本公司本著全面追求高素質及高效能的護膚品及最新的美容資訊為原則,讓現代女性體驗嶄新科研帶來的零負擔純美感覺,使現代女性的美麗'脫穎'而出!. [read more]
星期一至日 營業時間:12:00pm ~ 10:00pm. [read more]
本專頁由mind hair unreal創意團隊建立,分享一些fashion 髪型,創意來自生活!. [read more]
藏红天薰蒸足療九龍城店 is a spa, located at 九龍城衙前圍道96號梁玲樓1樓全層(衙前塱道入口), Kowloon. They can be contacted via phone at 27166639 for more detailed information. . [read more]
A place where you can enjoy maximum relaxation with a comfortable and quiet environment. [read more]
Pro Sala Beauty 旺角彌敦道750號始創中心22樓2233-2234室 (太子地鐵站B出口) 電話: 2363 5368 Whatsapp 63007614. [read more]
十年以上新娘、廣告化妝經驗。 曾任職 TVB 化妝師 (合作藝人衆多:胡杏兒、黃智雯、郭少芸、陳琪、胡諾言、鐘嘉欣、陳庭欣、陳倩揚、宋熙年…), Bobbi Brown 高級化妝師, Ingrid Millet 化妝導師. [read more]
www. oyaclinics. com | +852 2521 9098 Oya Body Shaping Clinics has launched Adipolysis-Activation in Hong Kong, making its patented protocol and activating formula available for the first time. [read more]
Fontaine Beauty 提供專業、貼心、全面的一站式美容護理服務,憑著豐富經驗,待客熱誠的態度,配以先進科技及美容專才,服務水準被受肯定。 Booking No: +852-5589-2508 我們深信與客人有足夠的溝. [read more]
專門搜購平靚正流行好用韓國化妝品, 由韓國直接入貨直寄HK, 歡迎零售/批發/代購, 查詢可電郵至 Bubble. beauty@yahoo. com. hk. [read more]
小店主營歐美日韓等化妝品護膚品,亦都有代理健康保健食品。. [read more]
♡Cosy & Private salon ♡Convenience : Opposite MTR ♡International teachnique ♡Hygiene tools ♡Near car park ♡Clearly price "No hidden costs" °{ Walk In Welcome|Appointment Preferable }°. [read more]
Omelette Menu is a gym, located at 28號 文咸東 街, Sheung Wan. They can be contacted via phone at +85267784908 for more detailed information. . [read more]
-Since 2014 -Vegan & All-Natural -Cruelty free | Toxin & Chemical free -Made in California USA -Created by I Never Use Foundation Breakfast Club™ HK. [read more]
通知及聯繫朋友,令他們知道本公司之內容和療程. [read more]
岩盤浴是日本近數十年廣受歡迎的獨特養身美容療程,可放鬆繃緊肌肉,消除疲勞,亦兼具排毒、美容及提升免疫力,燃燒卡路里。. [read more]
Whatsapp:55107248預約熱線:3188 2278 / 2316 2860. [read more]
Baby spa • massage • playgroup • party SMART Baby Spa 為家長及寶寶提供一站式專業游泳及按摩服務,所有嬰兒水療師均考獲政府認可之專業月員証書及接受專業國際嬰兒按摩培訓。. [read more]
Chuan Spa is your spring to wellness with treatments and surroundings that restore the mind, body and soul. [read more]
Escape from the hustle and bustle life into this city hideaway. The Hermitage Spa delivers the beauty of healthy skin through a wide range of Epionce’s rejuvenating facial and body treatments.. [read more]
地址:九龍太子西洋菜南街258-260號長寧大廈1/F G室 (太子地鐵站聯合廣場B出口, 東海堂側). [read more]
香港銅鑼灣蘭芳道15號4樓 (利園一期對面)4/F 15 Lan Fong Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong. [read more]
【繁忙中的一點小確幸。】 讓身心休息,才可做更多自己想做的事。 設有多間獨立房間,泰國調配入口的按摩油及獨特技術。. [read more]
防治失眠, 排毒瘦身, 消除疲勞, 加速新陳代謝, Massage cure of insomnia, detoxing, get rid of tiredness and speed up metabolism *Massage services*. [read more]
足君好成立於2000年,第一間進佔黃埔花園商鋪的足底按摩的休閒中心。. [read more]
BubbleBebe Spa 為你至愛寶寶提供最好的選擇。 BubbleBebe Spa promised to make the best selection for your baby. . [read more]
你會選擇養生?還是養醫生? 一直以來都知道水對我們人體非常重要,三年前我認識到還原水,起初我也不相信,有這麼神奇嗎?但飲了半年我的胃病改善了,我身體的皮膚也好起來,感恩我認識到還原水. [read more]
Y house beauty為追求頂尖專業技術與貼心服務的男士及女士提供尊貴美容及纖體保健服務,為顧客締造由內至外的健康美麗!. [read more]
蔘藏是你的一站式美容養生專家,快啲黎試做啦!新張期內各項服務均以優惠價益新客戶,包括藏式蒸身蒸腳,腳部按摩,全身推拿,美容瘦身等等,梗有一款啱尊貴又貪靚嘅你。. [read more]
Lemongrass House makes fresh & handmade Spa products. . [read more]
Beauty Lab 養生醫療美容中心 is a beauty salon, located at 金馬倫道12號恆信商業大廈5樓全層, Tsim Sha Tsui. They can be contacted via phone at 23710566 for more detailed information. [read more]
Facia Ginza is the Award-Winning Beauty Salon from Tokyo. Since 2016, it have expanded to Taiwan, Singapore and Hong Kong to allow more women to try its unique treatment. [read more]
a. [read more]
極近距離仍然保持美麗、近乎完美肌膚的自信。. [read more]
Beauty Start From Here. [read more]
足府提供一站式專業按摩服務 , 資深服務團隊 , 堅守多年“以客為本‘’精神, 為客人提供最貼心合適的需要 , 達至“保健養生‘’。. [read more]