滾得棧-油麻地店 is a restaurant, located at 油麻地砵蘭街39號-41號. They can be contacted via phone at 85224161999 for more detailed information. . [read more]
要食新鮮時令特式海鮮,一定要黎方便就腳既,食材每日新鮮運到,不油不膩之餘仲食到各種鮮甜味,記得打黎25278883訂位喇!. [read more]
普通食飯,朋友歡聚,慶祝紀念不二之選. [read more]
金滿象正宗泰國菜 旺角店地址:旺角廣華街翠園 2期地下 6號鋪 電話: 3460 3160 旺角廣華街翠園 2期地下 8號鋪 太子店地址:太子花園街224B號地下B舖 電話: 2765 7977. [read more]
友誼泰國菜館 is a restaurant, located at 九龍城啟德道38號地下, Kowloon. They can be contacted via phone at 2382-8671 for more detailed information. . [read more]
富泰正宗泰國菜 於2018年9月4日正式接手開張 新人事新作風 泰國藉大廚坐陣 留座及查詢可致電或whatsapp : 56669639 小店上一手為"泰串BBQ". [read more]
正宗泰國風味船麵登陸觀塘!本店提供有多種船麵配搭,更有清邁咖哩及多款泰國小食,是觀塘午餐的好選擇。. [read more]
泰出色泰國餐廳是泰特色飲食集團旗下泰國餐廳之旗艦店。創新的私房菜式更是本港其它泰菜沒有。本店由多位殿堂級廚師主理,令食客可品嚐非一般的泰菜感覺。當然,一般地道正宗的泰菜也不會缺少。泰出色泰國餐廳絕對是集懷舊、創新、地道於一身的泰國餐廳。. [read more]
新南苑私房菜-灣仔店 is a restaurant, located at 灣仔盧押道18號海德中心二樓全層, 852 Wan Chai. They can be contacted via phone at 28778008 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Kokonoi Sushi Restaurant 九井寿司 is a restaurant, located at Shop 25, 9/F, Megabox, 38 Wang Chiu Rd. They can be contacted via phone at +85227619188 for more detailed information. [read more]
全港首間以復仇者聯盟為主題的咖啡室 「咖啡俠」. [read more]
Take part in Mongkok's latest French Fusion Kitchen and Bar experience!. [read more]
Sushi Shikon is the authentic edomae sushi experience in Hong Kong!. [read more]
La Kaffa Cafe - a world cafe brand serving stylish fusion food and specialty coffee. . [read more]
Hong Kong's first Chilcano Bar, Latin, South American and Peruvian Restaurant. Delicious food, friendly staff and refreshing drinks. . [read more]
Mok's Beef King Hotpot Restaurant. [read more]
La Rambla by Catalunya is a restaurant, located at 3/F, IFC Mall, 8 Finance Street, Central. They can be contacted via phone at +85226611161 for more detailed information. [read more]
AZUMA 位於西營盤東邊街的核心地帶, 為一眾喜愛日本菜餚和居酒屋設計的客人帶來最舒適既環境. AZUME 係一個細小但環境舒適既地方,適合朋友聚會同時享受我地爲大家預備一系列既日本清酒,. [read more]
本店是一間結合台式飲料加港人口味的本土飲品品牌,創辦人一直堅持以健康,優質為理念,把原本港台風味的特色創意飲品從•原點再一次出發。. [read more]
一鍋 iPot - 台日式精緻小火鍋專門店. [read more]
Spiga Hong Kong. [read more]
Viet L' Amour 喜迎館揉合傳統和新派越南/粵菜,款式創新,品味獨特,不是一般的越南/粤菜餐廳可以媲美。. [read more]
Fine dining Italian restaurant and Cocktail bar. [read more]
季季紅風味酒樓(荃灣) is a restaurant, located at 荃灣青山公路185-187號荃勝大廈1樓, Shop 1, Level B Tsuen Wan. They can be contacted via phone at 2326 2626 for more detailed information. [read more]
歡迎預約~可外賣自取~. [read more]
肥南(三聖)燒鵝風味小廚. [read more]
雲南米線專門店. [read more]
3/11/2014開業. [read more]
Sunday OFF The chef is from Penang, Malaysia. [read more]
九龍城的懷舊中餐廳,中國化的設計配上別緻的餐具,別有一番風味。城寨風味以多樣化的菜式著稱,美食遍布大江南北. . [read more]
西川風味餐廳雞煲火鍋店 - 屯門 is a restaurant, located at 新墟新青街11號萬寶樓2號地下, Tuen Mun San Hui. They can be contacted via phone at 24806060 for more detailed information. [read more]
麻川風味 is a restaurant, located at 青山公路葵涌段450-454號名賢大廈地下A舖. They can be contacted via phone at 69076073 for more detailed information. . [read more]
永利 風味大排檔•地道茶餐廳 Facebook page was managed by QConcept Ltd. (www. facebook. com/QConcept). [read more]
Chinese Restaurant. [read more]
Macha House Hong Kong is a restaurant, located at 深水埗 福華街 161-175號 ,福仁商場 1樓13號鋪, Kowloon. They can be contacted via phone at 27256698 for more detailed information. [read more]
"" ✮✮星級推介✮✮:黑松露炒滑蛋配厚多士,生炸大雞脾 各式即叫即炒小菜. [read more]