Simple yet stylish. . . Focusing on high quality & design. . . What to wear?Here's your answer! Shop address: Shop B78,1/F,Kwai Chung Plaza,7-11 Kwai Foo Road,Kwai Chung,New.. [read more]
Pagani, the legendary Italian ultra-luxury sports car manufacturer, renowned for its ingenious handcrafted and ultra-luxury individual customise. . [read more]
1km Studio is an urban, architectural & interior design + photographic studio founded in Hong Kong. [read more]
“I suppose what we felt was simply intense love, a love quite without ulterior motive"― Henry Marsh, Do No Harm: Stories of Life, Death and Brain Surgery. [read more]
志記鎅木廠 - 家族式經營,由當年做苦力的父親創辦,從幫別人打工,到1946至47年正式開業,志記至今已約有67年歷史,當年在北角渣華道開業,位置是日軍撤退後遺留的荒地(即現已清拆的北角邨附近),由政府短期租予幾家木廠使用,面積約3000呎左右。後來遷到柴灣,也搬過兩次,不久因政府發展項目,再搬到上水古洞馬草壟的現址,並擴充至10,000呎,至今已30年。. [read more]
TeamOne tech. , located at 荃灣馬角街2-6號華興工業大廈10樓A2室, 000000 Hong Kong. They can be contacted via phone at 68996626 for more detailed information. . [read more]
「當這個世界很浮躁的時候,我們要靜下心來。」 在現代社會充滿著瞬息萬變的流行元素,希望大家能沉心下來,欣賞經得起時光淘瀝的傳統之美,穿著旗袍,拿起相機,細味一些僅餘的香港. [read more]
我們A20是用20種不同的藝術和技術來鋉金。 煉金就是通過對物質的理解、分解、再造,然後讓事物重新對別人擁有利用的價值,這就是煉金,沒錯,很多時候我們需要的東西就是黃金,對於沙漠. [read more]
Dedicated to art & culture, CHARBON represents international contemporary artists in Hong Kong. Upon appointment. . [read more]
PROSPEROUS LUXURY STORE 本店獲香港零售協會正貨認証 實店經營 歡迎參觀 銅鑼灣白沙道8號2A Mon-Sat:12:00-21:00 TEL:+852 6113 5657 所有貨品均屬實拍. [read more]
Baby Sweet. [read more]
少時夢想做心理學家 中學後留學美國讀Psycho 畢業為錢途埋首銀行做投資 近年為興趣修畢法律博士 直到前世情人出世後,就半途出家-- Investing in parenting 自修做完美Parent. [read more]
每月營業額將10%用作救援捐款 (不扣除成本及營運開支) 每月1號公佈捐款資料 支持領養,珍惜牠們,不離不棄. [read more]
handsbox 皮革學堂 Tel/ ws: 60374474 e-mail: handsbox@gmail. com web: www. handsbox. com 牛頭角 觀塘道 318號 志聯工業大廈 12樓 B25室. [read more]
深明每次出門襯衫係一樣好煩嘅事,如果你鐘意襯衫,希望您離到我地店鋪或者睇下我地網頁,你會有多D靈感,We Love for Style. [read more]
Slowdown. Museum produces timeless and durable leather products and organizes leather workshops in order to create a slow and enjoyable rhythm of lifestyle. [read more]
Mk watch direct supplier by marchelle house of branded is a store, located at Magsaysay,Bayambang,Pangasinan, 2423 Hong Kong. They can be contacted via phone at 09984681457 for more.. [read more]
We offer Latin dance classes in a comfortable and fun learning environment for all ages and levels. . [read more]
租售婚紗,晚裝 媽咪奶奶晚裝 短禮服 Party Dress,姊妹裙 專業修改,即試即改. [read more]
Food Photography ﹣ 食品拍攝 Video Production ﹣ 宣傳短片 Restaurant Photo Shoot ﹣ 店鋪拍攝 Menu Design ﹣ 餐牌設計 info@PixelFactory. hk www. PixelFactory. hk 63010747. [read more]
本店產品選用日本•韓國•美國著名品牌 堅持選用無害的美甲產品•符合安全標準 我們的專業美甲•美睫師均擁有合資格證書 絕不硬銷•絕無隱藏式收費 WhatsApp: 9847 1423. [read more]
與專營多年有機產品的「Organicland 有機地」聯乘,搜羅各國優質有機食品、乾貨、個人健康護理產品及本地有機農場時令水果. . . . . . 滿足你生活所需。歡迎批發!. [read more]
優惠詳情 : 新貨低至 75 折 訂貨日期 : 貨品會於每個星期四 下午12:00pm 或之前截單 12:00pm 將順延為下星期訂單 聯絡方法 : Facebook : Fulala Chan Email :.. [read more]
ANGEL Pre-paid Card is a HK issued card for you to stay in budget and track expenses in real-time. . [read more]
InterPixel 合作社是香港一班由不同行業熱愛潮流的文化工作者組成;推動潮流文化、工藝產業與文化工作者等之間的化學作用,以一個獨特的角度為大家報導各式各樣的潮流文化。. [read more]
Reaction To Go SIM is a store, located at 旺角亞皆老街39-41號金山商業大廈. They can be contacted via phone at 56346752 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Hong Kong freshly roasted coffee Specialty coffee, hand drip and cold brew All day breakfast, sandwiches, salad and pasteries A Place to chill out. [read more]
CHINDIA360 was conceived and founded by executives with decades of experience in the fields of trade, manufacturing and services. . [read more]
Wear Nice Fashions Hong Kong, located at 54-64 Nathan Rd tst kowloon, 852 Hong Kong. They can be contacted via phone at 23686543 for more detailed information. [read more]
汽車、飛機、船隻. [read more]
經驗造型師,擅長氣質妝容,拒絕俗氣!穫婚禮雜誌評為「新娘好評化妝師」,在這裡分享我的#新娘化妝 心機作品,希望大家可以在我的小小世界裡找到令你叮一聲的造型!!�. [read more]
店鋪主要銷售淡水螯蝦為主, 更有其他蝦類水草蝦水晶蝦, 水草, 工作螺等等 主要推動香港螯蝦養殖文化, 希望更多人對螯蝦深入了解. [read more]
我們三姊妹,最鐘意去日本SHOPPING, 見到靚同潮嘅野都會買一餐. 所以我們決定定期飛往日本韓國, 為各位靚靚搜羅日本最新最潮化妝及護膚品牌,新興玩意, 幫大家代買各牌子藥妝. . [read more]
白大夫醫療康復顧問公司是 DR. PARK 對病人的關愛精神, 在白醫生離開我們後, 我們為他工作過的香港, 以他姓氏設立本公司,提供高質素醫療復康及各類保健品, 以滿足用者需求. 上環文咸西街. [read more]
An artspace at 404 Shanghai Street run by Centre for Community Cultural Development commissioned by HKADC. Its opening hours Tues - Sun 1-8pm except Mon. [read more]
現在生活生活物質過於豐富,素食主義是一種全新的飲食文化,實踐這種飲食文化的人被稱為素食主義者。 佐丹力159素食全餐提供方便和簡單的素食方法,為更多人調理身體並帶來健康生活。. [read more]