大家好,我地係2015-2016年度,可譽學生會內閣Aries。 Aries係白羊座既意思, 而白羊座代表具熱誠既開拓者。 有力量、有衝勁, 正代表我地服務同學既熱忱。 Come with Aries,Let's go crazy!. [read more]
提供最多自動售賣機服務選擇,滿足各種不同的飲食需求。 如有興趣請電 Stanley Ng (852) 9215 8888 Leon Lai (852) 2593 1933 - Atlas Vending Solutions for all your refreshment needs. [read more]
Samson Homes Ltd. 心誠英國物業顧問 We Care ‧ We Counsel ‧ We Customize! 專業團隊,耐心聆聽您的需要,度身訂造英國物業方案,助你找到理想家園!快與我們聯絡預約免費諮詢!whatsapp: 6606 6051. [read more]
Nhà cung cấp giải pháp Đầu tư tài chính và Kiếm tiền online hiệu quả dựa trên phần mềm Quyền Chọn Nhị Phân (Binary Options). [read more]
鯉魚門三家村, located at 觀塘區鯉魚門媽環村. [read more]
KID KISS KOREA is a department store, located at HONG KONG, 999078 Hong Kong. They can be contacted via phone at 852-97023535 for more detailed information. [read more]
Professional Design (Kitchen + Furniture), to provide customers with the most attentive service. . [read more]
CAT PLUS 由獨立義工營運, 所得收益將會直接支助暫託貓咪的生活費及醫療費用. 我們不瘋狂, 也不是最便宜, 但我們都會以貓咪為角度出發, 用心入貨, 讓大家用得安心放心. [read more]
專營日本二手汽車零件,汽車維修,代購代投日本及香港各網站產品! 電話:852 24883899 whatsapp 68446840. [read more]
JFC Enterprises LTD is a company specializing in developing innovative Electronics Gadgets with business in Hong Kong, China, Europe and United States. [read more]
Sustainable fashion with a french twist! Label Chic is The French Preloved Fashion Boutique in Kong Kong, bringing you high end brands at affordable price. [read more]
Nam Long Hospital was a hospital in Hong Kong specializing in cancer treatment that closed in 2003. . [read more]
香港中環畢打街1號中建大廈318 及322室 電話: (852) 2526 6332 九龍尖沙咀漢口道28號亞太中心803室 電話: (852) 2191 9303. [read more]
We offer an authentic Montessori method of learning to children aged 3-6. Please contact us to learn more. . [read more]
IKARASHOP. com offers "buy on behalf" service from Hong Kong for products like cosmetic, accessories, watches, clothes, bags, toys, gadgets, vitamin / food suplements, snacks and many more. [read more]
We love Wakesurf and want to share our love with the World! We pick best videos existing on the web! For you to have fun, to learn, to get inspired! Enjoy!. [read more]
典雅相機由凌兆鴻師傅主理 改鏡 / 改Mount / 相機製造 / 相機改裝 / 相機維修 專門店 地址:佐敦立信大廈1樓26室 營業時間: 星期三5:00pm - 7:00pm 星期五5:00pm - 7:00pm. [read more]
專營菲林及中古菲林相機的網上店. [read more]
KMCT Alliance is a pet-style blog of 4 lovely cats, from 3 different families. They are keen to promote petting and positive energy. . [read more]
健康就是美��. [read more]
綠小豆《Green Cosmo》歡迎光臨 Facebook 會員專享!★我們會不定時更新粉絲專屬消息優惠★大家記得嚟分享下~~~ EXCLUSIVE OFFER TO OUR FACEBOOK FANS ONLY!. [read more]
開辦靈性療癒、催眠及心理治療相關課程. [read more]
壹渡身心靈導航以大家都可以成為自己療癒師的宗旨,伙拍社企及慈善機構舉辦不同DIY 身、心、靈改善工作坊,以普及化主題為前題,大眾化價錢為初心,希望香港250萬家庭中, 每一家庭均有一. [read more]
社企會計公司. [read more]
本教育中心中心自1999年成立,多年來專營中小學補習及興趣班,學校註冊編號為541290,成立至今信譽良好。本教育中心與基督教香港信義會屯門青少年綜合服務中心合作舉辦課程逾十年。. [read more]
醫護導航在資深醫護團隊的領航下,為亞太區的醫療護理專才(Genius),提供全面職業配對及工作定位。在專業(Professional)導引下,發揮每位醫護精英的技能,步上成為專家(Specialist)的正確航道…. [read more]
專營二手呔 大量二手靚呔發售 歡迎致電或WHATSAPP 電話: 5794-9794 6847-2666 粉嶺安居街新寧中心地下4號. [read more]
Hong Kong fresh fruit suppliers and importer located in the middle of Yau Ma Tei Fruit Market. 位於油麻地水果市場的香港鮮果供應商及進口商。. [read more]
BeautyNet 以售賣護膚品/化妝品為主,有超過2000款商品,包括各大暢銷品牌,亦會引入剛興起產品。 亦有身體護理產品,如洗頭水、沖涼液等,應有盡有! 所有貨品均為正貨!. [read more]
🈹🈹🈹4月盤點清貨大減價,每款二件或總件數五件,全單再打9折,數量有限,手快有,歡迎查詢🈹🈹🈹 購物滿300送順豐站,順豐智能櫃及非偏遠地區工商地址郵費 經營環球美容/健康產品. [read more]
觀塘批發部熱線:31888150; 9:30-6:30 觀塘店: 駱駝漆大厦3座1樓E2室 11:00-7:30 電話35719287 天水圍店: 天盛街市M107及M109舖 8:30-7:00 電話35801121 青衣店:長發邨青衣市場CF55舖 8:30-7:30 電話26982411. [read more]
Glow 專營韓國,日本,歐洲護膚產品批發及零售 本店與日本株式會所合作,在東京專營日本藥製妝品/化妝品等等貨品,歡迎批發. [read more]
���季又來啦,不斷為你們送上最新鮮的海鮮,快啲俾個信息我啦,24小時都可以WhatsApp 俾我,查詢下最新優惠咖:�69063131 �56009644. [read more]
Ma Wan Tung Wan Beach, located at Pak Lai Road, Ma Wan. [read more]
Ma Wan Park is a park on Ma Wan island, New Territories, Hong Kong. It is operated by Sun Hung Kai Properties with investment from the Hong Kong Government. [read more]
透過不同類型的個人、家庭、社區支援及護理服務,協助長者發展潛能,促進稱心之家庭/ 人際關係,解決個人或家庭困擾,從而使不同身體狀況的長者可於熟悉的社區自主地生活。. [read more]