ES Lightling照明燈飾 陳列室地址: No. 1 馬鞍山新港城中心5期2樓2731號鋪(HSBC銀行對面) No. 2 九龍灣淘大商場一期2樓S70鋪(稻香隔離) NO3. 將軍澳新都城3期2樓206鋪(寶琳站A1出口) 營業時間:12:00-9:00. [read more]
We specialise in developing premium genomic assays in four areas that have the largest impact on the Asian population. . [read more]
With years of experience, Century has established itself as a construction material consultant and reliable supplier of top quality construction material. [read more]
P & N Building Material Supply Co. Ltd. (HK) has been a wholesaler of European Ceramic tiles for over 20 years. We also have retail shops in Wan Chai and Mongkok. [read more]
THE HARPER - 家居物料配對平台是全港第一個提供免費資詢、協助用家制定物料方案、並配對有需要的裝修物料如地磚、牆磚、水龍頭潔具、地板、天花、燈、廚櫃、浴室櫃、電器和傢俬等的平台. [read more]
anta Building Material Supplier is a company which supplies high quality European tiles and interior products. . [read more]
CAKE Sakura 櫻花。餅店,位於太子的小小蛋糕咖啡室,希望給大家一個小小的地方,休息休息,吃吃自家製蛋糕,喝喝世界各地的咖啡豆,欣賞手作的藝術品,享用珍藏古董咖啡杯,是我們希望做. [read more]
香療生活,芳香人生。 Providing aroma and other related Courses; Sharing aroma life with Essential oils, Carrier oils, DIY Soaps and aroma related products 曾應邀到 市建局、八達通、MTR、Play Art Kids 皮亞豆 等大型機構教授. [read more]
Azzurro Italian Restaurant & Bar By Chef Alberto Boccelli Another great venue for your parties or intimate dining experiences. Pizza, Pasta & Grill. [read more]
iBest APP是海通國際新推出的一站式綜合理財交易平台,提供港股及窩輪牛熊證交易、孖展認購新股、港股即時數據、24小時財經資訊等功能服務。. [read more]
江山笑 is a restaurant, located at 金鐘金鐘道89號力寶中心1樓商場2B舖, Central. They can be contacted via phone at 2810 6921 for more detailed information. . [read more]
陽光醫療中心 SunShine HealthCare Medical Centre 醫療服務包括: 內外全科西醫 醫學診斷 身體檢查 疫苗注射 醫學美容 疣電灼術 基因檢測. [read more]
旺角塘尾道64號龍駒企業中心地下L鋪 週一 至 週六 9:30-18:00 週日 及 法定假日 (預約) Tel: 2180-9366 Fax: 3011-5690 . [read more]
糖兄弟甜品屋宗旨是希望帶給每一位顧客都甜甜蜜蜜感覺. [read more]
Alala Entertainment Limited specializes in model & talent management, sport project development and movie production. Any inquiry or collaboration, please contact : Tel: +852 3622 1282 ( Miss.. [read more]
訂造傢俬 梳化 床褥 餐枱. [read more]
Acqua Media provides programmatic selling strategy and ad monetization services for premium web publishers and app developers. . [read more]
American steakhouse backed up by a bar program inspired from the 1920s prohibition era. Chef Jason Lloyd cooks up all-time hearty favorites, homemade pastrami, clam chowder, cured seafood,.. [read more]
汽車用品、精品、音響、行車記錄儀、HID零售及批發(絕無分店). [read more]
CaliBurger is a restaurant, located at 68-76 Hennessy Rd. They can be contacted via phone at +85226969008 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Shek Kip Mei, originally known as Shek Kap Mei, is an area in New Kowloon, to the northeast of the Kowloon Peninsula of Hong Kong. It borders Sham Shui Po and Kowloon Tong. [read more]
