
Official Page of Hong Kong Baptist University Students' Union

Tags : #CollegeUniversity, #CommunityOrganization, #College&University

Location :
Room 501, Yeung Shui Sang Building Baptist University, 224 Waterloo Road, Kowloon Tong, 852 Hong Kong

Opening Hours

  • Monday 09:00 - 13:00
  • Tuesday 09:00 - 13:00
  • Wednesday 09:00 - 13:00
  • Thursday 09:00 - 13:00
  • Friday 09:00 - 13:00
  • Saturday -
  • Sunday -


Official Page of Hong Kong Baptist University Students' Union

10 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    29 July 2020

    【 收合餘燼,背城借一 ──大專學界就白色恐怖時代降臨告港人書 | Resist, however long and hard the road may be - A Letter from Students’ Unions of Higher Institutions to all Hongkongers 】





    香港大學學生會 香港中文大學學生會臨時行政委員會 嶺南大學學生會 香港城市大學學生會 香港樹仁大學學生會 香港恒生大學學生會 香港公開大學學生會 東華學院學生會 香港理工大學學生會 香港浸會大學學生會臨時行政委員會 香港教育大學學生會

    Today, the former founder of Studentlocalism, Tony Chung Hon-lam, the former member, Ho Yan-nok, and the former spokesperson, Ho Nok-hang were arrested in their respective residences by police officers from the National Security Department. Reportedly, they were charged with “inciting secession or undermining national unification”. This is the very first direct home arrest ever since the implementation of the National Security Law on the 30th June.

    Hong Kong has fallen into the Era of White Terror. Students’ Unions of Higher Institutions hereby urge Hongkongers not to connive at the atrocities of the communist regime but to stand up against the oppression by any feasible means. To the tyrannical communist puppets, we warn that the world is watching. Any further crimes you commit will not go unseen.

    It is crystal clear that more and more Hongkongers would have to endure the Communist terror. But as Samuel Beckett, an Irish poet, said, “I can’t go on. I will go on.” Hongkongers shall uphold the Be-Water spirit and continue to fight on in the darkest times. In the past year, Hongkongers have fought the battle against tyranny as if it was our last, revealing the Chinese communist regime’s true colour and unearthing its malignant nature. The free world has stood with Hongkongers against Communist aggression. Perseverance is vital to winning the war against tyranny. We shall continue defending Hong Kong with hope until widespread of the flames of resistance. May glory be to Hong Kong.

    The Hong Kong University Students’ Union The Provisional Executive Committee, The Student Union of The Chinese University of Hong Kong Lingnan University Students’ Union City University of Hong Kong Students’ Union The Student Union of Hong Kong Shue Yan University The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong Students’ Union The Open University of Hong Kong Students’ Union Tung Wah College Students’ Union The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Students’ Union The Hong Kong Baptist University Students’ Union Acting-Executive Committee The Education University of Hong Kong Students’ Union

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  • Anynomous
    29 June 2020

    【大專學界七一宣言|July 1 Manifesto by the Students’ Unions of Higher Institutes】

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  • Anynomous
    26 June 2020

    英魂不朽 浩氣長存


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  • Anynomous
    03 June 2020

    【大專學界「惡法將至 烽火再起」聯合集會|Joint Assembly of Students’ Unions of Higher Institutes in Hong Kong “Draconian Law Awakens, Flickers of Battlefield Revive“ 】

    (Please scroll down for English version)




    面對強權如斯打壓,港人該如何自處?變本加厲的惡法之下,一年前的抗爭模式有何參考價值?香港大專院校學生會將於六月五日舉辦「惡法將至 烽火再起」聯合集會,望能反思反修例運動對香港未來的啟示,並探討在《國安法》對香港及香港社會運動的影響。 現誠邀同學出席集會,詳情如下:

