - Monday to Sunday, 12pm to 3pm Dinner - Monday to Sunday, 6pm to 10:30pm Call 2810 8366 for reservations. [read more]
蘋果酒店 (銅鑼灣) 是一所迷你便利型格酒店, 設計現代化及簡約 , 房間提供免費無線寬頻上網。座落於繁華的銅鑼灣區 - 購物及娛樂心臟地帶, 連接各大型交通樞紐,與港鐵僅咫尺之隔。. [read more]
入境團 - 香港地接﹝商務會議、獎勵旅遊、遊學團、自由行;三不團操作:不進店,不車販,不賣自費。﹞。出境團 - 香港同胞。. [read more]
沖繩喜璃癒志酒店集團,酒店遍佈那霸市(Urban Resort, LCH)、恩納(Ocean Spa, Exes Spa)及石垣島(Ishigaki Exes),另提供教堂(Chapel Diamond Ocean)婚禮服務。歡迎查詢:reservehk@kariyushi. co. jp. [read more]
全新裝修 15間不同主題房間 房內設施齊全精心打做 更設有浴缸房 60吋投射銀幕 睇戲一流 還可為客人準備香檳於房內享受 整潔度一流 務求令客人盡情歡樂 (�需18歲以上入住). [read more]
Well-equipped with the brand-new interior décor together with the elegant designed rooms and suites, M1 Hotel Mong Kok expresses our greatest care to all guests by offering all-rounded.. [read more]
Nestled in the heart of Kowloon, Hakkas is home to a community of the city's best and most vibrant urban life. 嘉應賓館位於九龍中心地帶。供你在購物之後,先把戰利品存放賓館,稍事休息,再繼續血拚!. [read more]
樂棧位於佐敦,一個極受旅客和香港市民歡迎的地方,你可以找到香港最獨特和傳統的文化,Tempo In以音樂和舒適寫意作為主題,在大堂和房間的佈置,都是精心為你預備。. [read more]
Skyzone Deck & Lounge 星域酒廊 is a lodging, located at 30/F Rosedale Hotel Kowloon, 86 Tai Kok Tsui Rd. They can be contacted via phone at +85239198338 for more detailed information. [read more]
Welcome to the Asia’s World city of Hong Kong. ECO Tree Hotel offers 85 well-furnished rooms and suites to provide guests with comfortable accommodation. [read more]
Auto Check in/ out Hostel. [read more]
小動物寄養及用品送貨服務 Pet hotel. [read more]
Marriott Hotel Hong Kong Ocean Park 香港海洋公园万豪酒店 is a lodging, located at 香港黃竹坑道180號. They can be contacted via phone at +85235551688 for more detailed information. [read more]
Hong Kong most comfortable and convenient private guesthouse at an attractive price. - Located above Jordan MTR - All rooms has A/C, private bathroom, wireless internet and TV. [read more]
兀 (讀音pi)是數學圓周率(22/7)的代號。若將 兀 寫成小數形式,小數點後有著無限個數字,並且不會循環。這正與 兀 Club 的理念「人生無盡可能」同出一徹與會員共勉。. [read more]
旺角維景酒店 is a lodging, located at 香港九龍旺角荔枝角道22號 (太子地鐵站C2出口). They can be contacted via phone at 2397 6683 for more detailed information. . [read more]
聘 酒店餐飲炒散 男女兼職18-66歲 一星期 出糧 酒店、會所、金鐘、尖沙咀反工 包膳食 $65-80hr 季節性 有興趣 可 whatsap 我53007430. [read more]
Interpreting old Hong Kong stories, meanwhile melding with contemporary and innovative style, M1 Hotel North Point presents you a distinctive home away from your home, providing splendid.. [read more]
一間位於九龍市中心跟時代並進的酒店. [read more]
The Bauhinia has 4 Boutique Hotels and 2 Serviced Apartments with different designs and styles in Central, Tsim Sha Tsui, Shenzhen and Guangzhou. . [read more]
海逸國際酒店集團旗下的海逸美食會. [read more]
We are FULLY LICENSED guest house that is conveniently located above Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Subway Station. . [read more]
露營場地 酒店度假村. [read more]
Situated in LKF – the hub of HK’s most vibrant restaurants,bars&clubs, it caters to biz & leisure travellers, put you right in the city’s centre of action. [read more]
Mansion G Hotel 係一間由一班香港90後管理及營運的時鐘酒店,我們明白到香港年青人性空間不足的問題,致力提供一個整潔、舒適的私人空間俾香港年青人與伴侶盡情享受歡樂時光。. [read more]
天地酒店乃德兴集团管理有限公司的附属公司,于尖沙咀和旺角设有酒店业务,致力为商务及观光旅客提供舒适方便的优质住宿和服务。. [read more]