if you like my works and want to have it on your body, feel free to inbox us and make an appointment:)) you can also follow our Instagram : miss_henna_hk. [read more]
It is not a process, method, or technique. Storytelling is described as an art … the “art” of storytelling. . [read more]
B'IN SELECT 1/F, 11-19 Great George Street, Fashion Walk,Causeway Bay 1/F K11 Select,18 Hanoi Road, Tsim Sha Tsui B'IN Day-to-Day 15A, Sun Chun Street, Tai Hang. [read more]
专门经营拉丁舞,摩登舞,芭蕾舞,肚皮舞等各类舞服及舞鞋. 有关用品。 有度身訂做专业表演,比赛,舞会等服装及饰物,訂做团队表演服. [read more]
A professional company with 20 years of experience in design, development, and production of corporate gifts, promotional and advertising products. . [read more]
Medical Aid Solution Provider. [read more]
為急需資金周轉的你解決燃眉之急 放債人牌照號碼 1416/2018 債人投訴熱線 23712236 [ 忠告: 借錢梗要還,咪俾錢中介 ] “Warning: You have to repay your loans. Don’t pay any intermediaries. ”. [read more]
嗜玩樂,好共享,活在當下,品味人生。 Hobby So Cool - Make Your Soul Cool!. [read more]
Frantz 創立於 2003 年, 以巧克力起家, 以時尚和創新着稱,草莓朱古力和魔法壺布丁都是人氣暢銷商品。 Frantz 香港 POP UP 店將於 2018 年 6 月 1 日在九龍尖沙咀河內道 18 號 K11, B1, Kiosk 49 華麗登場. [read more]
Imagine8 is a video and event production company. We provide media, film and events services. Click ABOUT to know of Imagine8's services. [read more]
明師教育的宗旨為「以生命影響生命」。本中心的導師不但能在學業上,還能在人生上為學生帶來啟發。;更希望導師們的指導能對學生的將來有所裨益,引領他們到達一條光明大道。. [read more]
Less Chemical. More Fresh. 為遠離化學清潔劑產生的二次污染,Steam Pro不斷追求為每個家居取得最佳的潔淨方案,採用歐美進口的一系列功能強大的設備及產品,為客戶提供一個潔淨、無塵,無菌的. [read more]
www. artskystudio. com. hk. [read more]
Jigson Fishing Tackle 專業海釣 * 新手指導 * 外海深場 * 國外釣團 ~ 本小店經營各國釣具、訂購、修理、保養等服務,釣技交流,以釣會友 ~ 佐敦渡船街28號6號鋪 現金,EPS,VISA,MASTER 及銀聯交易. [read more]
與暫托貓一起的共享工作空間 可工作可閱讀可放空 可與我們的貓咪互相認識、交個朋友 我們最終的盼望 是希望貓咪有緣遇到有心人 獲領養回家 https://goo. gl/forms/B7xl5sbqrqisetFs2. [read more]
The Openmat is a creative workspace combing the concept of body and mind. Featuring a coworking area, lounge and fully matted area with fitness classes. [read more]
สำนักงานแรงงาน ณ เมืองฮ่องกง, located at Room 2202,22/F Bangkok Bank Bldg. No. 18 Bonham Strand West,, Sheung Wan. They can be contacted via phone at 85225302343 for more detailed information. [read more]
All about Art: Music & Design. INK + Hoax Chiu #music #design #studio #producer #art #performance #recording. [read more]
不論同學聚會、大學ReU、公司派對、生日派對、船P After Party,都能夠為您提供不同的娛樂及服務。. [read more]
歡迎預約軟組織損傷手法修復, 、骨格矯治、中醫診療、藥蒸調養、 體型改善、養身護理及跟進飲食服務。 地址: 荔枝角青山道489-491香港工業中心C座2樓218B (荔枝角地鐵站C出口) ☎️:2370 2251. [read more]
