ULTRONLIFE TECHNOLOGY奧創生活將生活創意科技帶給大家。 iCamPro FHD由Amaryllo研發的全球第一台智慧家庭安防機器人, 它不是一般IP CAM,而是一台集保安、IP CAM、Robot(機械人)於一身。. [read more]
九龍土瓜灣新碼頭街38號翔龍灣廣場G26號舖 (近九龍城碼頭) 九龍紅磡漆咸道北388號昇御商場G26號舖 (即昇御門). [read more]
本店專營電子產品及週邊配件以配合您的不同需要!. [read more]
Smartech is an electronics store, located at Unit 1206, 12/F. , Eastern Harbour Centre, 28 Hoi Chak Street, Quarry Bay. They can be contacted via phone at +85225788813 for more detailed information. [read more]
We provide Simple, Joyful and Super Valued Shopping Experience to you EMAIL: sales. dnsconnect@gmail. com Tel/Whatspp: +852 6016 6212. [read more]
AUXIO was created with one sole purpose, to bring you the most innovative products from around the globe into the Asia region market. . [read more]
We are a product and concept creation company. Established in 1990 Hong Kong with offices all over Mandarin speaking Cities equipped with original Licenses. [read more]
YOLO is a Hong-Kong based online shop for gadget-loving folks. We curate a range of creative and unique tech accessories. Browse your next 'must-have' gadget or coolest gifts here. [read more]
全新Samsung Brand Shop 現已正式開幕,為廣大消費者提供一站式體驗平台。Samsung Brand.. [read more]
Watch3Store雲集鐘錶業界最精英的團隊,為粉絲搜羅世界最潮最頂尖設計的時計產品。多年來一直以低至半價的折扣優惠為客戶訂購各地正品名表,所有產品包兩年全球保用和免運費,並保證下單三天內寄送到全球各大城市。歡迎留言查詢,或到本店網站 http://mizhuyaisa. wix. com/watch3store 搜購。電郵查詢和訂購 watch3store@gmail. [read more]
Buy your excess inventory of electronic parts,ExcessChip Technology Limited specializes in buying excess inventory of semiconductors and electronic components. [read more]
Pricesmart allows families and individuals to access products direct from the source at incredible prices. [read more]
專營個人智能產品 用家購買及商家合作歡迎查詢. [read more]
Studio A (HK) - Apple Premium Reseller is an electronics store, located at Tuen Shun St, 1號Shop 2197D & 2197E, 2/F. , Tuen Mun Town Plaza, Phase 1, Tuen Mun, N. [read more]
Market Place. Offer Direct deals from Factories & wholesalers. . [read more]
Javy's - HKG CASIO Authorized Service Center. We are dealing with Casio Products. http://www. javys. com http://world. g-shock. com. [read more]
We aims for improvement of people living style by make it smarter, simpler and easier. . [read more]
تمتع بتجربة شراء ممتعة وسهلة وآمنه من خلالنا. . استلم الاوردر فى خلال 24 ساعة. . . الشحن مجانا داخل القاهره و الجيزه. . . الدفع عند الاستلام. . . [read more]
本公司有二間分店 1. * 深水埗高登電腦中心一樓108號鋪_網店價和實體價有分別到實店時請打開FACEBOOK專業 2. *尖沙咀金馬倫道5號大興廣場804室_網店價和實體價有分別到實店時請打開FACEBOOK專業. [read more]
Razerstore Hong Kong is an electronics store, located at Shops A & D on G/F, No. 1 Cannon Street Causeway Bay. They can be contacted via phone at +852 2997 5070 for more detailed information. [read more]
全新廣角IPCAM #100HD 強勢登場 [零設定] [100度可視角度] [sd卡錄影] 零售價$499 Like專業限時優惠價$399 快搶購 瀏覽專頁查看其他IP CAM優惠. . [read more]
