Acsys International is a world leader in the emerging industry of IoT access control with major corporate and government clients worldwide. [read more]
Hong Kong's home of Aerial, Pole and Exotic Dance. Largest combined network of services, designed to be flexible and easy for our membrs with branches in Central, Causeway Bay and Wong Chuk Hang. [read more]
Luxury, prestige and super cars in Hong Kong & Macau. [read more]
「呼吸微笑身心正念中心」是由「梅村香港基金會」成立之獨立社會服務機構。本中心結合一行禪師及梅村傳承的正念修習於專業及臨床服務中,提倡正念生活及療癒的藝術。. [read more]
La Torre del Reloj es un monumento situado en Hong Kong. Está situado en la costa sur de Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon. Es el único resto de la antigua Estación de Kowloon del Ferrocarril Kowloon-Cantón. [read more]
Influenced by European glamour and inspired by Oriental opulence, each collection offers something for every woman. Log onto: http://www. sanetti. com. [read more]
展覽攤位設計裝裱 Foamboard / 貼紙 設計印刷 廣告及展覽用品 宣傳片展示架 中小企宣傳片/ 微電影 / 廣告拍攝 公司Event 活动拍摄. [read more]
一齊開心輕鬆練習瑜伽式子. [read more]
所有貨品��� 兩件九拆 三件八五拆 拆扣後滿$300 包送到順豐站 �Payme/中國銀行/恆生銀行/滙豐銀行過數 �香港郵政/順豐快遞 歡迎查詢. [read more]
來自台灣人氣茶飲店,特別之處在於五顏六色的珍珠,共五款口味:白玉、焦糖、仙人掌和黑芝麻,用食物原材料做天然色素,無任何添加。. [read more]
丸茶手作Bubble Tea Work,成立於2016年,創辦人Eilif台灣台南人,現居香港。總店設立於香港何文田勝利道,因全球首創桂花口味珍珠而嶄露頭角,並於2017-2018年榮登【新假期】雜誌評選為全港第一. [read more]
KidsCode Education Centre - 成人專業it課程, located at Room 401, Mei Wah Building, 1 Tsat Po Street, San Po Kong, Diamond Hill, Kowloon, 0 San Po Kong. They can be contacted via phone at.. [read more]
Interior Design & Decoration 室內設計及裝修 Office Furniture & Equipment 辦公家具及設備 Office Relocation & Reinstatement 搬遷及還原. [read more]
九龍仔公園(Kowloon Tsai.. [read more]
3PJS specialize in the manufacturing and distribution of portable power pack kits allowing you to boost your car and charge all your electronic devices. [read more]
TEDxYouth@CIS Saturday, December 3rd, 2016 2:00pm-5:00pm Level 2, Drama Studio Chinese International School BE THERE!!. [read more]
Welteck Machinery Company is a sole distributor of AQUAmate machines, which specialized in die spotting press machine and mold turning machines. . [read more]
Laundry and dry cleaning services. [read more]
www. grace-child. com. [read more]
It was founded by Vincent in July 2018, based in Hong Kong. It is to provide service of furniture design and furniture production. 提供家具設計及家具生產服務,及售賣自家品牌家具. [read more]
👉🏼 Let's Tokenize The World 💯🚀 Tokensale Platform – Made in Germany 🇩🇪. [read more]
Projects Abroad帶你到世界五大洲共三十個國家實習或做義工,於社區關愛、環保、醫療等各方面貢獻一分力!. [read more]
Artist and Event Agency based in Hong Kong. [read more]
The Hong Kong University of Stress and Tension? The Hong Kong University of De-stress and Meditation. The Happiness Project: gift yourself happiness. . [read more]
The Wing First Class Lounge, located at Hong Kong International Airport, Tung Chung. [read more]
Hi, we are ERASER CLUB. [read more]
活動策劃及統籌服務. [read more]
誠邀您親臨 24/7 FITNESS 體驗全新服務 We are cordially invited you to enjoy 24/7 FITNESS brand – new service!. [read more]
The pursuit of your passion has set you apart. Motivation, dedication and commitment to perfection emerge every time you perform. . [read more]
We are the ONE power up your business engine Our ultimate goal is to produce solutions that accelerate business growth and produce competitive advantage. [read more]
MoE caters to corporate events of all sizes and functions. We also regularly hold our signature in-house events aptly named " MoEvents". [read more]
PLAYFORM - e 旨在把休閑電競概念傳遞世界每個角落,讓全球30億的玩家透過電競遊戲連結起來,讓每一個人都能參與電競。. [read more]
Brew Note Coffee Roaster, located at 中文大學龐萬倫學生中心二樓. They can be contacted via phone at +85224832466 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Family portraits, childrens’ portraits, profile photos and events. . [read more]
we are Exporter, Importer, stockist, wholesaler of brand new original gsm mobile phones, digital cameras, camcorders. . [read more]
Gamania Hong Kong 香港遊戲橘子, located at Flat 504-507, 5/F, Conic Investment Bldg, 13 Hok Yuen St, Kowloon. They can be contacted via phone at +85221698788 for more detailed information. [read more]