匯瀚物業托管乃中原集團成員之一,致力為客戶提供高質素的物業托管服務。全方位的服務涵蓋住宅、工商鋪各個類別,貼心為你提供完善服務。. [read more]
第一集團為你 創造聰明城市 建設美麗家園. [read more]
有散紙但又唔想放系銀行收低利息? 幾百萬想做業主? 收租回報想跑贏大市? 呢個專業幫到你,專業推介細碼物業投資,全程專業跟進,無論短炒長揸都幫到您���. [read more]
Facebook of Grandiose Forum (grandiose. freeforums. org). [read more]
英國物業投資專家●只選售具規模發展商及市中心新盤●真正發展商價單, 歡迎比較●定期工程進度相/影片●一站式物業投資及管理服務, 包括按揭及稅務顧問等●買家免佣 UK PROPERTY SPECIALISTS. [read more]
• 最新地產資訊 • 全新及二手,租賃/買賣樓盤介紹 • 投資好推介 • 免費物業估價. [read more]
**你想搬屋 理想搬運** 電話: 8103 8000 本公司擁有多年搬運經驗。一向以「顧客為先」作為經營理念,忠誠可靠,服務態度誠懇有禮。. [read more]
簡單介紹近期超正熱賣一手楼盤������������. [read more]
小型酒店與星級工作室. [read more]
Hmlet reinvents spaces and transform them into dynamic environments for inspiring people to live, connect and make friends. . [read more]
Need short term accommodation here in Hong Kong ? No fees. Call / whatsapp: +85251330991. [read more]
中原測量師行租務管理團隊,能提供為投資者度身設計的服務,以協助業主管理出租物業,達到提升物業價值的目標,讓業主安心賺取投資回報。. [read more]
星級太空艙 The Lounge is a real estate agency, located at 銅鑼灣珠城大廈, 852 55987007 Hong Kong. They can be contacted via phone at 85255987007 for more detailed information. [read more]
浩峰地產投資有限公司成立於2017年,業務範圍包括各區物業豪宅投資及租務轉介,代理高質服務式住宅,以至專營海外極具潛力樓盤。本公司員工資歷深厚,以客為先,超過20年經驗,值得信賴. [read more]
We sell London residential property from here in Hong Kong as well as providing advice on mortgages, resales, lettings and buying in the U. K. [read more]
藝里坊‧1號 由恒基地產發展,位於忠正街8號,提供240個單位,實用面積223至421平方呎,採開放式至2房間隔。. [read more]
Invest Cow co-invests in discounted real estate opportunities. We manage capital with considerations to our S. M. A. R. T. approach for our partners. . [read more]
迎海(英語:Double Cove)是由恆基兆業地產牽頭,新世界發展及培新集團合作發展,位於香港新界東烏溪沙落禾沙烏溪沙路8號的大型住宅項目,設21幢住宅,合共提供約3,500個單位。. [read more]
泰國🇨🇷️旅行✈️去得多! 曼谷樓市🏙️你又知幾多? 五花八門點樣揀😵?! 專家😎教你揀筍盤👍💥. [read more]
一號九龍道 (Madison Park) 的地盤面積約為543平方米,總樓面面積則約為4,884平方米。住宅樓面面積約為4,043平方米,共提供100伙 分層住宅。 單位的實用面積介乎約300至440平方呎,間隔涵蓋一至兩. [read more]
懷義街安富道分行 TEL : 26666007 林村分行 TEL:26666971. [read more]
專營大埔村屋/舖/洋樓/唐樓/歡迎致電 TEL : 26666007 / 26666971. [read more]
天馬苑 is a real estate agency, located at 九龍黃大仙竹園道55號, 5010431 Kowloon. [read more]
專營深井及青山公路一二手盤;. [read more]
The Key to your home “Thailand is one of famous paradise in the world. Let us assist your dream paradise home @Thailand. ” Land Base CORP LTD is a Hong Kong based Thailand properties.. [read more]
Knight Frank is the leading independent, global real estate consultancy providing an integrated prime commercial and residential offering, operating in key. [read more]
理想的家在 (利嘉閣) 地產代理(公司) 牌照號碼:C-002504. [read more]
Think property, Think Kingsland Discovery Bay Luxury Property Experts. [read more]
whatsapp 98707331 raycheng@kahing. com. hk 專營西貢,清水灣,西沙村屋,歡迎查詢。 天天置業有限公司 公司牌照 C-075552 地址:西貢西貢苑52A地下 RAY CHENG 牌照E-363856 電話98707331. [read more]
朗善邨位於元朗凹頭,包括兩座16層及一座20層公屋及朗善商場,合共提供1203個單位,於2017年2月23日入伙。. [read more]
專業代理村屋、丁地、洋樓、舖位、農地、倉地買賣租售,歡迎委託. 查詢. [read more]
Mainly focus on property buy & sell, rental in Hunghom district in Hong Kong. Especially Whampoa Garden. . [read more]
提供澳洲各大城市房地產資訊及一站式租售管理相關服務,並擁有專業的合作團隊。 本公司亦可協辦按揭服務,如有查詢,歡迎聯絡 Tel:852-55426020 MS. WONG or 852-55426030 MR. WONG Whatsapp或WeChat亦可。. [read more]
Lee Wai Commercial Building 利威商業大廈 is a real estate agency, located at 1-3 Hart Ave, Tsim Sha Tsui. [read more]
Gascoigne Road is a main road in Kowloon, Hong Kong, going west-east from Nathan Road to Chatham Road South through the head of King's Park, leading vehicles from West Kowloon to the.. [read more]
本司專營港島及九龍區鋪位租務及買賣. [read more]