    日期:六月五日(星期五) 時間:下午七時至九時 地點:香港大學學生會大樓地下 註一:屆時將會提供網上直播。 註二:進場人士須於校園出入口出示其院校之學生證及進行防疫檢測。 *校方要求人數限制

    In 2019, the authoritarian regime has pushed for the Extradition Amendment Bill, impairing the rule of law as well as the autonomy of Hong Kong. In spite of widespread discontent, the Hong Kong communist regime suppressed Hongkongers with police brutality. Freedom of expression and of assembly was severely hampered. Notwithstanding the oppression, Hongkongers stood together and fought against the tyrannical regime, with the spirit of “Liberate Hong Kong, Revolution of Our Times”. Revolutionary spirits remained after withdrawal of the bill, as Hongkongers are determined to pursue democracy with a fundamental change in the system.

    In 2020, the authoritarian regime has again threatened Hongkongers with the National Security Law in order to eliminate dissidents. The National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China bypassed the legislative process of Hong Kong, dealing a blow to One Country Two Systems. Once the draconian law is implemented, the judicial system of Hong Kong would crumble into shatter, so as the remaining human rights and liberties of Hongkongers.

    How should we, Hongkongers, handle the situation in view of the brutal suppression of the regime? What is the reference value of the mode of protest in the Anti-Extradition Bill Movement under the increasingly evil law? Student Unions of Higher Institutes in Hong Kong will organize an assembly, ““Draconian Law Awakens, Flickers of Battlefield Revive“, on June 5 to reflect on the insights on the future of Hong Kong brought by the previous protests. The assembly also aims to scrutinize the impact of the National Security Law in Hong Kong, particularly on the social movements. We sincerely invite all students to join us. Details are as follows:

    Date of Assembly: Jun 5 (Friday) Time of Assembly: 7 p.m. - 9 p.m Venue: G/F, Union Building, The University of Hong Kong Live streaming will be available. Participants are required to display their student cards from any institute and to observe epidemic control measures for entrance. *Limitation on number of participants is required by the University.

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  • Anynomous
    28 May 2020

    【大專學界就中華人民共和國全國人大強推國安法之聯合聲明|Joint-Statement of the Students’ Unions of Higher Institutions in Hong Kong Regarding National People’s Congress’ Implementation of National Security Law in Hong Kong】

    (Please scroll down for English version.)


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  • Anynomous
    25 May 2020

    【大專學界反國歌法街站詳情 | Details of Street Booths Regarding Anti-National Anthem Bill】

    (Please scroll down for English version.)



    日期:5月26日(星期二) 時間:下午3時至7時 地點:銅鑼灣東角道 、旺角東行人天橋、沙田港鐵站B出口、大圍港鐵站D出口、寶琳港鐵站C出口


    The National Anthem Bill is set to resume its second reading at Legislative Council on 27 May. To call for the unity of Hong Kong people to fight against the unjust law, the student unions of higher education institutions are going to set up street booths tomorrow. The details are as follows:

    Date: 26 May 2020 (Tue) Time: 3:00 pm-7:00 pm Venue: East Point Road, Footbridge at Mong Kok, Shatin MTR Station Exit B, Tai Wai MTR Station Exit D and Po Lam MTR Station Exit C

    Feel free to come and take the handbills.

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  • Anynomous
    07 May 2020

    【大專學界譴責各校長加入「香港再出發大聯盟」之聯合聲明》| Joint Statement from the Students' Unions of Higher Institutions - Condemning Universities’ Presidents in Hong Kong joining the “Hong Kong Coalition”】


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  • Anynomous
    28 April 2020

    【大專學界就香港警察粗暴干預學術自由之聯合聲明 | Statement from Students’ Unions of Higher Institutions on the HKPF’s Acts of Sabotage to the Academic Freedom】

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  • Anynomous
    23 April 2020







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  • Anynomous
    02 March 2020










    香港民族,浩氣長存。 光復香港,時代革命。

    香港浸會大學學生會第五十二屆幹事會千鵠 二零二零年三月二日

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