Dance Studio for private classes and practice, nicely equipped for pole dancing, aerial hoop, hammock and yoga. Let’s Shine Bright Like a Diamond!. [read more]
We focus on research and home improvement. Automated Clothes Rack - Simple Life. [read more]
We are a non-profit organization registered in Hong Kong on 26th October 2006, formed by a group of Christian volunteers from all walks of lives and ages. [read more]
「意外之友」協會於去年由一位遇過交通意外的人士發起,並獲得一群熱心的社會賢達所支持,已於2008年12月9日正式註冊成為香港認可既非牟利機構,並於2009年4月27日取得公共認可的慈善機構證書。 「意外之友」成立目的是為不幸於意外中受傷之傷者及其家屬提供醫療及個人權利的咨詢,包括如何投訴或申請相關的法律服務,及為他們處理生活上所憂慮的問題。除此之外,「意外之友」亦致力推廣職業安全意識,以協助預防意外發生,同時亦會與不同醫療機構合作,進行社區康服關懷計劃,提供多元化的醫療優惠,援助受傷人士在醫療和生活上的需要,協助他們重返社會的決心,及建立個人自信心,讓傷者由身、心,以至家庭、生活、工作上都得到支援和協助。 為讓「意外之友」幫助更多需要的人士,將於2010年成立「意外之友傷者援助基金」,藉此希望直接給予意外中一些低收入的傷者或死者家屬即時經濟上的援助,或資助因意外而造成之緊急醫療費用及捐助義肢接駁醫療費用等。 「意外之友」並會定期安排義診日、免費法律諮詢、醫療及健康講座、轉介服務、問題輔導、就業及康復資訊等。 “Help Actually” was started by someone who was involved in a traffic accident, and quickly gained support by many prominent persons in the society. [read more]
Orient+ es un equipo de profesionales quen tienen experiencia en comercial internacional, interpretación, consultaría de viaje. . [read more]
合一裝修工程成立於2000年,我們提供“設計,施工,維修”的一站式專業服務。 Heyi Decoration Engineering Co. Ltd. founded in 2000 which provide professional services of "Design, Construction, Maintenance". [read more]
專業錄音與後期製作. [read more]
The most important All Asian Sourcing Shows for the gift, premiums, houseware and toy industries, open to trade buyers only. Pre-register at: http://mega-show. [read more]
MAYL customers are young, modern urban dwellers who are t-shirt lovers and prefer a comfortable lifestyle. . [read more]
📌開舖時間不固定,請前一日查詢 門市:屯門置樂萬商場1樓78號. Wts: 53484145 ➡不設換款/換色/退貨 ➡如收到有問題請即日聯絡我們 ➡會檢查衣物外面,如裏面有漏針等問題請到門市更換 ➡輕. [read more]
We research, share and move forward everyday. . [read more]
艾迪畫室(畫師多年繪畫人像畫經驗) - 報讀各項藝術課程 : DSE視藝/繪畫/素描/國畫/常恆視藝/手工/魔術/肖像畫 - 來相訂製全人手繪Q版人像畫 - 生日/公司活動/婚禮等 到場速畫Q版人像畫服務. [read more]
Le VPN es el proveedor líder mundial en servicios de Red Virtual Privada o la VPN. Utilice Internet bajo sus propias reglas! Pruebe Le VPN!. [read more]
Ten Ren's Tea 天仁茗茶, located at Shop L110C, Eslite Spectrum, 1/F, Cityplaza,18 Taikoo Shing Rd. They can be contacted via phone at +85234191153 for more detailed information. [read more]
地址: 九龍觀塘偉業街174號建德豐工業大廈2樓B11室 (觀塘站A2出口) 電郵: admin@theone. org. hk. [read more]
壹瓷磚, located at 觀塘道472-484號觀塘工業中心一座G樓GB室, 852 Hong Kong. They can be contacted via phone at 96600860 for more detailed information. . [read more]