迦密唐賓南紀念中學2013-2014年度學生會候選內閣~唐兄妹~. [read more]
Eye Level (previously known as E. nopi) is an international education program that was established about 30 years ago and now has over 2. 5 million children. [read more]
Eye Level 導師會透徹了解不同學生的學習需要,根據他們的能力及學習進度,為孩子提供最適切的指導,從而令孩子得到最大的裨益。. [read more]
校訓 : 聖經 理智 經驗. [read more]
Kiangsu-Chekiang College is one of the secondary schools in Shatin District of Hong Kong. HistoryThe school is one of the four schools established by the Kiangsu & Chekiang Residents.. [read more]
駱氏合氣道館於1996年由駱以信師傅首創,悉心培育下一代,弟子過千,桃李滿門. 駱氏合氣道館是溫哥華卑詩省惟一獲韓國認可. 更獲韓國合氣道聯盟頒發的”任命狀”加盟許可證及”師範資格證”. . [read more]
Carpio Music represents the full musical experience in Education, Performance, Production and Recording. In our hearts, music is an art form that needs to be nurtured and educated on a.. [read more]
荃灣錄音室,提供音樂製作、音樂演奏、音響及樂器租賃服務. [read more]
學校. [read more]
致力為中小學學員提供優質的學術專科課程。全方位提升學員在學習旅途上的各種能力,培養良好的「讀書感」,增強自信心,挑戰自我,並向著清晰的目標前進。. [read more]
劍橋英語課程, 讀寫生字班, 寫作及閱讀理解班,英語遊藝班, 會話, 小班補習班. [read more]
JCSPHPC is the first institution in Hong Kong to provide comprehensive education, training, consultation, and research in public health and primary care. [read more]
This is the official Facebook page of Sha Tin College Parent-Teacher Association. Follow this page to keep up to date with all PTA-related events. . [read more]
Registered AQA National Centre (NCN 74580) and IGCSE and GCE A-level Academic Centre of Edexcel International. . [read more]
A group of people dedicated to the perfection of martial arts; to develop the art of fighting and to build character. . [read more]
Events and highlights of the School of Architecture at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. . [read more]
香港國際音樂學校 Hong Kong International Institute of Music is a school, located at 182 Po Kong Village Road, Diamond Hill, Kowloon. They can be contacted via phone at (852) 2777 3452.. [read more]
We provide continuous English learning classes for children and teenagers from K2 to F6. They will go through our regular continuous course until F6. . [read more]
今年我們的主題是「靈命實踐」. [read more]
SMCA is a Christian Music School. We are staffed with a team of Christian Instructors, offering music, dance, drama and art lessons in a safe and comfortable environment. [read more]
香港兒童藝術發展中心由有遠景丶教學積極、兼具不同音樂強項的音樂教師執教,各級個別器樂/聲樂課程及營運九龍區維也納兒童合唱團。. [read more]
過去二十年,我們一直本著以“學生為本,有教無類”的精神,並相信"英語學得好,成功快達到”。我們可以為你的子女提升英語水平。同時,由於中文的重要性亦愈見重要,為了提高學生的中文能力,我們亦新增了以普通話及廣東話任教的中文班,為學生打好中文的基礎。. [read more]
We teach life, not just knowledge - building up students' confidence & good character. 我們不單教授知識, 更是建立兒童的自信及良好品格。. [read more]
Prof du LFI de HK ouvre une maternelle à Central www. wonderfulcreation. org/playgroup Venez nombreux à notre open day le 24 mars à 15h !!. [read more]
La Geografía de Hong Kong se puede dividir en tres zonas principales: la Isla de Hong Kong, la Península de Kowloon y los Nuevos Territorios. El nombre "Hong Kong" significa literalmente.. [read more]
Government approved educational institute in HK providing comprehensive early intervention program. [read more]
Airlines Pilots share their Real Flight Experience With YOU!! 一班航空公司專業飛機師將帶你進入航空界的精采!!. [read more]
Aerosim is an Aviation Training and Flight Simulator design & hardware company aiming to bring aviation to the community, and to make aviation reachable to general public. [read more]
Zumba, Dee Dance Fitness, Pound Fit, Yoga, Meditation, Life Coaching and more! We aim to be your one-stop-shop holistic health solution for all!. [read more]
智留日本語教育中心位於土瓜灣,是一家提供小組日語課程(2-6人)的中心,並不時會介紹實用書藉以供預訂,及販賣日語二手書。(所有訂書服務每月15號截單,現貨則可立即安排交收) *部. [read more]
Urban Kings Music Studio 提供專業錄音室租用服務,音樂製作及樂器課程,查詢請致電:82000304. . [read more]
A premium learning centre at Shatin/TaiWai - focusing early childhood development and language learning at different levels from Kindergarten to Secondary. [read more]
Talentkids strive to give full exposure and training regime to young dancers in building up their ability across five continent of western dance style. [read more]
成立於2000年,專為0 - 18歲兒童提供一套高效能中文讀寫課程,課堂以粵語授課,著重提升聽、說、讀、寫四方面的能力。. [read more]
香港聖公會在香港及澳門設立的神學院, 矢志推動普及神學教育。 The theological college of HKSKH works for the training & education of all members of God’s Church in HK & Macau. . [read more]