專業汽車維修保養,提供一站式汽車服務. . [read more]
深水灣, 醉人夜景, 擁有無敵沙灘景觀的戶外燒烤吧 二人世界也好, 三五知己也好 公司聯誼或是家庭聚樂也好 這裡都可以為您做到!. [read more]
beach bar located in deep water bay right on the beach, offers sunset live music on weekends, serves summer food and cocktails. Happy hour every day from 5 to 7 p. [read more]
大使餐館 is a restaurant, located at 新界元朗加州花園商埸1樓29號. They can be contacted via phone at 24821626 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Bahce Turkish Restaurant is a restaurant, located at 19 G/F Mui Wo Centre, 3 Ngan Wan Road, Mui Wo, Lantau Island. They can be contacted via phone at 2984-0222 for more detailed information. [read more]
寬巷子品牌從2012年投入市場,已經陸續在台北有三家店,主打麻辣鴛鴦火鍋,用每個極致用心的品項,層層堆疊,花非花、糖非糖,是一場視覺與味覺並駕齊驅的藝術饗宴,演繹「食」與「美. [read more]
地址 Adress: G/F Wah Hing Building No. 29 Yan Hing Street Tai Po Market New Territories Hong Kong 香港新界大埔墟仁興街29號華興樓地下 電話Contact No. :3702 1836/3702 1839. [read more]
ICHU. hk is a restaurant, located at 80 Queen's road central, H Queen's, 3F. They can be contacted via phone at 2477 7717 for more detailed information. [read more]
eat. drink. play. [read more]
홍콩에 있는 한국정통의 쌈밥입니다 SSAM-Bab is Korean Style BBQ with many Vegetables. Korean Traditonal Restaurant "the SSAM" is in Wanchai Hongkong. [read more]
#可以聊天 #可以喝酒 #可以慶祝 #可以休息 #可以艷遇 #特設包場服務,可以自訂菜單. [read more]
In terms of Indian food, The Waterfront takes the cake in Lamma Island. Location can't be beat. Right off the main street and with such a great patio over. [read more]
Red Pepper Restaurant is a restaurant, located at G/F, 7 Lan Fong Road. They can be contacted via phone at 2577-3811 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Tenshu Tempura & Sashimi Restaurant is a restaurant, located at 上環九如坊6-10林氏大廈地下A舖. They can be contacted via phone at +85221471288 for more detailed information. [read more]
標記負責人景叔是香港少數以"人手製造" 蔴雀, 每一副蔴雀都是獨一無二的, 充分展出老師傅的個人風格。 標記蔴雀主要售賣賭具產品, 例如: 麻雀, 麻雀枱, 紙牌, 排九. . . . . 等. [read more]
This is a Facebook page of the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST),UOWCHK. . [read more]
屯門西鐵站A出口交收. [read more]
We are a production house that offer photo shooting and video shooting services. Please get back to us if you have any enquiry. . [read more]
APEC are the professional company, with expertise in educational courseware and assessment, and a range of teaching services powered by technology. . [read more]
DanceArt is a pioneer in producing independent creative dance works in Hong Kong. . [read more]
Antelope is an enterprise document management and workflow system which help organization to streamline their business process and document workflow. . [read more]
電腦維修,數據恢復, 系統維護,系統整合, 手機平板維修及換屏, 電腦用品,耗材批發. [read more]
******************** *人類們,想要知道更多嗎? * *那麼緊記要留意精靈世界的告示喔! * ********************. [read more]
本店以貓主題女僕咖啡店,以萌貓風格來服務主人. [read more]
Tom N Toms Coffee - Times Square 銅鑼灣時代廣場8樓Kisok L Kiosk L, 8/F, Times Square, Causeway Bay. [read more]
Braemar Reservoir är en reservoar i Hongkong (Kina). Den ligger i den centrala delen av Hongkong. Braemar Reservoir ligger meter över havet. Den högsta punkten i närheten är meter över.. [read more]
We are Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultants providing full consultation services on Canada immigration and education. . [read more]
七。十三 的故事. [read more]
Dancefloor提供多類形健身器材及多種Group Class Trainning!! 例如:Thai Boxing、Fat Burn、Aerial Yoga(空中瑜伽)、Wheel Yoga(瑜伽輪)、Yoga (瑜伽)、Funky Dance. . . . . 等等. [read more]
「食得好」出品的美食不但用心製作,味道更以正宗傳統為前提,務求做到最原汁原味,一一呈現在你面前。. [read more]
DSL furniture is a Hong Kong-based furniture retailer offering beautifully crafted high-quality contemporary furniture at a reasonable cost for every room of the home and workplace. [read more]
香港本土設計師品牌 conquer解作征服,戰勝 象徵克服一切困難,強調不屈不撓香港精神 conquer eyewear推廣眼鏡時裝,讓每一個人透過眼鏡營做個人風格,時刻保持形象sharp醒,自信迎接每一日挑戰. [read more]
移民服務 -投資移民[澳,紐,加,英,美,香港等國家] -國家之護照申請[聖基茨,尼維斯等國家]. [read more]
我們專賣翡翠玉器珠寶首飾. 擺件. 及精雕工藝品。. [read more]
NEOGEN以Neo Nature為皮膚學新概念,以採用天然科技,及第四代先進的生物技術,從而將護膚成份的效果發揮到極緻。. [read more]
現時代,每個人都希望有屬於自己的蝸居,但由於時代在前進,所有物質都在加價。想住的舒服D,可以搵我地給你最實惠的屋企裝修。如想了解裝修設計內容及報價詳情可以致電搵我地。. [read more]