做女人除咗要好好保養,亦要好好愛鍚自己; 想人地對你好,首先要對自己好啲!. [read more]
We offer the services of Permanent Makeup, Microblading, lash extensions and lash lifts using top international brands from our unique boutique studio based in Discovery Bay, Hong Kong. [read more]
15 Followers, 22 Following, 19 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Hazie. nails (@hazie. nail). [read more]
為在職美甲行業及愛好美甲D. I. Y. 人仕提供集结分享,最新美甲資訊,產品信息。. [read more]
地址:尖沙咀重慶站Cke購物商埸2樓212號舖 (扶手電梯後 直行到尾𨍭右K8行). [read more]
Appointment Tel: 3484 3819/6129 3128 Rental Wedding gowns, evening gowns, bridesmaid dresses, party dresses & groom wedding suits. [read more]
韓國半永久定妝/皮膚管理中心 Whatsapp:98835557 Wechat:michiahk 香港分店:銅鑼灣謝斐道500號維安商業中心19樓 台灣分店:台北市大安區光復南路260巷24號4樓. [read more]
�歡迎來圖報價� �一人工作� �暫只接受電話預約� �遲到者不預等候� �地址:荃灣區�營業時間:11:00am-800pm �Facebook:Zenkinailspa �Instagram:Zenkinailspa. [read more]
頴沅纖體美容有限公司於1997年10月19日成立大圍積富街,81號地下電話:26811428更於2011年3月重新裝修為獨立房間讓各位顧客可享優靜舒適環境. [read more]
香港實店經營多年,信心保證!! 明白香港媽媽身兼多職既辛勞同忙碌,為左讓每位靚媽都可以輕鬆shopping, 我地特意在原有既電子產品專頁上另開一個專為靚媽服務既專頁。 店主本身也是媽媽,了. [read more]
提供專業新娘化妝、髮型設計、 晚宴、姊妹、PARTY妝 專業修眉服務. [read more]
World renowned celebrity Makeup artist Nigar Q. has over 20 year’s experiences in America, Europe and Asia. Current owner of the Spa, came to Hong Kong from Pakistan as a university graduate with.. [read more]
搜羅世界各地無動物測試美妝及個人護理產品. [read more]
C&G Beauty 為所有愛美人仕提供最優質、滿意、價錢最吸引的面部護理、身體減肥及脫毛等等各療程,為大家的生活注入更多健康及美麗元素! 查詢預約電話:31881943. [read more]
“A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous. ” Offering a full range of nail and spa services, we truly hope to bring glamour and confidence to every woman. [read more]
GorgeousMe. Fashion is a beauty salon, located at 803, 8/F, KUO WAH BUILDING, 340-342 HENNESSY ROAD, WAN CHAI, 000000 Hong Kong. [read more]
O. TWO. O Cosmeitcs. [read more]
GirlsRoom介紹得俾你地既產品絕對值得放一件係自己間房,有需要時就隨時拎呢D"秘密武器"出黎,搖身一變就……我怕你連你自己都唔認得呀!. [read more]
BELLA DONNA 引入尖端儀器,結合專業意見與分析,為妳度身締造完美新肌;並以最真誠、細心、以質為先、以客為本的態度帶給妳最優質的化妝、美容及纖體服務。. [read more]
UMH Dental Care擁有專業、具豐富經驗的香港註冊牙科醫生和醫療團隊。 致力為客人提供專業貼心的牙齒檢查、牙科療程及美齒服務,令每位客人都可擁有健康燦爛的笑容,煥發個人自信和美麗。. [read more]
中環店:士丹利街11號20樓 (電話:28800707) 旺角店:荷李活商業中心11樓1102室 (電話:27722162) 銅鑼灣店:渣甸街50號渣甸中心20樓 (電話:25544552) 元朗店:光華廣場1308-9室(電話:24786888). [read more]
香港沙田大圍雲叠花園商場3B1樓,nails salon,專業美甲,soak off gel ,hard gel,設計圖款,手,腳護理,專用美國及韓國美甲產品. [read more]
Trendy Nail is a beauty salon, located at 彎仔.灣仔道125號G45-46號. They can be contacted via phone at 85264879696 for more detailed information. . [read more]
BOCHiNG 以傳統美容保養品公司立足於業界,因優質產品的顯著功效,逐漸建立良好口碑與信譽,同時收廣大愛用者支持。 營業時間: 星期一至五 10:00am-7:00pm、 星期六、日及公眾假期休息. [read more]
Our Profession in Business Technology & Digital Marketing. [read more]
於Volcanic Earth,我們為孕婦或皮膚敏感者提供最天然的有機護膚產品。如果你有暗瘡疤痕,濕疹,皮癬,老年斑,妊娠紋或皺紋,不要使用化學物令皮膚狀況惡化。從今日起告別你的皮膚問題!. [read more]
治癒系日式美容室 提供專業美甲及美容服務,逾千呎公主系環境,家的溫暖窩心,舒適適休閒的充電站! 日式淋巴瘦面+日系soak off 手部護理體驗價只需$368. [read more]
本店環境寬敞舒適,所有服務明碼實價,絕對沒有隱藏收費,亦無需購買套票,每次只收單次價錢,大家可以安心光顧。(查詢及預約電話:24754328). [read more]
Is not only about health and beauty. It's about passion. It's about responsibility. It's about sincerity. It's about love. Towards hair and beauty. . [read more]
Emelia & Mum's #1 initiative: Reuse and Recycle Donate your used candles and glass jars for a new candle. [read more]
美容集團P. B. Group旗下 Pretty Medical / Pretty Beauty Spa 灣仔太原街8號海源中心2樓全層 2/F. , Yanville, 8 Tai Yuen Street, Wanchai TEL: (852)2891-6879. [read more]
Kone beauty is a beauty salon, located at 銅鑼灣駱克道444-446號大觀樓2樓(友和日本餐廳對面,雲桂香米線樓上), 0000 Hong Kong. They can be contacted via phone at 85266711113 for more detailed information. [read more]
本店選用世界級名牌指甲產品如:LCN、OPI、CND、HARMONY等原裝正貨,不損真甲。. [read more]
Based in Hong Kong. Businesses throughout Asia and Europe. . [read more]
免打磨營養Gel,美國hard gel,英式修甲,法式邊修甲,劃花設計,修眉造型, LCN spa 修腳護理. [read more]
Gossip Beauty Lounge新遷移至銅鑼灣區,專業服務,提供美容、半永久定妝、熱能氣化袪瑕疵、美甲及手足護理服務,歡迎與我們聯絡,樂意隨時為您效勞。. [read more]