香港本地服裝品牌 number life 銷售點: 旺角煙廠街9號興發商業大廈20樓04室 旺角煙廠街4號東匯 2/F ( 暫停開放 ) 營業時間:Mon to Sun 1-10pm **設有試身室,CASH / EPS**. [read more]
咩係恆生指數? aaronbb 話同打籃球一樣. . .
#PersonalFinancialManagement #HangSengIndex #bafs #欲練神功 #慎入 #aaronbb #aaronbbju #bafs #dse2017 #dse2018.. [read more]
硬蛋是中國領先的IoT和AI+智能硬件創新創業平台,提供以智能硬件「供應鏈」為核心的服務,為全球的IoT智能硬件創新者的項目從構思、電子產品設計、製造、採購等「供應鏈」環節,到資金、銷售及進入中國市場等提供一站式支援。 IngDan is a subsidiary of the Cogobuy Group, the largest e-Commerce platform for corporate procurement of electronic components in China. [read more]
凡於 www. indigosofa. com 購買梳化,並加購$600或以上的家具,加購物品每件可獲$150減免。有興趣,請whatsapp 852-5473 4793。. [read more]
FARBE Sofa Design 法比梳化設計 創新布藝風格 首間布藝梳化設計專門店 FARBE專業團隊 打造布藝梳化新潮流 讓顧客隨心制訂貼身軟硬度和整體梳化結構 精挑最舒適布料 細選最宜人體驗—— FARBE S. [read more]
Professional photography and videography services for: - Wedding Day - Overseas Pre-Wedding - Commercial Events - Family Portraits Working Hour: Mon To Sun 14:00 - 20:30 Tel : 23650077.. [read more]
Lofa-Stylexx -旺角門市現貨發售,代訂貨品到貨後可在門市取貨或順豐到付. -香港智識產權處正版正貨承諾商戶2018 成立於2013年. 除香港設有門市現貨發售外,更提供多款產品代購. . [read more]
ATUM Images攝影合作社於2015年由一群攝影師共同創立,透過平台方式,向公眾推廣攝影,把時代和大眾以影像連繫,發掘更多影像合作的可能性。. [read more]
We are selling Film, Camera, Darkroom Chemical, Photography Class hand develop film workshop,Darkroom Rental,Camera repair,lens cleaning and Film develop. [read more]
香港品味.. [read more]
Memorial Space Glass is a service provided by Grazie Murano, a Hong Kong based company. Visualizing beautiful memories with your loved ones is our goal. [read more]
日本優質百貨網購店 營業時間: 星期一至五上午9:30 至下午 5:30,星期六、日及公眾假期休息. [read more]
英式美感丶殖民地歲月丶極致品質 : 成就 Badges Story 故事 !. [read more]
Bright Lash stylish & care "Bright On You". [read more]
唔想成日買左大大支返黎發覺唔岩用小店幫到你 本店專營各大品牌小樣板及旅行套裝……100%正貨……全部以至抵價發售,保証價廉物美…… 歡迎inbox查詢……. [read more]
海陸空大嶼遊 由昂坪360出發! Your Sky-Land-Sea Lantau Adventure starts at Ngong Ping 360!. [read more]
A relaxing cafe in Sai Ying Pun serving Intelligentsia coffee and a curated tea selection. Come in for a cup and hang in our private garden. . [read more]
We are connecting foreign language speakers with Hong Kong locals, where the foreigners can earn by teaching with their mother language with flexible hour. [read more]
~專業美容師&經驗按摩師~ *ITEC (Level 4)國際專業激光及脈沖光文憑 *韓國HIFU (LEVEL 3)証書 美肌. 瘦身. 減肥. 按摩. 蒸腳&蒸身 歡迎任何辦公時間whatsapp查詢&預約 辦公電話:37076886 手提電話:66888364. [read more]
FNF opened its Innovation Hub in Hong Kong to support startups and digital civic organizations, and to promote smart city development, ultimately contributing to progress in society and economy. [read more]
我們提供各大手機牌子的維修服務,我們的師傅擁有十多年維修手機經驗,可以短時間為客人提供高品質維修服務的。 We can provide a high-quality of mobile phone repair. . [read more]
We believe that heart moving imagery can inspire action. Hence, the visuals we create are also messages that can be felt. . [read more]
女裝,時裝, 更多的是民族服裝, 禮服 天天新品上架, 面料與質量保証,價格合理. [read more]
Mr. Lama is always busy with collecting the fantastic stuff across the world for his friends. . . . [read more]
Overseas Boutiques(OB) is located in HongKong and focus on men’s clothing, shoes, jewelry, watches and accessories. . [read more]
FLAIR IRON香港調酒工作室,提供雞尾酒設計,調酒師到會,雞尾酒工作坊,花式表演,專業課程,工具及酒類網購。. [read more]
Introducing a modern take on classic men's tailoring and grooming to Hong Kong's most discerning gentlemen, ATTIRE HOUSE is inspired by a gentleman's home and houses a menswear outfitter,.. [read more]
Soak Off Gel特色是不需打磨甲面而持久不脫色,它結合了甲油的易塗操作和 Gel 的持久特性, 有彈性,可持續達3-4星期. 而且可自行卸甲/剪短. [read more]
香港驗車25881822 維護公義 絕不妥協 堅定可信 決不做假 香港驗車保障你全家安全 http://www. hkmi. com. hk. [read more]
香港網店,主打服飾、親子裝 &飾物等⋯⋯ HK based Online Store - Fashion, Parents-Kids Outfit, Objects/ Accessories. . . . . . . [read more]
[[手工製作純銀首飾]] 體驗班。定製。 使用傳統金工技術,非銀黏土,給您特別的手作體驗。 體驗班一律使用999純銀,沒有經驗亦能於數小時製作專業水準的專屬首飾。. [read more]
售賣全新外國優質品牌經銷商直接搜羅全球精選手錶、飾物等貨品,保證一手正貨. 歡迎零售及批發. [read more]
Renaissance College is one of the two private independent international schools in Hong Kong, the other being Discovery College. RCHK is in Ma On Shan, Hong Kong, serving primary and.. [read more]
As leading implementors of the world's #1 CRM platform and ERP system in APAC, Introv delivers world class results that help clients grow by redefining their business practices. [read more]
最狂水果茶。 用上新鮮的百香果。蘋果跟香橙。再搭配上微甘的四季春茶底。絕對是最狂的表現。 夏天不喝你,要喝誰?
L $30
Mustard Seed launched in mid-2017 as Emperor Group's first co-working space, a space and community dedicated to nurturing entrepreneurs and creators in the arts and entertainment industry. [read more]