1. 虎藏:葵涌大連排道21-33號宏達工業中心4樓14室 TEL:2276 4566 2. 虎藏食堂:荃灣大霸街4號荃灣廣場4樓一田百貨TW-4-003櫃位 TEL:2276 4566 https://www. facebook. com/虎蔵-Torazou-295388467610988/?ref=bookmarks 3. [read more]
一田魚屋 is a restaurant, located at 將軍澳東港城2樓. They can be contacted via phone at 21530702 for more detailed information. . [read more]
AspaceDesignStudio 服務範圍:住宅,商店,寫字樓,餐廳 服務內容:2D,3D及施工圖紙,物料傢飾配襯,地盤管理及跟進服務 我們提供免費度尺,平面圖設計及報價服務 請以電郵或FACEBOOK MSG查詢. [read more]
我們希望無論大人或小孩都能在這裡找到屬於自己的快樂,找到自己。 我們透過分享繪本、藝術創作、遊戲及互動與孩子連結,與人連結。 從筆觸、顏色、種種藝術創作的方法看出人的情緒/個性。讓自己更了解自己。 我們亦會透過大自然主題,學習欣賞萬物,透過觀察大自然來學習藝術。 我們的角色只是引導者,我們不侷限孩子/大人的創意,大家可以在小星火盡情發揮及創作。 ========================================== 本公司兩位創辦人均畢業於香港演藝學院舞台及製作藝術學院學士(榮譽)學位。 Koobe主修舞台及服裝設計及修畢中文大學專業進修學院商業設計高級文憑課程。 有 9 年於社區中心、畫室及上門藝術教授經驗,並已修讀幼兒playgroup導師課程及藝術治療。 除了藝術教育的工作,Koobe亦有從事舞台及服裝設計的工作及到中學教授相關課程。 Stephanie 主修道具製作,畢業後以自由身藝術家身份工作,包括製作主題樂園及舞台劇道具等。曾參與歌劇《歌聲魅影》國際巡迴演出的道具製作及維修;擔任香港演藝學院道具製作講師助教及為香港青年藝術協會主辦的渣打藝趣嘉年華擔任駐校藝術工作坊導師等。 查詢電話 :6147 0279 (Koobe) /6409 2450 (Stephanie) 如有查詢可電郵至: Littlespark_ac@yahoo. [read more]
文化現場在2008-2011年始辦文化評論雜誌,其後仍和大專院校合作策劃媒體課程,於2016年眾籌出版《粵辭正典》免費送給各中學,以作文化保,2018年出版《我們都是星旅人》,推廣古文明。. [read more]
We are seeking Vintage. . Sth Special. . Unique Vintage Store from Hong Kong Bag Accessory Clothing Lifestyle. [read more]
Jubilee Reservoir is a reservoir in Hong Kong. It is located in Shing Mun, the area between Tsuen Wan and Sha Tin, in the New Territories. HistorySeveral hundreds years ago, the area around.. [read more]
Sakurashima Bakery 櫻桃麵包餅店 is a bakery, located at Shop B, G/F, 55 Wanchai Rd. They can be contacted via phone at +85228916268 for more detailed information. [read more]
this is not a Corporate Page, this is a page of an independent Distributor. [read more]
AICPA Exam is being offered in 8 months of every year. The US CPA professional title is widely recognized all over the world including the HKICPA. . [read more]
查詢電話: 8200 6882 旅程策劃: 8100 6223. [read more]
貨品從韓國直接入貨,主理是韓國人妻Edwina,港韓兩邊走的她,愛養生,愛美容所以創辦了【姜. 美養顏館】,同樣地愛打扮,愛shopping ,所以創辦了【K fashionland】。. [read more]
Retail Intelligence System (Marketing Intelligence System, Vision intelligent, big data, real time customer activity/buying behavior), other AI solution. [read more]
Segafredo Zanetti Espresso has more than 20 years of experience. First café opened in 1988 to let the world discover the charm, the culture and the flavor of the authentic Italian Espresso.. [read more]
Studio City Bar & Café 餐廳設計為經典美式風格,裝潢富有懷舊電影味道,配以多個經典荷里活電影及娛樂界名人為主角的「最後晚餐」壁畫,加強了荷里活氣息。. [read more]