V-Maker 為2016年夏天最新開幕的手作園地。歡迎大家參加我們與不同手作人合作開辦的手作課程,亦歡迎各手作人租用場地開設課程。詳情請與我們聯絡。. [read more]
發揮個人藝術才華的園地. [read more]
心創. 手造 Designed by heart, made by hands. [read more]
Cozy ArtSpace shares the colorful life with paintbrush, oil paints as well as any DIY products. Come to join the purchases & always updates!. [read more]
手作仔手工藝專門店. [read more]
The Art of Chocolate Museum” World Tour had covered 50 cities all over the world. Chocolate Museum presents a number of high quality chocolate art pieces. [read more]
RAH Studio Gallery owned by Italian artist Roberta Boffo, offering art clubs, art menthorship, art parties for kids and adults, creative meetups and more. [read more]
For enquiries, please leave your message HERE or access http://www. hkdi. edu. hk/peec. [read more]
☆LOLLIPOP☆ aims to bring you the most update Fashion & Accessories from Japan - Frapbois, Ne-net, HG, Tsumori Chisato. . . . . . [read more]
Calisthenics Base Fitness Studio for Hire: Bodyweight Training, Fitness, Pole Dancing, Street Workout & Dancing, Enthusiasts INSTAGRAM: CalisthenicsBase. [read more]
畫室位於葵芳,鄰近地鐵站,環境寛敞舒適。畫室提供各類租借畫室服務、藝術課程,致力讓更多人能認識藝術。. [read more]
全港最大3D畫廊,佔地23,000尺 淺水灣超視覺藝術館,匯聚國際化藝術團隊,開啟非一般視覺冒險! 門票資訊 Tickets:- 成人: $160 兒童/長者: $110 學生: $120 團購票價可email info@vamuseum. com. hk查詢. [read more]
Cinemaua is a movie theater, located at 大嶼山東涌達東路20號東薈城UA東薈城戲院4樓, N Hong Kong. They can be contacted via phone at 26260181 for more detailed information. [read more]
ART HUB is a learning centre. It provides variety range of creative art course. Adult, teenagers and children are welcomed. Let's draw and have fun!. [read more]
Sooq ((so͞ok)) Hong Kong’s Grand Bazaar Handpicked. Original. Made with Love. . [read more]
新型藝術創作平台 全場超過1000呎 婚紗 主題 商業 拍攝場地、派對活動場地、休憩空間集結一身的藝術平台 歡迎預約查詢!. [read more]
Muddy Makers is a ceramic studio in Hong Kong. With a bright clean space fully equipped with large tables, tools and throwing wheels. We offer ceramic classes for ceramic lovers of all levels. [read more]
青苗琴行自開業至今業務不斷發展,超過29年的教學經驗為我們奠下無容置疑的根基。隨著年代進步,青苗亦有多元化的發展,更創立青苗中西藝術表演團,從而豐富音樂及藝術的推廣。. [read more]
一個研習創意、文化、藝術、設計的嚴謹空間 A Serious Space for Learning Creativity. Culture. Arts Design. [read more]
賽馬會創意藝術中心(The Jockey Club Creative.. [read more]
Art Jamming 自助畫室: 每節包括: $120 (2. 5小時自由繪畫) $100 (2小時自由繪畫, 週一至四6:00pm 前離場優惠價) 5人以上即可包場! 敬請預約:+852 97803727. [read more]
Barakat Gallery Hong Kong 香港白蘭卡古董藝術展廊. [read more]
敬請預約:+852 95366382. [read more]
NetsBlock by Netstall NetsBlock 是格仔俱樂部,歡迎各合資格嘅會員分享、交流各種潮流精品、玩具及各種收藏品 地址: 香港九龍荔枝角青山道 648 號 3/F, D2 室. [read more]
ceramics and arts Opening hours: Monday-Thursday: 12pm-7pm Friday & Saturday: 11am-7pm Close on Sunday and Public Holidays. [read more]
兒童/成人生日派對、場地租用、聚會、任何特別日子Party. . . . . . . [read more]
We provide arts courses for adults and children since 1996. Our experience teaching methods can let you get your ideal painting or creation in a short time. [read more]
atelier art school G/F 47 Tung Lo Wan, Moreton Terrace, Causeway Bay 28829002. [read more]
新域劇團成立於一九九三年,除致力於製作具創意及專業水平的演出外,更積極從事戲劇教育工作及拓展社區戲劇文化。新域的創作以獨特的語言運用和靈動的舞台意象見稱,自成一格,具代表性的作品有「昆蟲系列」、「珠三角系列」及「人間系列」等十餘部,其中「人間系列」之《人間煙火》、《人間往事》及《遺禍人間》三劇,標誌著劇團將其社會觸覺結合於劇場敍事之最新嘗試。劇團亦積極推動本地創作,過去分別策劃「劇場裡的臥虎與藏龍」及「新劇煉獄計劃」,催生優質劇本。 自創團至今,劇團更舉行多種戲劇教育及社區戲劇發展計劃,如「學校戲劇培訓計劃」及「社區文化大使計劃」等。. [read more]
一舖清唱為香港首個專業無伴奏合唱劇團,專注發展原創音樂劇目 Yat Po Singers is the first professional a cappella choral theatre company which focuses on developing original theatrical works in Hong Kong. [read more]
An Open Platform For The Arts http://www. hkfringeclub. com/ http://instagram. com/hkfringeclub. [read more]
煙雨 塵緣。 Foggy Ash Studio - Instagram : foggyash_studio - 藝術 若煙雨般 濛濛的 因為 所有記憶都是潮濕的 創作 總有著一段缘份 一段故事。 -. [read more]
An art gallery with a strong focus on Russian and Ex-Soviet paintings. [read more]
幾個瘋女因玻璃而相遇 因越玩越癲而開設既工作室 最緊要係玩得開心盡興又舒壓 其他一切只不過係浮雲 岩咀形則留 不合咀形則走 會不定時開班 歡迎大家來信查詢適合自己既玻璃玩法�. [read more]
Tai Kwun Contemporary, the art department of Tai Kwun, is a non profit contemporary art centre located in Central Hong Kong. . [read more]
Live Music Venue 歡迎 BOOK 場 & 睇 Band show !. [read more]