SeaApe識飲識食專區. [read more]
Healthy Lifestyle & Naturally 健康、自在、充滿樂趣的生活,成為人們追求的理想目標。 我們必須要有強健的體魄,才能自在地享受人生的樂趣!HN DANCE HOUSE 提供優質的設備、專業導師、多元化課程. [read more]
EMS Yoga Academy is a school, located at 九龍觀塘開源道72-76號溢財中心7樓706室. They can be contacted via phone at 6061 7787 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Physiotherapy and Fitness Centre. [read more]
Staria Rhythmic Gymnastics & performing Arts Academy. [read more]
Hong Kong Park Sports Centre is a gym, located at 29 Cotton Tree Dr. [read more]
石糖咀體育館 is a gym, located at 香港皇后大道西470號,石塘咀市政大廈5至6樓, 852 Shek Tong Tsui. They can be contacted via phone at 2858 0541 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Organix Concept is an award-winning design & manufacturing company specialize in health & fitness elect. [read more]
•Personal Training •Fat loss, strength & conditioning, hypertrophy •私人教練(1對1,小組,學生) •減肥,增肌,力量/體能訓練 •Terrystrong1 for 10% off of supplements below. [read more]
Wonder Woman Club(WWC) 屬Power.. [read more]
Dark Horse Athletic Conditioning uses traditional and modern strength training methods, martial arts and Western & Chinese soft tissue release techniques. [read more]
Address :Unit B 3/F, Cheung Wah Bldg , 10-12 Shipyard Lane , Quarry Bay Tel : 2642 0338 whatsapp: 5308 2810 Email :xbattlemuaythai@gmail. com. [read more]
亞洲最大運動健身器材製造商,專業生產家用跑步機,橢圓機及健身單車運動器材等產品. [read more]
主要提供私人健身訓練 (Personal Training Service) 、 最 hit Radical Fitness ® Group Class, 小組訓練課程及各類 Wellness Program。你可按照自己既意願選擇適合自己既課程。. [read more]
We believe everyone deserve a healthy body and happy soul. Indeed, It is not that difficult to achieve. We are here to guide you. . [read more]
Anytime Fitness has nearly 4000 clubs worldwide. With thousands of convenient, welcoming locations worldwide, we aim to help people get to a healthier place. [read more]
Prime Personal Training facility in Central, Hong Kong. [read more]
The first and most reputable flexibility centre where you get your body properly re-aligned, pain free and fully mobile. . [read more]
想同大家分享有用的健身與健康資訊,希望能幫到大家,不用走太多冤枉路或花費太多不必要的金錢,健身健心!. [read more]
A Sportswear & Equipment Company. Swimming • Diving • Water Fun • Running apparel • Yoga • Cycling • Fittness • 專營各類運動服飾及運動用品:游泳、水上活動、潛水、跑步、瑜珈、單車服裝、健身. [read more]
d. BeFit offers group training, personal training, and outdoor classes. . [read more]
功能性訓練,體適能運動 平衡及穩定功能性訓練,理論講解,體重管理,改善體態,運動創傷之預防 聯絡方法 歡迎致電、whatsapp或電郵查詢 https://wa. me/85298560618 電郵: andrew. mok@watahhhfitness. com. [read more]
Open 24 hours/7 days per week, access to 4,000 gyms worldwide with one membership. . [read more]
Here at Fitness Corner , you are only expected to have fun and shed those pounds without all the boring repetition that you get at a regular gym. Our goal is to keep your workouts interesting.. [read more]
BOOTCAMP is the only outdoor exercise program in Hong Kong that is all about getting fast results. Led by Body Synergy, BOOTCAMP has 8 not-so-secret locations where recruits get in shape. [read more]
HIT45 is an indoor bootcamp studio located in the heart of Central. A 45-minute high intensity workout with cardio intervals and strength training. . [read more]
Excellence Fitness致力推廣運動文化, 除了定期更新運動影片及資訊, 更為喜歡運動的朋友, 以大眾化價錢, 提供專業用心的運動課程及一對一(二)的私人教練服務。. [read more]
我們為大家提供一站式的健身資訊,包括:健身動作教學、健身計劃、營養餐單小貼士等等!無論你想減肥、或增肌,都可以在本網誌找到你需要的資訊。. [read more]
Beverly Hill Gym 比華利山健身室 is a gym, located at 6 Broadwood Rd. They can be contacted via phone at +85228948128 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Telford Recreation Club 德藝會 is a gym, located at Unit 13-14, Podium, Telford Plaza, 33 Wai Yip St. They can be contacted via phone at +85221487576 for more detailed information. [read more]
文以載道 武以頌德. [read more]
Thai Boxing and Fitness. [read more]
SOL workshop �位於旺角中心地帶 �全新健身中心 �鄰近朗豪坊 �提供專業一對一私人健身教練課程 �設備齊全提供一個舒適的運動環境 歡迎查詢課程及私人教練租用場地。. [read more]
旺角/銅鑼灣Fitness Studio 泰拳•TRX修身班•HIIT爆汗班•巴西柔術 全新收費模式,低至$50/堂,立即預約. [read more]
ملعب سيو ساي وان الرياضي هو ملعب متعدد الاستخدام يقع في هونغ كونغ. غالبا ما تلعب عليه مباريات كرة القدم. يسع الملعب لجلوس 12 ألف متفرج. يعتبر الملعب الرسمي الذي يخوض فيه نادي سيتيزين مبارياته. [read more]
Hello! I’m Mhel. I’m a SYNC Member and a POUND Pro. I” m ready to start training you to the beat in my STRONG by Zumba and POUND Fit. Combines body weight, muscle conditioning , cardio.. [read more]