柴灣港鐵站新翠商場333號舖。 售賣即磨咖啡,豆漿,三文治的外賣店。特色飲品:【豆漿咖啡】. [read more]
we'll post our new products in here, more option & information you can reach! if you have any enquiry, please feel free to contact us. . [read more]
東京にて隔週もしくは単発のレッスンを承っております。. [read more]
喜愛動物嘅朋友們,Milka Shop提供一站式購物平台,在這裡可以找到有關動物的精品、服飾及日用品等!. [read more]
好燒味自設的工場已生產傳統中國燒味超過30年。招牌包括脆皮乳豬,燒腩骨和醬王燒鴨。 For 30 years, our oven has been producing traditional Chinese BBQ meat such as suckling pig, roasted pork belly. [read more]
嘉里中心, located at 英皇道683號, Quarry Bay. They can be contacted via phone at 51162794 for more detailed information. . [read more]
營業時間: 星期一至四: 上午12:00-凌晨01:00 星期五至日:上午12:00-凌晨02:00 地址: 西灣河海寧街8號地下2號舖 (基灣小學對面). [read more]
【Shine Interior Design 您的信心首選】 - Tel:(Whatsapp) +852-52004288/ +852-39545869 - Email:info@shine-design. hk - Website:http://shine-design. hk/. [read more]
LI’s collection 為大家用心搜羅時尚有品味的服飾. Inbox/Whatsapp查詢及訂購 Whatsapp: 95489437. [read more]
Creature Comforts is Hong Kong's most comprehensive and convenient veterinary housecall service. . [read more]
視覺藝術課程 *師生比例1:2,學費$160/堂 - 水彩、油/乾粉彩、廣告彩、塑膠彩、素描鉛筆、木顏色、油性水筆、水墨及拼貼 - 學習運用不同媒劑混合創作 *學費只供參考,根據課程級別調整. [read more]
今年我們的主題是「靈命實踐」. [read more]
SMCA is a Christian Music School. We are staffed with a team of Christian Instructors, offering music, dance, drama and art lessons in a safe and comfortable environment. [read more]
Kushiyaki is a bar, located at G/F Tsing Fung Building, 10 Tsing Fung St, North Point. They can be contacted via phone at +85225789289 for more detailed information. [read more]
A Hong Kong based Ship Owning and Management Company. . [read more]
We are experienced in artwork handling, framing, stretching, installation and maintenance and we also provide extensive tailor-made framing services. . [read more]
Sonatural. hk 安心源是一家以香港為基地的第一手新鮮活海鮮專家,我們的使命是通過我們的在線平台創建一個新的概念:為您提供全球最新鮮、最高品質的第一手活海鮮,直接交付到您的家!. [read more]
Malty Bar@North Point, located at Flat A, G/F. , Kiu Wah Building, 188-194 Java Road, North Point, North Point. They can be contacted via phone at 25108800 for more detailed information. [read more]
香港北角電器道254-280號華凱大廈地下A6號舖. (店舖位於華凱大廈旁的福元街行人天橋底) Tel: 2881 7996. [read more]
爐爸打 is a restaurant, located at 西灣河海寧街1-5號, Sai Wan Ho. They can be contacted via phone at 2569-1838 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Urban Kings Music Studio 提供專業錄音室租用服務,音樂製作及樂器課程,查詢請致電:82000304. . [read more]
基於區塊鏈和人工智能3. 0的超級環球在線學習平臺. [read more]
舞蹈室位於香港英皇道653號東祥工廠大廈A座11字樓A2室(鰂魚涌港鐵站C模範里出口,近北角海逸酒店)。. [read more]
We do post production,specialist on TV commercials,online video,films,short films,music video,motion graphics,multi-aspects outdoor video and color grading. [read more]
Rider Levett Bucknall Limited, located at 20th Floor, Eastern Central Plaza, 3 Yiu Hing Road, Shaukeiwan, Shau Kei Wan. They can be contacted via phone at (852) 2823 1823 for more.. [read more]
Home Networking, Home Automation, Lighting Control, AV Management, Home Secruity. [read more]
新華記粉麵小廚茶餐廳, located at G/f, 86-88 Wharf Road, North Point 北角和富道86-88號地下, North Point. They can be contacted via phone at 2561-1853 for more detailed information. [read more]
新潤記茶餐廳 is a restaurant, located at G/F, 270 Electric Rd, North Point 北角電氣道270號地下, 00000 North Point. They can be contacted via phone at 25668329 for more detailed information. [read more]
「杏花邨居民關注組 Heng Fa Chuen Residents Concern Group」是一個由本邨業主和居民組成的自發組織,以關心杏花邨大小民生事務,監察杏花邨住宅物業管理處為己任. [read more]
Dynamic Building Materical Co Ltd為香港各大小工程公司搜羅德國及世界各地優質衛浴設備,於酒店、商場、會所甚至屋苑,為客戶提供專業意見,歡迎inbox我們的專業團隊查詢詳情。. [read more]
首創師生一對一設計課程 根據同學學校進度同步教學 優質小組教學模式 確保上課疑問即時獲得解答 非上課日更設WhatsApp問功課時段 不斷見證同學由不合格到公開試考獲五級或以上優秀成績. [read more]
本店所有產品都由日本直接運送,採購產品以日本製造為主,貨品以郵寄或速遞方式送到。. [read more]
我們有一份對原味的執着. . . . . . . [read more]
港島第八十二旅於一九九六年十月一日正式成立! 本旅由香港小童群益會康山兒童中心主辦,並由4個支部組成,分別為幼童軍團、童軍團、深資童軍團及樂行童軍團。. [read more]
Western Restaurant & Bar providing English All Day Breakfast, Linguine, Pizza, Rice & Steak & lot more. [read more]
柴灣 新翠商場 is a shopping mall, located at 柴灣柴灣道 233 號新翠商場 1 樓 112A 號舖, Chai Wan. They can be contacted via phone at 2897 7513 for more detailed information. [read more]