
College of Business & Finance

Tags : #Education

Location :
34/F, United Centre, 95 Queensway, Admiralty


The College of Business and Finance is committed to “Inspiring Your Future” through the diversity of programmes. There are programmes of different levels and durations that can help your future development, including Accounting and Corporate Governance, Finance and Investment, Management and Human Capital Leadership, Marketing and Branding, Supply Chain Management, and Hospitality, Tourism and Events, etc.

In terms of academic levels, The College has various Postgraduate Diploma programmes with innovative and practical-oriented curricula to meet the needs of working professionals, and Master programmes of renowned universities that excel in specific areas. For undergraduate studies, we provide niche and up-to-date Advanced Diplomas and top-up Bachelor programmes.

The College works closely with various professional bodies of accounting, insurance, etc. to facilitate students to obtain professional qualifications and recognitions.
Besides academic programmes, we have short courses and workshops on career advancement for a quick visit on front-tier knowledge and development in specific areas.

The College also cares about the life enrichment desires of businessmen by offering courses on wine tasting, business etiquette, etc.

8 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    31 August 2018

    【金管局急接錢】 香港和美國的息差再度擴闊,港滙持續疲弱,引發本港資金加快流出。在聯繫匯率的系統下,金管局於8月15日再度出手,向市場沽美元買港元,令本地銀行體系總結餘跌至926億港元。想了解更多關於銀行及金融業的知識,歡迎報讀國際銀行學及金融學理學碩士課程。



    #金管局 #港滙 #聯繫匯率 #銀行體系 #國際銀行學 #金融學

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  • Anynomous
    30 August 2018



    課程詳情及報名: ... hkuspace.hku.hk/prog/performance-mgt-and-internal-controls hkuspace.hku.hk/…/exe-dip-cert-in-finance-and-corporate-acc…

    #華潤燃氣 #成本控制 #業績盈利 #天然氣 #富瑞 #績效管理 #行政人員 #PerformanceManagement #InternalControls

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  • Anynomous
    29 August 2018

    【財富增值】 分析財政狀況及訂立理財計劃,有助我們財富增值。能夠認識投資、財務及稅務策劃的知識,掌握資產及風險管理的方法,進而成為財務策劃師。想了解有關財務策劃的課程,歡迎報讀書財務策劃高等文憑課程。

    課程詳情及報名: hkuspace.hku.hk/prog/cfp-financial-planning


    #理財計劃 #財政狀況 #財富增值 #風險管理 #投資 #財務 #稅務 #financialplanning

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  • Anynomous
    29 August 2018


    復星國際(00656)宣佈投資以色列科技金融平台The Floor,以投資全球金融科技類公司作為公司重要驅動力,從而推動金融科技、區塊鏈等發展。想搶先掌握有關知識,歡迎報讀《投資管理學及智能金融深造文憑》。



    #復星國際 #以色列科技金融平台 #TheFloor #金融科技 #區塊鏈 #投資管理學 #智能金融

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  • Anynomous
    28 August 2018

    新一季行政人員專業課程將於9月21日舉行課程講座。 想了解有關課程資訊,歡迎預先登記,當日將安排詳細課程講解及即場問答環節!

    課程講座報名: www.goo.gl/nzXapC

    相關課程詳情:... *Executive Diploma in Internal Audit: www. goo.gl/JkY4RT *Executive Certificate in China Business: www.goo.gl/muEBam *Executive Certificate in Accounting for Business Managers: www.goo.gl/DFHu5h


    #課程講座 #行政人員 #專業課程 #Accountingservices

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  • Anynomous
    28 August 2018



    課程内容及報名:... hkuspace.hku.hk/prog/exe-dip-cert-investment-banking hkuspace.hku.hk/prog/fundamentals-of-investment-banking

    #中國移動 #花旗銀行 #投資價值 #收益率 #盈利 #投資銀行 #行政人員 #investmentbanking

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  • Anynomous
    27 August 2018

    【綠色債券】 可持續發展金融與投資係全球一大課題,企業必須符合環保、社會責任同企業管治(ESG)要求,估計機構投資者對綠色債券既投資金額將會越黎越大。想了解關於綠色債券原則同認證相關既專業知識,歡迎報名9月7號舉行既可持續發展金融與投資講座。

    講座詳情及登記: hkuspace.hku.hk/…/theme-talk-sustainable-finance-and-invest…


    課程詳情: hkuspace.hku.hk/…/exe-dip-in-sustainable-finance-and-invest…

    #可持續發展金融與投資 #社會責任 #企業管治 #環保 #綠色債券

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  • Anynomous
    27 August 2018



    課程内容及報名:... hkuspace.hku.hk/prog/exe-dip-cert-investment-banking hkuspace.hku.hk/prog/fundamentals-of-investment-banking

    #恒生指數成份股 #中期業績 #騰訊 #摩根士丹利 #投資銀行 #行政人員

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