流氓三十三天六壬鐵板正法三七教神功 六壬伏英館 觀音堂 驅邪捉鬼 風水 命理 嬰靈 夫妻和合 擇日 改名 神像開光 新居入伙 新店開張. [read more]
Béthanie is a historic building complex located in Pok Fu Lam, in Hong Kong built in 1875 as a sanatorium by the Paris Foreign Missions Society (Missions Étrangères de Paris). [read more]
We reresent parish of Orthodox Church in Hong Kong and work on issues of Orthodox Church in Greater China. [read more]
Western District Alliance Church 基督教宣道會西環堂 is a church, located at 西營盤德輔道西139-145號鴻昌大廈一樓, Sai Ying Pun. They can be contacted via phone at 25474493 for more detailed information. [read more]
香港基督教會官方專頁. [read more]
座落於沙田的聖公會教堂 Anglican Church in Shatin. [read more]
Bring people to God through music with Spirit and Truth. . [read more]
Friends Hong Kong is an unprogrammed Quaker meeting. Visit our website: www. friends-hk. org. Come along - we're open to all ! Address : Room 1007, Christian Education Centre, Hong Kong.. [read more]
Men's Ministry connects brotherhood through events, mission trip & men’s fraternity Email men@islandecc. hk @mensfrat. islandecc (Currently MF Summer Program break in May and resumes in June,.. [read more]
聖神修院由天主教香港教區設立,目的為培育有志獻身服務本地教會的青年成為司鐸。. [read more]
Ricci Hall is a hall of residence founded in 1929 by the Society of Jesus in memory of Jesuit Matteo Ricci (1552–1610). Located at 93 Pok Fu Lam Road, Ricci Hall is the only Catholic hostel in.. [read more]
St. Vincent's Church is a vibrant community of faithful Catholic Christian's and is highly international with members from all over the world. . [read more]
拓展心靈培育事工,幫助人在心智及靈性上成長; 引介最新的研究及理論,提供優質的培育資源; 服侍教會和學校,支援宗教教育工作者及家長。. [read more]
DPCF formally opened on the 4th of January 1987 serving as the executive arm of the Diocesan Commission for Pastoral Service to Filipino Migrants of the Hong Kong Diocese. [read more]
團訓:在這彎曲悖謬的世代,作神無瑕疵的兒女。你們顯在這世代中,好像明光照耀,將生命的道表明出來。 (腓立比書2︰15-16). [read more]
More than just a Christian bookshop, we offer a wide selection of distinctive gifts, souvenirs, greeting cards and fair trade products. . [read more]
『 基 』諧 其 音 GAY , 即 同 志 或 指 不 同 性 傾 向 人 士 。 『 基 』當 然 也 是 基 督 的 意 思 。 『 基 恩』, 是 指 耶 穌 基 督 的 恩 典 臨 在 於 不 同 性 傾 向 人 士 。. [read more]
802區眾弟兄姊妹歡您! 願主耶穌祝福您! 逢星期六 4:00pm~6:00pm 地址:北角屈臣道8號海景大廈C座2樓. [read more]
We are an international, English-speaking & Gospel-driven church. Our Sunday service is at 10am. . [read more]
香港上環永樂街139號永興商業大廈16樓. [read more]
Welcome to the Official Facebook page of ICA - International Christian Assembly, Hong Kong. . [read more]
St. Margaret's Church @ 2A, Broadwood Road, Happy Valley, Hong Kong. . . a group for ALL who come/came to St. Margaret. . . no matter in which church groups, Sunday School, Catechism Classes etc.. [read more]
Fairview Park Christian Church is a family-style church with a bilingual (English-Cantonese) worship service on Sunday mornings. . [read more]
Welcome to MIC, we're a vibrant international church, located at the heart of Wan Chai. Why not have a look at our website: www. michk. com. [read more]
The Ruins of St. Paul's are the ruins of a 17th-century complex in Santo António, Macau, China. It includes what was originally St. Paul's College and the Church of St. [read more]
I found peace here and feel the presence of God. . . . . A peaceful, beautiful, warm Catholic Church. . English Mass - Sunday @ 11. 30am & 6pm. [read more]