
香港浸會大學學生會評議會 Hong Kong Baptist University Students' Union Council

Room 503, Yeung Shui Sang Building Baptist University, 224 Waterloo Road, Kowloon Tong


The Official Page of Hong Kong Baptist University Students' Union Council

Tags : #CollegeUniversity, #College&University

Location :
Room 503, Yeung Shui Sang Building Baptist University, 224 Waterloo Road, Kowloon Tong




7 評議會
7.1 定義:評議會乃負責本會一切立法及監察事宜之權力機構。
7.2 權力:評議會所通過之議案不能推翻全民投票、會員大會及聯席會議之決定。
7.3 權責:
7.3.1 維護本會會員之權益;
7.3.2 諮詢幹事會及編委會的工作情況;
7.3.3 可成立專責委員會;
7.3.4 審議本會屬下各組織之章則及職權範圍;
7.3.5 有權接納或廢止任何組織之「附屬」或「豁免附屬」於本會;
7.3.6 接受評議會普選評議員、幹事會成員、編輯委員會普選成員及仲議會仲裁員之辭職;
7.3.7 當三分之二或以上與會評議員投票贊成,可通過對本會屬下各組織之幹事及委員投不信任票;
7.3.8 於評議會會議中,經三分之二或以上之與會評議員投票贊成,可通過對學生會屬下各組織之成員之遺憾議案;
7.3.9 可向學生會屬下各組織之成員提出質詢或要求有關人仕出席有關會議,但須於會議前七十二小時通知有關人士;
7.3.10 核准仲議會仲裁員之任命;
7.3.11 委任選舉委員會。


評議會主席 黃浚軒(去屆幹事長)
評議會副主席 鍾梓儀(去屆總編輯)
評議會秘書 黃永強
普選評議員 蔡泳嘉
普選評議員 葉梓翀
普選評議員 高雋奇
普選評議員 湯偉圓
普選評議員 黃健航
普選評議員 何珈熹
評議員 譚浩軒(宋慶齡堂宿生會代表)
評議員 周佩嫻(楊振寧堂宿生會代表)
評議員 潘敏 (周樹人堂宿生會代表)
評議員 陳威衡(蔡元培堂宿生會代表)
評議員 葉蘊賢(文學院學生會代表)
評議員 刁嘉慶(理學院學生聯會代表)
評議員 鄧梓娸(數學學會代表)
評議員 梁皓添(工商管理學會代表)
評議員 林韻妍(經濟學系系會代表)
評議員 林敏婷(管理資訊系統學會代表)
評議員 李浩詩(人力資源管理學會代表)
評議員 黃卓盈(社會科學院四系學生聯會代表)
評議員 鄺灝朗(視覺藝術學會代表)
評議員 謝詠姍(電影學院(高級文憑)學生會代表)

Name list of HKBUSU Council, Session 2017-2018

Council Chairman: WONG Chun Hin Angus (Previous President)
Council Vice Chairman: CHUNG Jade (Previous Editor-in-chief)
Council Secretary: WONG Wing Keung
Popularly Elected Councilor: CHOI Wing Ka
Popularly Elected Councilor: YIP Tsz Chung
Popularly Elected Councilor: KO Chun Ki
Popularly Elected Councilor: THONG Wai Yuen
Popularly Elected Councilor: HUANG Jianhang
Popularly Elected Councilor: HO Ka Hei
Councilor: TAM Ho Hin (Representative from Hall Council of C. L Soong Hall)
Councilor: CHOW Pui Han (Representative from Hall Council of C. N. Yang Hall)
Councilor: POON Man (Representative from Hall Council of S. R. Zhou Hall)
Councilor: CHAN Wai Hang (Representative from Hall Council of Y. P. Cai Hall)
Councilor: YIP Wan Yin Alan (Representative from Faculty of Arts Society)
Councilor: TIU Ka Hing Nic (Representative from Student Association of Science Faculty)
Councilor: TANG Tsz Ki (Representative from Mathematics Society)
Councilor: LEUNG Ho Tim (Representative from Business Management Society)
Councilor: LAM Wan Yin (Representative from Economics Society)
Councilor: LAM Man Ting (Representative from Management Information System Society)
Councilor: LEE Ho Sze Ceci (Representative from Human Resources Management Society)
Councilor: WONG Cheuk Ying (Representative from the Association of Quaternary Societies of Faculty of Social Sciences)
Councilor: KWONG Ho Long (Representative from Visual Arts Student Society)
Councilor: TSE Wing Shan (Representative from Academy of Film (Higher Diploma) Students’ Union)

