
Welcome to our official Facebook page - Where Hong Kong Begins

Tags : #TravelCompany, #AirlineCompany

Location :
11/F One Citygate, 20 Tat Tung Road, Tung Chung, Lantau Island


Welcome to our official Facebook page! At Hong Kong Airlines, we strive to innovate and make the travel experience more enjoyable.

10 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    25 June 2020

    【糉傻分不清】 Happy #TuenNgFestival!

    祝各位端午節快樂!到目前為止,你地食咗幾多 #傻 呢?


    Happy #DragonBoatFestival! How many rice dumpings have you eaten yet?

    #HKAirlines #WhereHKBegins

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  • Anynomous
    23 June 2020

    我哋絕對明白大家想飛嘅心情,因為 #小編都好想飛 呀!😫

    我哋會繼續準備以最佳狀態同你 #相約再飛!✈️

    What do you miss most about #travelling?


    #HKAirlines #WhereHKBegins

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  • Anynomous
    17 June 2020

    【香港航空以安全為首】 Safety comes first at Hong Kong Airlines

    喺遇上颱風呢類惡劣天氣嘅時候,我哋會將 #飛機油缸 注滿,並用 #綱索 鞏固好喺地面。我哋停機坪嘅團隊會 #每兩個小時 檢查損毀情況,確保我哋嘅飛機和器材妥善存放。


    我哋已經準備好以最佳狀態同你 #相約再飛!

    During adverse weather such as typhoons, we tank up our aircraft and tie them down with steel weights to keep them secured on ground. Our ramp staff also conduct apron run every two hours to check for damage as well as ensure our aircraft and ground equipment are properly stored and secured.

    We are at our best and ready to welcome you on board very soon.


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  • Anynomous
    13 May 2020

    【你知道唔知道 我哋 #掛住你?】 We #MissYouToo!

    掛住 #想飛就飛 嘅日子,更掛念每一位乘客滿足嘅笑容。我哋期待再次與你35,000呎高空相遇, 一齊 #飛悦精彩!


    We miss seeing your smiling faces and flying with you beyond #HomeKong! We look forward to welcoming you onboard once again!

    #HKAirlines #WhereHKBegins #MissYouTooHK #HKMissesYouToo

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  • Anynomous
    06 May 2020

    你最掛住旅行嘅咩呀?我哋最掛住喺35,000呎高空上同你一齊 #飛悦精彩!✈️

    What do you miss most about #travelling? We look forward to welcoming you onboard once again soon! 🥰

    #HKAirlines #WhereHKBegins #相約再飛 #SeeYouOnboard

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  • Anynomous
    04 May 2020

    一班朋友去旅行,總有一個特別抵諗… 老老豆豆,你又係邊個?

    #利申去旅行好少食到早餐 #多數一起身已經TeaTime #Tag你偉大嘅朋友

    There's always that one friend who saves the trip...


    #HKAirlines #WhereHKBegins #相約再飛

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  • Anynomous
    28 April 2020

    #雖然宜家飛唔島 #PLAN咗嘅旅行暫時去唔島 #但係你都可以留喺屋企去人哋個島 #期待再次喺3萬5千呎高空同你相遇島 #你哋坐飛機鍾意坐aisle定win島 ✈️

    Fill in this Social Distancing Declaration Form and share your #StayAtHome tips with us! 🏠

    #HKAirlines #WhereHKBegins

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  • Anynomous
    23 April 2020

    呢個係小編(嘅朋友) #在家工作 嘅時間表,你哋又有咩 #WFH 嘅心得呀?🏡

    Share your #WorkFromHome routine with us!

    #期待再次同你飛悦精彩 #你的朋友就是你

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  • Anynomous
    06 April 2020

    【飛常時期 同行抗疫】 Working around the clock

    喺大家都居家抗疫嘅同時,其實對航空物流需求亦迅速增長。為確保國際供應鏈暢通,我哋嘅 #機組人員 同各地嘅 #前線員工 日以繼夜全力協助將 #防疫物資 運送到各地航點。此外,我哋亦開始使用客機作運送物資用途,並同時研究 #客艙裝貨,以提升載貨能力與全球喺 #同一天空下 一同抗疫。


    To ensure the global supply chain runs smoothly, our team is working around the clock to support and expedite the transportation of medical equipment to different regions in need. We have also begun to use our passenger aircraft for cargo-only usage in order to strengthen our air freight capacity during this challenging time.

    #HKAirlines #WhereHKBegins #SkysTheLimit #TogetherWeCan

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  • Anynomous
    05 April 2020

    【此刻,就是香港】 Stand by our frontline staff!

    當大家都留喺屋企居家抗疫,我哋嘅前線同事繼續堅守自己崗位,喺呢個 #飛常時期 同行抗疫!我哋期待再次喺35,000呎高空上同你一齊 #飛悦精彩!❤️


    While many of us are staying at home for a cause, our frontline staff is working hard with determination and dedication alongside everyone in #HomeKong. We look forward to welcoming you onboard once again soon! ❤️

    #HKAirlines #WhereHKBegins #StandByYou

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