Unofficial: Hanami is a restaurant, located at 2/F, Bartlock Centre, 3 Yiu Wa Street, Causeway Bay. They can be contacted via phone at 64081171 for more detailed information. [read more]
Every moment is a unique present to shine. Shine on!. [read more]
本店用美國BIOTOUCH公司原裝進口,是世界上唯一獲FDA(美國食品和監督管理局)認證的膏體色料. 美國品牌顏料,安全不變色! 即棄用品,乾淨衛生!. [read more]
We provide professional services caring your beauty and mind. . [read more]
Spice up your reader's reading experience by showing your words painted in a picture. I'd love to work with you on all your graphic needs!. [read more]
Cute little clothing and lifestyle boutique for women with simple, chic and funky styles at amazing prices. . [read more]
日本頂級運動品牌Descente,成立於1935年,以“Design for Sports”作為創作理念。. [read more]
Authentic Japanese Restaurant ! 湾仔で人気だったあの天勝が3年ぶりに帰ってきました!. [read more]
Temptu PRO 是紐約時裝週的常客, 他的粉底超薄透, 自然水潤受到明星名人追捧. 特別為專業化妝師介紹來自紐約的噴槍專業產品, 最新產品Temptu Air , 突破傳統噴槍需要清洗的問題, 直接換色直接使用,從粉底到胭脂到髮色. . [read more]
感謝誠粉支持本專頁! 關於書籍及商品查詢,請聯絡hkservice@eslite. com 或致電3419-6761。服務時間內 (週一~週六 10:00~18:30) 將由專人為您服務。 (週日及公眾假期休息,請與各分店聯繫). [read more]
gmarket, gmarket團購, korea, seoul, 平運費, 韓國代購, 韓國團運, 韓國地址, 韓國掋買, 韓國最抵買, 韓國直送, 韓國集運, 韓國香港運費, 韓國香港集運. [read more]
30分鐘特快修理 爆MON 換電 冇顯示 冇Wi-Fi. 入水 冇聲音 接收差 充唔到電. [read more]
店舖地址: 香港銅鑼灣軒尼詩道505號電業城6樓621舖. [read more]
順德漁鮮酒家 is a restaurant, located at 銅鑼灣軒尼詩道467-473號建德豐商業大廈閣樓及1樓, Causeway Bay. [read more]
Coast Seafood & Grill將地中海飲食特色帶到銅鑼灣名店坊,讓你盡情感受意大利南部,法國及西班牙的新鮮原味烹調風格。. [read more]
Casa Fina Seafood & Oyster Bar is a restaurant, located at 13/F, Henry House, Yun Ping Road, Causeway Bay. , 852 Causeway Bay. They can be contacted via phone at 25042928 for more.. [read more]
Xenri. [read more]
Image, Skincare, make up, Bridal workshop. [read more]
Pamu Slide
⭐ 耳機係人體工學(橢圓形耳管),耳道形設計,市場上獨特入耳式設計(市場上少有)內附:6個大小耳膠,不論大小耳型都十分適合.. [read more]
(Sun to Thu) 11:30am - 11:30pm (Last Order: 10:30pm) (Fri & Sat) 11:30am - 12:00am (Last Order: 11:00pm). [read more]
清滝日本料理 Kiyotaki Japanese Restaurant is a restaurant, located at No 10 Shepherd Street 施弼街 10 號, Causeway Bay. They can be contacted via phone at 28771772 for more detailed information. [read more]
我們採用LED光條製作霓虹燈,比傳統玻璃管製的霓虹燈 更安全、更輕巧、更耐用、更容易安裝、更省電、更環保。並提供設計、生產、安裝等一站式服務。. [read more]
十下,一個圍爐而吃打邊爐的地方。八十年代的舊屋邨裝潢,讓人重温舊回憶,重拾昔日回家吃飯的感覺。圍於圓圓一桌,聚在一起十下十下,再次把人與人間的人情味凝聚起來。. [read more]
Located in Times Square, this 7,000 square-foot space offers chic and casual dining. Enjoy spacious indoor seating, relaxing at our bar or lounging in one of Hong Kong’s largest outdoor.. [read more]
您的潮流品牌和健康產品100%原裝正貨代理/代購/批發/零售平台!. [read more]
All About Champagne! The largest champagne seller in Asia. Follow us on Instagram: Avize_hk. [read more]
MARY 5ive為一家設立於香港的珠寶公司,提供超過千款的珠寶首飾。戒指、耳環、手鍊、項鍊,均採用優質材料精心打造而成。本公司亦提供國際認證之GIA鑽石及婚戒款式。 此外,我們更為客戶. [read more]
波羅密素食, located at Causeway Bay. [read more]
專營加大碼女裝,尺碼L - XXXXXXL,可whatsapp落單順豐到付或指定時間太古地鐵交收,電話92826708. [read more]
.. [read more]
Last order at 10pm. [read more]
Opening Hours Sunday to Saturday 12:00 -14:30 18:00 - 23:00 盧悅基自1988年於Culture.. [read more]
Causeway Bay Store 18 Pak Sha Road G/F Telephone: (852) 2110 4687 Tsim Sha Tsui Store Shop 102 K11 Art Mall Telephone: (852) 2110 4507. [read more]
instagram: tsumorichisato_ithk. [read more]
The Tree Stationery & Co. desires to offer its customers an OASIS of serenity amidst this bustling city. 《The Tree Stationery 大樹文房》 恍如寧靜綠洲般,大隱隱於市的文青小店,豐富的創意文具和禮物可供選擇。. [read more]
一張百老匯The ONE戲票= 午市贈送免費紅白酒/ 咖啡升級/ 照燒雞翼/ 鐵板牛油餃子/ 精美蛋糕/ 9折優惠~~?? 好抵WOR
由即日起至6月30日,憑百老匯The ONE戲票即日到指定餐飲商戶,可享獨家特別優惠; 憑指定商戶的單據到百老匯The ONE購買正價戲票亦可享$10優惠 :)