A co-workshop space and community for artists, crafters, designers and those in the creative industry. Arts Cowork - 守藝人合作空間,成立目的是為香港手藝人提供持續發展的平台。. [read more]
作為餐飲業一員。我司致力優化員工的服務質素、食物水準及環境衛生為前提。務求令蒞臨惠顧的客人能感受到我們的熱誠和享用美味的食品及優質的服務。. [read more]
Floyce Bridal Makeup提供最新的潮流新娘化妝服務,為妳打造最適合的新娘妝容!. [read more]
H. Y. F Service Centre, located at 146偉業街, Kwun Tong. They can be contacted via phone at 61669722 for more detailed information. . [read more]
ZTUDIO 九龍觀塘開源道54號豐利中心10樓13室 約1100多呎私人派對租用場地 有獨立洗手間,開放式廚房,特色大廳,麻雀,遊戲機,飛鏢機,全場可以容納約30人 埸內設施 : 獨立洗手間,光纖寬頻WiFi上網,電話充電服務,啤牌,42'電視,飛鏢機,麻雀台等. 服務範圍: 除左租場服務外,亦提供到會服務,或代客人訂購食品或飲料. [read more]
全球首創及專利稀土 「納米」厚膜電熱技術發熱飲用電熱水機: *保健衛生: 即熱即飲, 有遠紅外線功能 *方便省時: 3秒內將自來水加熱至攝氏100度 *環保節能: 需喝多少就熱多少,省水省電。 配備自來水和純淨桶裝水裝置配件, 家居和辦公室都合用。 體積: 335*309*365mm。. [read more]
Bridal Runway provides services including professional bridal consultation, purchase and rental of designer wedding gowns from over the world. . [read more]
專營各國名廠軚鈴,專業四輪定位服務 www. empireauto. hk 新蒲崗彩虹道224號永濟工業大廈地下 電話: 23232526 荃灣荃榮街寶業大廈地下 電話: 23230460 大圍成運路12-17號安豪工業大廈地下 電話:23232834. [read more]
開診時間 10:00-14:00 16:00-22:00 Business Hours: 10am-10pm (Lunch Break 2-4pm) 星期三全天休診 Closed on Wednesdays 勞工假期營業時間10:00-18:00 需預約 *Need Appointment Tel 2640 8138 / 6339 3322. [read more]
We provide a fully integrated interior design, planning & consultancy service to a variety of clients internationally. Our primary focus is residential. [read more]
Responsible, Professional, Passionate --- a group of post 90s, devoting themselves to provide the Best Financial Services. . [read more]
We are always on the lookout for talented individuals who can contribute to the success of our Co. If interested,please send your CV to info@frement. com. [read more]
外藉老師教授,小組學習. [read more]
營養知昔是為追求健康及美麗的朋友而設的聚腳點, 我們提供包括八大指數評估及健康飲食指導等。 我們的宗旨是令所有朋友得到健康的權利並重拾自信。. [read more]
日本著名街頭品牌《Lafayette》首間香港直營店! 成軍 15 年的日本街頭品牌 Lafayette,品牌理念與設計靈感均沿自美國紐約街頭文化,因此嘻哈、滑板、塗鴉等美式元素更是經常出現於設計當中!. [read more]
找尋真我 · 發展自我 心靈工程 · 成就人生 Discovering Nature and Developing Nurture; Enlightening Your Life through Psychometry. [read more]
Pawsitively Dogs provides dogs home boarding to your furry family members, giving you peace of mind while you are away. Strong emphasis on the importance of hygiene and daily outdoor activities. [read more]
洗碗俠為你解決請問困難既煩惱。為你提供一站式專業餐具清潔服務。 自動機械化清洗,清潔,快捷,衛生。擁有專業運輸團隊每天收送餐具。 提供餐具借用,多種月費計劃選擇。. [read more]
Hong Kong's leading digital agency. Part of the world's leading digital agency network. We are Tribal Worldwide. . [read more]
●公司理念 我們專業採購團隊搜羅歐美、日本品牌最新款式的時裝及飾物,務求讓顧客在superthree店內隨心打造最愛的造型配搭,使顧客無論在任何場合,總能特顯客人的時尚品味。. [read more]
Planning to send your dog to cage in a pet shop or kennel while you are travelling?? WHY NOT indulge them with a HOME STAY service instead?. [read more]
Beauty & Life美容.生活.優惠平台,為你揀選全港最優質美容服務及美容產品。. [read more]
Office of Jacqueline Chung,Wanchai District Councilor - 鍾嘉敏議員辦事處. [read more]
China Guardian Auctions Co. , Ltd. , established in May 1993, is the earliest auction company to specialize in the sale of Chinese artwork of all varieties. [read more]
萬呎傢俬廣場 專業訂造傢俬. 裝修設計. 窗簾. 燈飾. [read more]
Sneakerls. [read more]
在家JOY種--「種植體驗」 *透過種植體驗,感受種植的樂趣 *透過定期的分享會,分享種植的感受和經驗 *透過文本記錄,分享收成的喜悅. [read more]
We introduce Japan trip also best sight seen etc. [read more]
教大教育及人類發展學院專頁提供學院的最新消息,學者的觀點以及研究成果,探討有關心理學、輔導學、家庭及幼兒教育等的種種有趣話題,讓師生分享學教喜悅,讓不同專業集思廣益。. [read more]
Adidas Originals, Under Armour, Nike, New Balance, le coq sportif, Puma, Base London, Reebok, Polo, etc. . [read more]
We love photography, we love kids, and we love our job! 提供優質的攝影服務,包括家庭,兒童,懷孕及婚禮攝影。. [read more]
Welcome to Belongs To J. Since 2017 香港原創 自家設計 Unique design. 從選料,設計,製作都是我們一手包辦啊! Free your mind • Open your life. [read more]
Send us a Facebook message or email us if you are interested or have any questions about our products. 訂購或查詢:透過Facebook message或電郵 付款:PayPal&香港所有快速支付平台. [read more]
The Treehouse - nature-inspired play. [read more]
獨一無二古典帆船, 歡迎預約拍照或出海. [read more]
Facebook page of St. Paul's Co-educational College Environmental Protection Club. Please like our page to receive info. about green activities in spcc! :). [read more]