Established in year 1999 and registered as TIM YIU LIMOUSINE SERVICE LTD in year 2012. We have more than seventeen years experience in Limousine Service. [read more]
Photography & Videography professional service Tel: (+852) 90224268 Email: ivanyiuphotography@gmail. com Insatgram: IVANYIUPHOTOGRAPHYHK. [read more]
么鳳士多1960年創辦. [read more]
日良市集以較日本市面售價更低的價錢提供訂購您心愛的日本商品,包括咖啡用品、廚房用品、餐具、茶具、銅器、首飾、家居用品、雜貨、趣味商品等,香港地區免費送貨*. [read more]
Wine company based in the most exciting wine market, Hong Kong, with roots in the most important, UK. Exceptional wines, value, service & people. . [read more]
本公司位於香港上環永樂街111號1樓,專營燕窩海味批發及零售,產品主要來自印度尼西亞,以實惠價格,提供優質產品並經過專人專業挑選,確保產品質素的同時做到服務符合顧客所需。. [read more]
1. Interior design, space planning 2. Match the colors, materials selection, furniture design 3. Decoration of residence project and office project 4. [read more]
有關任何圖像處理都歡迎隨時致電: 61588397 更多產品將會陸續推出. [read more]
凡直友里 is a restaurant, located at 元朗建業街90-104滿利大廈地下. They can be contacted via phone at 2644 1222 for more detailed information. . [read more]
THE ROCK REVOLUTION: Brought to you by The Living Room, The Rock Revolution includes The Rock School, Band Training, Music Lessons and other events. . [read more]
搜羅各款又平又靚geBB頭飾俾各位同樣鍾意幫女女扮靚ge媽媽們 Lillian's 手工布藝術頭飾髮夾套裝 $68ㄧ盒, 兩盒以上$60盒 可以西鐵沿線交收,面交貨物和現金 可以郵寄(郵費到付),但需要先ATM入數. [read more]
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy - Treatment, training,equipment; rentals, sales and leasing HBOT chambers, O2 concerntrators, mask, sPo2 monitors, compressors. [read more]
A+ [愛飾您]飾品網店為愛美的你而設, 高品質飾品, 款式精美, 包括手飾, 耳環, 頸飾, 頭飾等,可選購給愛美的女仕們或由男仕們送給最愛的另一伴。 訂購可 inbox/message A+ Accessories Online Shop. [read more]
Established in 1999, Munsang College (Hong Kong Island) is going to celebrate our 20th Anniversary in 2019. . [read more]
搜羅最新最型格時尚真皮皮具及型格T比fans!. [read more]
泰筏味nittaya is a restaurant, located at 大角咀塘尾道百勝大厦地下1-3號. They can be contacted via phone at 23804221 for more detailed information. . [read more]
你的囝囝每次剪髮會喊到嘔嗎? Cute Cut 兒童速剪專門店幫到你, 附設兒童遊戲區及成人速剪專區, Kids Hair Cut Expert. [read more]
任何畫花 卡通 雲石 線條 所有美甲款式 我們都會盡力滿足你 電話:64008108. [read more]
本店專營各品牌手機、平板、MAC週邊產品、運動電子產品、車用電子週邊等等零售及批發。 設實體店面於旺角山東街47-51號,星際城市207、229-230號舖,歡迎參觀查詢。. [read more]
Art Code is gallery of modern and contemporary fine art. . [read more]
Simon Rogan's chef's table and development kitchen. Located in Cartmel, London and now in Hong Kong. . [read more]
We are responsible organic tea farmers. We are one of the few tea farmers in China who are fully committed to organic farming. . [read more]
Living Room Interior Co. 為住宅家居、商鋪,提供設計、裝修及維修工程。 歡迎查詢 : 9032 2572 (Whatsapp). [read more]
Design & Architecture www. arboit. net www. arboit. com. hk (China). [read more]
專售高質素汽車清潔用品及上門洗車服務 無須用水 洗車連同打蠟一併完成 每日都有體驗日 讓車主體驗無水洗車 有興趣可whatsapp或致電��51777797(Man). [read more]
A Unique taste with a Unique Ambience. [read more]
代購日本潮流品牌商品 Whatsapp: +852 55334644 Instagram: zealotrycohk E-mail: zealotryco@hotmail. com. [read more]
Somos una empresa que trabaja con las importaciones de America Latina y España desde China. Somos tu agente de compra y envío desde China y Hong Kong! Trabajamos con España,.. [read more]
Rin Aesthetics Center is medical beauty center with its signature combo treatment of laser and skincare. Get in touch, take your first step for anti-aging!. [read more]
豐樂里私房雅匯-一個讓你盡享星級創意佳餚的中環新熱點. "East Meets West" cross-over cuisine that propels fusion dining to a new height Lunch HK$168/person Dinner HK$438-588/person. [read more]
實習是教學計劃的一部份,PETWEST 提供經驗, 學生可以通過 這種方式學習 所需要的技巧; 包括客戶關係,時間管理,銷售技巧等…. [read more]
CoinMaster-新聯盟, located at Central. They can be contacted via phone at 60644651 for more detailed information. . [read more]
希望每一位戴上我們的飾物後,擁有如星空般閃爍的美麗. . . . . . 全部飾物均本地創作及製作,為你的小孩、寵物及自己挑選特色精緻飾物,為生活添一份色彩! Instagram: starryskyhkg. [read more]
牛極 Stone Grill Steak. [read more]
來自日本名古屋的殿堂級甜品店Chez Shibata是國際甜品大師Takeshi Shibata創立的品牌。現任日本西尾抹茶及知名法國朱古力CEMOI品牌大使的他結合法國甜點的精髓及日本手藝,成立了此品牌。. [read more]
FT. Sound 專門提供 舞台音響器材 / 樂器 租借服務 致力為所有客人完成任何有關舞台工作 如有任何查詢 , 歡迎隨時致電 : 6200 1109 ( 陳生 ). [read more]