8 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    06 August 2020

    【第五十三屆評議會第一次非常務會議會議議程|Agenda of 1st Extraordinary General Meeting, Session 2020-2021】 (Please scroll down for English version)

    日期:二零二零年八月八日(六) 時間:下午7時正... 地點: Microsoft Teams

    一、行政事項 1. 宣讀信函

    二、通過事項 1. 通過是次會議議程

    三、處理事項 1. 委任第五十三屆評議會常設委員會成員 i. 社會事務委員會 2. 審核及通過第五十三屆臨時行政委員會三月份工作報告 3. 審核及通過第五十三屆臨時行政委員會四月份工作報告 4. 審核及通過第五十三屆臨時行政委員會五月份工作報告


    ______________________________ 草擬人:香港浸會大學學生會 第五十三屆評議會 主席 周頌天 二零二零年八月五日

    Date: 8/8/2020 Time:7 p.m. Venue: Microsoft Teams

    Section A. 1. To read out the correspondences

    Section B 1. To receive and adopt the agenda

    Section C 1. To nominate members of Council’s sub committees i. Social Affairs Committee 2. To receive and adopt, work report in March 2020 of Acting-Executive Committee,Session 2020-21 3. To receive and adopt, work report in April 2020 of Acting-Executive Committee,Session 2020-21 4. To receive and adopt, work report in May 2020 of Acting-Executive Committee,Session 2020-21

    Section E -A.O.B.

    Prepared by Edwin Chow Chairman Council, Session 2020-2021 Hong Kong Baptist University Students’ Union

    5 August 2020

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  • Anynomous
    27 July 2020

    【第五十三屆評議會第一次常務會議議程|Agenda of 1st General Meeting, Council, Session 2020-2021 】 (Please scroll down for English version)

    日期:二零二零年七月二十九日(三) 時間:下午六時正 ...

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  • Anynomous
    26 June 2020

    【評議會通過臨時行政委員會成員改組事宜|the change of membership composition of the Acting- Executive Committee】

    (Please scroll down for English version)



    主席(兼任署理會長)方仲賢 副主席 林穎澤 財務委員 王沐恩 委員郭浩欣 委員 饒博 委員 梁兆玉

    On 24 June 2020, the Council passed the change of membership composition of the Acting- Executive Committee on its Annual General Meeting (Affairs of Current Session). Members of the Acting Executive Committee: Chairman (also serves as the Acting President of HKBUSU) FONG Chung Yin, Keith Vice Chairman LAM Wing Chak Financial Officer WANG Mu En Officer KWOK Ho Yan Officer YIU Pok Officer LEUNG Siu Yuk

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  • Anynomous
    25 June 2020

    【第五十三屆周年大會(應屆事項)委任署理評議會副主席及評議會秘書|Nomination of Acting-Vice-Chairman & Secretary of Council, Session 2020-2021】

    (Please scroll down for English version)






    評議會秘書處 二零二零年六月二十五日

    The Council resolved to nominate Popularly Elected Councilor Tsz Yin YIP as Acting-Vice-Chairman, Council, Session 2020-2021. Also, full member Hoi Yan WU has been appointed to be Council Secretary. According to the Union Constitution, YIP is now acting as Council Vice-Chairman and WU is the Council Secretary.

    YIP and WU will officially be the Vice-Chairman and Secretary after TWO weeks if no objection is made. Objections shall only be made by full members and attached with reason in writing to the President of the Union ( The President then should call for a Joint Meeting to reconsider the decision.

    Such objections must be submitted by 8 July, 2020 to the President of the Union (Based on the pick-up time).

