Personal & bespoke jewellery in silver, gold or bronze designed by you, hand-crafted by us, professionally trained goldsmiths & silversmiths. . [read more]
Abiti da Sposa e Abiti da Cerimonia all'ingrosso. Da noi potete offrire ai tuoi clienti la migliore qualità a prezzi contenuti. . [read more]
喜歡透過歌詞、文字訴說感受。去旅行找尋新鮮感,喺忙與忘之間作個心理平衡。. [read more]
30+years experience to work with Architects and Interior Designers in Architectural Hardwares. [read more]
we sell vintage, selected and beautiful things. tiger lillies搜集售賣世界各地不同的復古服飾及製作不同的小飾品,希望每個女孩來到都好像尋寶一樣,找到自己的心頭好。. [read more]
本公司自 1992 年成立至今,專營各國品牌音響器材,如有任何查詢, 歡迎致電本公司。. [read more]
Ermenegildo Zegna is a store, located at G1, Alexandra House, 7-15, Des Voeux Road Central, - Hong Kong. They can be contacted via phone at +852 28689638 for more detailed information. [read more]
Retail Store Opening hours: Monday: Closed Tue to Fri:3pm-8:30pm Sat Sun:2pm-8:30pm Address:H1,6/F,High Win Factory Building,47 Hoi Yuen Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon. [read more]
Les Néréides has been creating and distributing fantastic jewelry and accessories around the world since 1980. Les Néréides jewelry is romantic, creative and very detailed. [read more]
We want to help you enhance your natural beauty through our products. Please follow us to be informed about our future promotions. . [read more]
觀塘觀塘道448-458號觀塘工業中心三期B3地下 星期一至六:上午十一時至晚上九時 星期日及公衆假期:上午十一至晚上九時 專營各類日本零食 聯絡電話:劉先生 852 53775375 觀塘地鐵站D4出口. [read more]
28 Garden 大部份貨品只售$28 主要售賣Vintage 復古風格小品, 例如家居擺設,儲物用品,餐具,花藝,乾花,文具,婚禮佈置及攝影道具等等. Tel: 8100 8535 Whatsapp: 6073 0120 Email: info28garden@gmail. com IG: 28garden. [read more]
Uppacase成立於2013年,是專門引入日本及韓國特色商品的生活雜貨店。我們期望從品味生活角度出發,讓商品涵蓋各個層面,包括繪本角色精品、創新文具、設計風格獨特的家居用品及日本藥妝小. [read more]
High-end bespoke handmade jewellery. 高級訂製珠寶. [read more]
總店: 旺角亞皆老街65號新之城3樓306 Tel: 39070151 營業時間: 13:30 - 22:30(10-12月逢星期日休息) 分店:銅鑼灣東角駅2樓275 Tel:28611189 營業時間: 13:15 - 22:15. [read more]
We are wine lovers, aim to offer fine wines at competitive price to all other wine lovers over the world. . [read more]
屯門海趣 is a shopping mall, located at 屯門湖翠路168-236號海趣坊, Tuen Mun. They can be contacted via phone at 2404-0512 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Shop for proven, comfortable, community-tested everyday girdle, shapewear at #iSlimGirdle - no squeeze attached. . [read more]
الآلاف من المنتجات ، سعر المصنع ، شحن مجاني في جميع أنحاء العالم!. [read more]
如對貨品有興趣請inbox或whatsapp查詢 Tel:52825097 請客人付款至指定的匯豐銀行或中國銀行戶口 匯豐銀行 596-449850-288 HO L L 中國銀行 012-561-101-657-56 LEE W Y. [read more]
電器消費者購物中心-Electric Products Consumers' Purchasing Centre is a store, located at 糖街1-13號銅鑼灣商業大廈17樓1703室(地鐵E出口), Causeway Bay. They can be contacted via phone at 25762368 for more detailed information. [read more]
本群組是 轉型平冶vito汽車RTD 飾件,呔鈴,KW & neotech 彈弓避震 川崎 頭尾蝶 日本id IDI皮同PPX偈油柴油 添加劑. [read more]
靜能生慧 野能生趣. [read more]
Free Home Delivery, Please feel free to make orders by the followings. Tel : 3691 9954 Whatsapp/SMS : 6296 9954 Email : tungchungindianstore@gmail. com. [read more]
本店專營韓國、日本、台灣,歐美及各類進出口商品 兼經內地火紅7mall商城~格格家店 尋求伙伴代理合作發展團隊 訂購或咨詢請加instagram: utrendyco. [read more]
上樓名錶店折扣優惠超低價 店鋪門市地址:香港觀塘開源道60號駱駝漆大廈第三期一樓O室 TEL:23570268 EMAIL:info@trendyoclock. com. [read more]
Japan Trendy Hunter 為大家推介最新日本潮流資訊,高級人氣潮流品牌。並且會為大家送上方便快捷的代購服務 敬請期待!!. [read more]
Trendy Korea 主要銷售韓國熱賣護膚品,零食及飾物. 所有貨品均由韓國直送,100%韓國正貨!亦獲取了由香港政府認可的正貨標籤,大家可放心選購!. [read more]
日韓歐美澳紐 美妝 服飾 食品 生活百貨 零售 代購. [read more]
Kidsland具有多年經營母嬰用品、食品、玩具及童裝。團隊都悉心挑選每件產品,保證您能以最優惠的價格買到優質的產品。www. hkkidsland. com. [read more]
韓國服飾店(韓國直送到港) 網上訂購之客戶如尺碼不合可於十四天內到門市更換其它服裝(請保留發票) 門市位於銅鑼灣地鋪 (附設試身室,歡迎來臨店鋪試岩先買,包保唔會買錯野啦). [read more]
VEGGIE LABO為讓大家有更多認識及體驗素食的機會, 以自利利他的理念, 致力在日本各縣精心挑選高品質的有機及素食食材, 希望人類與萬物和諧共存的同時, 也能日日幸福健康的過好日. . [read more]
Hopes and Dreams Crystal 天然水晶專門店 �只售全天然水晶,100% real and natural �水晶擁有各種能量,再自家設計款式,與市面上款式與眾不同,希望幫到有緣人之餘,又可以時尚特別!. [read more]
www. lunatalise. com. [read more]
本網店專營各國水族或寵物用品,設有速遞各區須豐店,OK便利店,7-11便利店自取服務或香港郵政到你指定地址。 歡迎零售,批發,分銷 歡迎WhatsApp查詢 59249168 又或者可以使用本專輯傳送訊息. [read more]
Sunday Vibes. Lifestyle Fashion Beauty 發掘生活極具品味的單品 搜尋現時潮流服裝及配飾 分享獨特及別具風格彩妝 毫不保留擁推薦及引進認為好的產品。 Happy sharing and selling. Look good Feel good Do good!. [read more]