育有一子一女,更於 7/2018 考獲陪月證書,亦曾擔任保姆。照顧孕婦初生兒小朋友、煮飯、家頭細務,樣樣皆精;富責任心和愛心。各位在職、初生媽媽有意可inbox或wtsapp 62527956。. [read more]
專業陪月證書 烹飪證書 陪月餐單深入鑽研 資深經驗 曾任職私院婦產科. [read more]
持有ERB陪月員基礎證書及相關進階課程。本人為土生土長香港人,誠接本地陪月工作。頁內所有BB相片於發佈前會事先徵求同意。. [read more]
盈喜專業陪月服務 提供以下服務: 資深陪月員有日間、夜間及24小時服務 資深嬰幼兒照顧員有日間、夜間及24小時服務 資深催乳師 資深產後修身師 提供臍帶血庫 並提供專業試管嬰兒 歡迎查詢. [read more]
本人從事專業陪月員工作,擁有香港政府認可的陪月員基礎證書。有愛心、耐性、責任心來照顧初生BB和新手媽媽,令他們得到悉心照顧。歡迎查詢:5222-2637 (WhatsApp). [read more]
專業陪月團隊,為各位準媽媽服務及細心聆聽你需要. [read more]
資深金牌陪月 經驗豐富 湊B無數(包括雙胞胎、龍鳳胎) 如有海外僑胞需要陪月都OK. [read more]
提供最多專業陪月員平台,強大搜尋配對功能。直接聯絡,免中介費、免佣金。首創「有工有求」-免費刊登陪月工作,獨有PM通訊功能,群發工作訊息,貼心解決急切聘請陪月問題。. [read more]
專業陪月員及幼兒按摩導師 Qualified Hong Kong ERB postnatal carer Certified International Association of Infant Massage (IAIM) instructor. [read more]
本人有湊雙胞胎經驗. [read more]
土生土長港媽 9年陪月經驗,持有政府認可之陪月証書及婦兒營養証書。能操流利粵語,曾照顧孖B,早產BB。. [read more]
陪月.催乳.產後修復 十二年專業,讓媽媽專心只坐好月子。. [read more]
All Nepali products We are Specialist of Pashmina and woolen Jacket Retail and wholesale. [read more]
Harbour Restaurant is a restaurant, located at G/F, 1 Davis Street, Kennedy Town Island. They can be contacted via phone at 28180101 for more detailed information. [read more]
"Honey Pet Shop" (Wan Chai Branch 灣仔分店). [read more]
Shopping & Retail. [read more]
主售日本/韓國/美國布料及紙樣 現貨及代購均有 *只限郵寄 *郵費: 自付 (順豐到付或平郵由買家承擔寄失風險). [read more]
Come to teach English in Hong Kong! Want to teach English in Hong Kong but don’t know where to start? We are here to help!. [read more]
歡迎蒞臨門市/工作室睇色板,挑選款式 各款汽車專用碳纖3D地毯 全包3D尾箱墊 專車訂製 罕有車款 度身訂造 顏色圖案絲圈可以自由配搭 採用優質皮革製造 耐磨 質量好 零氣味 自家工廠製. [read more]
岩盤浴通過加熱天然礦石釋放遠紅外線及負離子,有助發汗、排毒、燒脂、改善虛冷體質、消除疲勞使肌膚更加美麗. [read more]
觀塘地鐵站A出口(APM)五分鐘路程 金沙遊戲機, 7仔樓上. [read more]
天然能量創造健康身體 日本流行最新養生美容方式. [read more]
Mobo envisions minimalist, affordable yet high quality products, websites, strategies and graphic designs that are bound to fulfil your creative needs. [read more]
沙田站(Sha.. [read more]
提供貓犬美容服務(需一星期前預約) 另提供寵物食用品零售 本店持有本地合法動物售賣商牌照 自家繁殖純種英國短毛貓及異國短毛貓 IG & WECHAT: mastercathk. [read more]
每月定期飛韓國,為您帶來韓國生活小百貨. [read more]
晉能概念於2006年成立,從事食品製造,銷售和營銷。並以「加零一」品牌為消費者和零售商提供優質的冷凍食品。. [read more]
Personal training, fat loss, strength training, rehab, nutrition, group training. [read more]
Texila e-Learning started in the year 2015 aiming to develop Online short term certification courses for graduates and working professionals. [read more]
Beef & Liberty Star Street is a restaurant, located at Star St. Precinct, 2/F, 23 Wing Fung Street, Wanchai. They can be contacted via phone at 2563 2798 for more detailed information. [read more]
This is a demo page created for a Web design course and digital marketing course taught at the Open University of Hong Kong. . [read more]
本店的服務範疇: 專營批發及零售集會式卡牌遊戲, 桌遊, 食玩 模型 各大日本網站代購及提供各類專業意見服務. [read more]
School Food at Cityplaza is a restaurant, located at Shop 136, Level 1, Cityplaza 2, 18 Taikoo Shing Road, Taikoo Shing Island East, 852 Hong Kong. They can be contacted via phone at +852 2191.. [read more]
90 後女孩,為達成夢想,努力不懈鑽研將所種植的香草、天然食材、中藥等加到手工皂和護膚品之中,想把一切一切都毫無保留地跟大家分享\�/. [read more]
HK Hurricanes are a professional swim club operating in Hong Kong currently at AISHK that mainly focusses on youth learn to swim programmes. . [read more]
國際基督教優質音樂中學暨小學(英文名稱:International Christian Quality Music Secondary and Primary.. [read more]