正宗川,湘菜馆,推介三大特色(养生石锅魚,养生石锅鸡,重庆万州烤鱼)口水鸡,手撕鸡各款地道特色小炒,辣度完全由客人控制,有劲辣. 大. 中. 小辣/可不辣. [read more]
湘川滬 is a restaurant, located at 天水圍天恩路18號嘉湖銀座二期日比谷2樓216A及F舖, 852 Tin Shui Wai. They can be contacted via phone at 21499223 for more detailed information. [read more]
集湖南、四川及上海美食。招牌菜有重慶口水雞、湖南豆酥魚片 、烤北京填鴨等等… 粉嶺新運路33號粉嶺中心1樓212及212A號舖 (t: 2388 6231) 天水圍天恩路12-18號置富嘉湖二期2樓216A及F舖(t:2149 9223). [read more]
湘。金長來私房菜 is a restaurant, located at 太子荔枝角道94號地下. They can be contacted via phone at 23050638 for more detailed information. . [read more]
∀✪樂而忘返飲食聖地✪∀ びし天下人氣美食特蒐ょく. [read more]
MAGIC TOUCH 以平板點餐、新幹線直送的科技為饗客帶來新奇的餐飲體驗。. [read more]
美心月餅 Pop-Up Studio is a restaurant, located at 太古城中心2樓中橋. [read more]
尚膳潮州小廚 is a restaurant, located at 尚膳潮州小廚 太古太古城智星閣地下G1016-17號舖. They can be contacted via phone at 2886 2100 for more detailed information. . [read more]
太古城~大勝軒沾麵 is a restaurant, located at 太古太古城太豐路3號星輝台金星閣G1018號舖. They can be contacted via phone at 25623200 for more detailed information. . [read more]
一籠兩件‧素食煮義‧自家沙河粉. [read more]
The Feast is a restaurant, located at 太古城. They can be contacted via phone at 39683777 for more detailed information. . [read more]
We prepare our dishes using only the freshest ingredients to prepare authentic Vietnamese cooking in a modern & comfortable environment. . [read more]
麥當勞餐廳@太古城中心 is a restaurant, located at Hong Kong. They can be contacted via phone at 29070004 for more detailed information. . [read more]
溫野菜 太古城中心店 is a restaurant, located at 太古城中心一期3樓309號舖. They can be contacted via phone at 2107 4088 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Caviar House & Prunier is considered the top luxury food brand in the world, with its production of Prunier Caviar located next to Bordeaux, France. . [read more]
SUSHI TAKE AWAY 刺身、壽司、串燒外賣專門店. [read more]
天草漁場 Amakusa is a restaurant. They can be contacted via phone at 2529 0080 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Burger, Lobster, Dessert, Drink & Fun!. [read more]
泰屋 is a restaurant, located at 元朗坳頭東成里1號(YOHO附近,新港酒店後), Yuen Long. They can be contacted via phone at 31470338 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Olive Cafe & Bar is a cafe, located at 荃灣西樓角路1-17號新領域廣場, Tsuen Wan. They can be contacted via phone at 24123836 for more detailed information. . [read more]
MINH & KOK is a restaurant, located at 東角百德新街62號, HK Hong Kong. They can be contacted via phone at 2267 8366 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Stone Steak House 是一間以石燒為主題,以法式風味作主打的新派餐廳。誠意推介我們獨特的法式滾油火鍋,享用時以長叉把新鮮食材放入滾油內炸熟,配以大廚特別調制的醬料,十分惹味。另一主打是以利用攝氏500度高溫火山石即時將各樣材料煮熟,特別之處是能夠鎖住肉汁,確保客人享用時能夠感受到食物的原汁原味。餐廳更引入各式比利時井水釀製的生果味啤酒,清甜味美,令人感覺清新。. [read more]
Hong Kong's first Saigonese brasserie. . [read more]
Miss Saigon Vietnamese Cuisine 越南餐廳 IG : Miss_Saigon_HK. [read more]
Korean takeaway, delivery and eat-in restaurant serving Kimbab, Bibimbap, Korrito, Korean lunchbox, ramen, etc. Central location takeaway only. . [read more]
MeokBang Korean BBQ & Bar is a bar, located at 6/F, The Goldmark, 502 Hennessy Rd, Causeway Bay. They can be contacted via phone at +85227255718 for more detailed information. [read more]
燒魂屋日式放題 is a restaurant, located at 2/F, Winfield Commercial Building, 6-8A Prat Avenue, Tsim Sha Tsui 尖沙咀寶勒巷6-8A號盈豐商業大廈2樓, Tsim Sha Tsui. They can.. [read more]
鳳城酒家飲食集團旗下 - 巴辣烤魚米線 Fisherman on Duty - member of Fung Shing Restaurant Group. [read more]
無論您是素食者、三不五時來個素食,或是什麼都愛吃的朋友,櫻の滙提供的日式創新素食,絕對能符合您的口味。. [read more]
#mumveggiecafe. [read more]
答案,一杯為你占卜🔯的茶🍵 為你解開人生百惑🤔 為你帶來一口回甘☺️ 解渴解惑,沉思數秒🧘🏻♀️ 杯上答案,早在心中❤️ 營業時間:11:00-21:00. [read more]
The best Wagyu Steak in Hong Kong, amazing prices for amazing quality. You won't be disappointed !!!!! 8 Oaklands Path! Come check us out!. [read more]
混乱ラーメン 麵式: 混亂拉麵 混亂玉子拉麵 混亂芝士拉麵 混亂全部入拉麵 混亂豚肉拉麵. [read more]
香港麒麟閣酒家 - 銅鑼灣耀華街3號百樂中心9樓 Unicorn Restaurant Hong Kong - 9/F Bartlock Centre, 3 Yiu Wa Street, Causeway Bay. [read more]
山女魚(Yamame或Yamabe),亦稱佳魚,是 日本國內各溪流裏終生行陸封生活的櫻花鉤吻 鮭。其洄游型即是日本最富盛名的的櫻鮭( Sakuramasu)。山女魚與台灣櫻花鉤吻鮭的體 型外觀與生態上都. [read more]
最愛的日本平民食材食物. [read more]