Wide range of digital signage products such as LED Backlit Display, Video Wall, Outdoor Display, Touch Display, Projectors, Stretched Display and Mirror/ Transparent Display Find the best.. [read more]
Gadget, electronic cigarette vape distributor for 8 years. High quality e-cigarette, e-liquid, e-juice, flavor and gadgets for healthy living. Exclusive Authorized distributor of Aspire,.. [read more]
Large selection of furnitures in this store. They have a long shop front which separated household goods and their furniture selections. They even rented the walking spaces outside their shop.. [read more]
Cute and cozy cafe/bookstore hybrid at the top of a giant hill (don't attempt in the heat) the lady that works there is super friendly, they generally leave you alone to explore the massive walls.. [read more]
Hkd110 to change the two batteries in my Casio Edifice. . [read more]
★ MIUSIK ★ | Members Club | Bar | Poker | Karaoke | Live Music | Events | is a cafe, located at Hong Kong, Causeway Bay, 怡和街2號 2, Yee Wo.. [read more]
Venue was incredible, huge size and low cover charge with good amenities. So list was slightly disappointing, lacking in some more recent western tracks which was a shame. [read more]
因為屋企人想買個櫃,所以去實惠格價,睇完一輪d staff又介紹一輪,好熱心,雖然我無即時買,佢地都仲係好有禮貌,比我一個好印象. 呢間d staff 都幾熱心,幾肯主動問你有冇野要幫手. 地方雖然無九龍灣megabox咁大, 但係店員服務周到, 詳細介紹及推介用家合適差品,五星!! P. s. 店內有catalog, 紙尺提供. [read more]
Good alternative to IKEA. Some good quality furniture available. . Setup is tidy and the staff is helpful. Nice place for checking different furniture. [read more]
售貨員Jim用心幫助我和家人買到合用的櫃. 麻煩了招呼我的員工 忘了問姓名 否則一定表揚. [read more]
都算大,不過種類唔多,相對比較普通。. 呢間實惠都好大間,好多野買. 方便!實惠麥片比較品牌獨立,比較便宜!其他生活用品都幾便宜!. [read more]
Tuen Mun Town Plaza Concept Shop is an electronics store, located at Shop 1217, 1/F, Tuen Mun Town Plaza, Phase 1, 1 Tuen Shun Street, Tuen Mun. They can be contacted via phone at +852 2104 0770.. [read more]
在良性前列腺增生治疗上,对于一些病情輕微患者,如果前列腺增生带來症状并無对日常生活构成不便,醫生可以先观察其病况有否転差。在这些患者当中,有三分一男士能保持病情稳定,不会込一步恶化。可是如果患者病情已达中度令日常生活受到困扰,例:因尿頻而不能乘坐长途巴士、睡觉前完全不能喝水、外出时须預先寻找冼手間位置等,醫生就会为患者提供药物治療。最常用药物為a受體阻滞剂,它能放鬆前列腺從而使排尿变得畅順。药物能够改善患者七成不适症状,惟难以使排尿功能完全回复正常,服药後约一星期已能起效。但由于此药有放鬆血管作用,部分人於服药後会出現頭晕、疲倦及鼻塞副作用。但在服药後一至二星期後,副作用会隨之逐步減少u受體阻滞剂是一種十分安全药物,因此通常被视為良性前列腺增生第一線治療。醫生亦可處方5a還原酶抑制剂,从減少男性荷尔蒙方法來萎縮前列腺體積。一般来說,此药物都是应用於前列腺體積较大患者。而患者须服用较长时間,大约四至六月才可萎縮三分之一前列腺,使排尿變得順暢。但5a還原酶抑制剂有15%機會減低患者性慾,造成勃起功能障碍及阳萎。. [read more]
是購物的好地方,去埋荃灣廣場實惠購物更是精明的選擇. 產品款式多選擇👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻. Pricerite is not on the 5th or 6th floor. Looks like a sleek Ikea!. [read more]
Today morning 11:45, I came to pricerite to buy kitchen ware, I found a white adjustable metal printer shelf, while I wanted to try how the metal shelf's adjustable function, a plastic.. [read more]