    Secretariat, Council 25 June 2020

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  • Anynomous
    11 June 2020

    【五十三屆周年大會(選舉應屆評議會主席)委任署理評議會主席|Appointment of Acting-Chairperson of the Union Council】 (Please scroll down for English version)






    評議會秘書處 二零二零年六月十一日

    The Council resolved to appoint Edwin Chun Tin CHOW as Acting-Chairperson, Council, Session 2020-2021. According to the Union Constitution, CHOW is now acting as Council Chairperson.

    CHOW will officially be the Chairperson after TWO weeks if no objection is made. Objection shall only be made by Full Member and attached with reason in writing to the President (, and the President has to call for a Joint-Meeting to reconsider the appointment.

    Such objection must be submitted by 24 June, 2020 to the President (Based on the pick-up time).

    Secretariat, Council 11 June 2020

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  • Anynomous
    01 June 2020

    【評議會通過臨時行政委員會秘書方嘉誠之辭職議案|Motion of Resignation of Torres FONG, Secretary of the Acting-Executive Committee was ratified by the Council】 (Please scroll down for English version)



    經討論後,議案進行表決,在席人數14人,議案在無人反對下一致通過。 如有任何疑問,請聯絡評議會主席雷樂希(。

    評議會秘書處 二零二零年六月一日

    The Annual General Meeting (Affairs of Previous Session) (Resumed) of Council was called on 31 May 2020. Mr Torres FONG, Secretary of the Acting-Executive Committee submitted the resignation to the Council for consideration. Mr FONG said that due to his graduation, he has no time to deal with the Union affairs, and therefore submit the resignation.

    14 Councillors were present at the meeting. After discussion, the motion was ratified unanimously.

    Secretariat, Council 1 June 2020

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  • Anynomous
    03 April 2020

    【第五十二屆周年大選(補選)之初步點票結果|Preliminary Result of Annual By-Election, Session 2019-2020】 (Please scroll down for English version)

    周年大選點票已於4月3日下午9時22分結束,如有任何就周年大選及全民投票之投訴,請於核算票數後24小時內書面向仲議會提出。 周年大選及學生會會章全民投票之核算票數結果公佈後一日內未有收到投訴,方能正式公佈生效。... 核算結果如下:

    -第五十二屆周年大選(補選)- 第六類別:評議會普選評議員候選人 葉梓賢 投票人數:1383/投票率:11.09%/信任:1168/不信任:55/棄權:75/廢票:85 - 是次選舉點票之監票主任──香港浸會大學學生事務處資深學生事務主任朱倩儀小姐已確認初步選舉結果。由於上述選舉投票人數多於法定所需票數,故是次選舉結果有效。由於上述選舉信任票多於不信任票,信任與不信任之總和多於棄權票,故評議會普選評議員候選人 葉梓賢在上述選舉中當選


    The vote counting session has been finished at today 21:22. Shall there be any complaint made to the Annual Election, please submit to the Judicial Council in written form within 24 hours after the announcement of preliminary vote counting. If there is no complaint received after 24 hours, the result shall be officially effective. Preliminary vote counting results are as follows.

    -Students’ Union Annual By-Election, Session 2019-2020- Category VI. Popularly elected Councilor Candidate YIP Tsz Yin No. of Valid Vote: 1383 / Turnout rate: 11.09% / Confidence: 1168 / Non-confidence: 55 / Abstain: 75 / Invalid vote: 85

    Miss Karriann CHU, Senior Student Affairs Officer of Office of Student Affairs, as the Scrutinizer of the vote counting, has confirmed the preliminary results. Since the election secures the quorum, the election elect is valid, and since the votes of confidence are more than the votes of non-confidence, and the total of vote of confidence and non-confidence are more than the vote of abstain. Therefore, the election candidate is declared elected.

    Shall there be any complaint to the procedure of the election or vote counting, please submit to the Judicial Council in written form within 24 hours after announcing the primary results. The Judicial Council shall call a meeting to discuss on the complaint made. If there is no complaint made within 24 hours, the Election Committee and the President will officially announce the election results, and the result will be effective. Should you have any enquiries, please contact Terrence CHENG, the Judicial Council Chief Arbitrator at

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  • Anynomous
    27 March 2020

    【第五十二屆周年大選(補選)|Annual By-Election, Session 2019-2020】



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