Home made cookies, cup cakes & cakes. Food & Beverage. Coffee & Tea. Custom made bakery available: from extraordinary birthday cake to cookies. Come & try. [read more]
We honour God, make Christ-centered disciples, build communities and serve the nations. . [read more]
Yumika OnlineShop 為各位提供更實惠、更好的服務,將產品送到你手上。即"like"及以電郵聯絡我們喇~. [read more]
意象軒以推動兒童美術創作為目標的教室, 美術教育並非單純為教授孩子們繪畫的技能,它必須i透過美育來開發啟孩子的觀察、思考與實踐能力,同時也培養他們做事和負責任的態度。. [read more]
The Zara Talent Tour is coming to Hong Kong for 3 weeks to find people who share our love of fashion! We´re looking forward to meeting you! Join Fashion!. [read more]
CrackTattooWorkshop Address: Rm03 Floor 9 Shing Yip Industrial Building No. 19-21 Shing Yip Street Kwun Tong Kowloon. [read more]
Gold Plus Sourcing is a global leading sourcing company and compliance service provider that partner with brands, retails and importer around the world to secure, manage and.. [read more]
"Catch your Teddy Boy " Be fun. Be weird. T-shirt collections. [read more]
‘Here We Are’, 20 Queen’s Road, located at GF Pacific House, 20 Queen's Road Central. They can be contacted via phone at 800 9621 3600 for more detailed information. [read more]
Store locations 店舖位置 3hreesixty, Elements 圓方店 Shop 1090, 1/F Elements, Kowloon Station, Hong Kong 港鐵九龍站圓方1樓1090號舖 3hreesixty, Stanley Plaza.. [read more]
Multiple award winning I AM Nikon freelance photographer specialising in wildlife, nature, landscape, travel and sports. Available for commissions, assignments, fine art prints, books,.. [read more]
為妳打造一個美滿的婚禮,細心聆聽、貼身服務,歡迎查詢或wts:63022600。. [read more]
Two wedding/fashion photographers based in Hong Kong. . [read more]
HK Medical Beauty Centre - Beauty Generation. [read more]
本店除了提供不同類型日本傳統食品外,更自家創作多種不同日本菜式,慕求為廣大客戶帶來多元化味覺選擇; 而且我們更每天從各地引入新鮮食材,意為食客送上鮮味與品質。. [read more]
特點 創新概念,運用臭氧03配合先進環保的洗滌設備及特有的皮具護理技術。. [read more]
Art Fish Kids is a mobile art studio providing art classes for children of all ages in the comfort of their own home, clubhouse or chosen venue. . [read more]
小朋友也時尚,貨品有我地既"專業"小模特兒親身示範,為你帶黎品質最好又超值既時尚童裝. [read more]
THE BEE'S CORNER 專售女裝 貨品保證好質量,店主親自拿貨 可選郵寄或面交 任何查詢 Whatsapp 852 96755251 或 Inbox 新店開張期間全店貨品有八五折優惠. [read more]
窗簾【快速睇板,報價服務】只需要15至30分鐘,就可以睇到你想要窗簾布板,睇啱又有時間即時幫你上門量尺,網上訂購來電享有85折優惠,查詢96676117陳生. [read more]
啓蒙教育大樓. [read more]
Bee Studio充滿活力和創意、崇尚自然簡約的風格,我們擅長外景和上門拍攝。. [read more]
Outdoor bar serving HK’s finest selection of craft beers and ciders since 2009. Pier 4 location open. Stay tuned for Pier 3’s exciting relaunch. Come for the brews, stay for the views!. [read more]
miniU自家私塾 宗旨【啟揚稟賦 仁禮一體】. [read more]
萬威教育(Maxway)是一間專注於英、美、加升學的顧問機構,提供一站式的升學服務,以及不同類型的出國考試培訓。透過Facebook,我們希望與你分享更多「教育與成長」的資訊。. [read more]
專營韓國兒童用品,不定時有特價優惠,有興趣可以'like' & 'follow'. [read more]
隨著STEM教育(Science, technology, engineering and mathematics)普及,Bullseye Technology 透過編程,機械人及3D打印等科創課程給孩子在創意、思考發展與解決難題等帶來極具啓發性的教育應用。. [read more]
我們的理念 Our Goal • 一站式服務 One Stop Solution • 兩者橋樑 A Bridge between Buyers and Sellers • 三贏局面 All win situation. [read more]
電腦遊戲, 電腦維修, 電腦文儀. [read more]
炎炎夏日又到啦……. 天氣又咁熱,太陽又咁猛,咁係最o岩約埋一班知己良朋出海碧波暢遊啦,切勿錯過盛夏的來臨,和好友一齊出海吹吹風吧. . . . . . . . . 可接任何派對、船 P、釣墨魚、香港生態遊、維港. [read more]
Three Stars recommended Artisan and Natural Wines -- Awards Foie Gras, Pate, Natural Jams. . . Yummy food from Europe. [read more]
韓藉廚師主理 韓國地道小食,新界屯門良德街盈豐商場A19鋪 聯絡電話 2640 2889 有關外賣到會可以whatapps 97262554 林太 查詢! 韓式炒年糕,炸雞,紫菜包飯 等等. [read more]
皇廷工房 is a restaurant, located at Shop 4, G/F, King Palace Plaza, 55 King Yip Street, Kwun Tong. They can be contacted via phone at 34282828 for more detailed information. [read more]
一 對熱愛波鞋的情侶 網上代購 堅持自己波鞋自己買 保證100%堅野正貨 10-20days Shipping外國空運 訂購自英國、美國、日本 如有鞋款想搵 歡迎向我們查詢 WhatsApp:+852 6704 7780 Facebook Page :KC_sneakers0. [read more]
專營日本波鞋,潮流服飾,時裝,書包,手袋等訂購! 店主特別為你選擇適合你的產品. 本店鋪更有日本貨品訂購服務, 龐大網絡包括為人熟悉的ZOZOTOWN,ABCMART,ADIDAS等等. 讓你定能買到心頭好:). [read more]
Dennis Sneaker - 為Dennis 團購之波鞋分部,專門為大家提供最新最潮最抵的波鞋~!. [read more]