荃灣區大型屋苑眾多,提供二手樓盤及租盤,歡迎了解更多樓盤資訊。. [read more]
荃灣英皇娛樂廣場 is a shopping mall, located at 眾安街55號, Tsuen Wan. [read more]
As expats, we know it's hard to find a place in Hong Kong. Let's simplify things a bit. Once a week. One premo flat in Sheung Wan. One happy future tenan. [read more]
上水名都 is a real estate agency, located at 上水名都商場L2 no. 37號鋪(麥當勞對面). [read more]
For the residents of One Wan Chai to communicate with each other. [read more]
Property Conservation is aiming to introduce you a new mix of services to facilitate your property development plans and heritage conservation projects. [read more]
C. A. J Property is a real estate agency, located at Room 204, 2/Floor, Malaysia Building, 50 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai, 852 Hong Kong. They can be contacted via phone at 39971301 for more.. [read more]
「買樓不是買棵菜」,現時新業主很精明,對物業質素要求高,驗樓環節當然甚為重視,若不想煩又捨得花錢的話,可聘請驗樓師代勞。 DreamHouse【專業驗樓師】 TEL : 6601 6501. [read more]
Lanon Development Limited ("Lanon") is principally engaged in civil engineering works, buildings construction and maintenance works. . [read more]
Established in 2012, Contented Living provides accommodation service for students and short-term visitors coming to Hong Kong. As the authorized supplier of 5 universities in Hong Kong and.. [read more]
租售代理 委託放盤 策劃銷售 中港樓盤 估值測量 土地買賣 租管服務 英國樓盤. [read more]
我們於泰國曼谷Siam area,印尼雅加達及中國廣州區設立辦公室,為海外投資者提供全方位置業服務。 查詢熱線:+852 61748888. [read more]
提供香港人專業嘅海外房產投資分析; 幫助香港房產投資者賺取最高利潤。. [read more]
VIP Registration for: DEVELOPER CONCORD PACIFIC Vancouver - Avenue One Toronto - Seasons. [read more]
專門經營一糸列香港及海外物業投資。我們擁有投資在加拿大,美國,英國,歐洲,亞洲及香港廣泛的房地產投資經驗,為各國投資者及海外升的學生提供房地產需求的買賣服務該怎麼選擇哪種. [read more]
青山公路住宅 新樓 2手 買樓 租樓 推介 消息發佈 多謝大家支持參與. [read more]
你朋友已經在曼谷買樓,又賺錢又有的 平靚正 第二家園? 羨慕不如行動 1- 掌握投資細節 2- 清楚投资環境 3- 好盤即決定. [read more]
專營四小龍、奧運站、南昌、美孚及各大一手樓盤. [read more]
本團隊提供最專業及誠懇的服務, 為閣下置業提供一條龍服務。 買樓, 租樓, 按揭, 律師樓介紹, 裝修工程介紹, 後續支援等。. [read more]
本專頁歡迎你分享你的理想家居或留言查詢你的心儀物業!【另免費為你提供按揭資料,助你踏上置業人生第一步!】. [read more]
灣仔銅鑼灣搵樓easy chick 有關地產新聞 介紹一些灣仔,銅鑼灣二手樓盤 和各區資料. [read more]
專營大埔私人屋苑及新界東豪宅 租/售 另本專頁亦負責各區之一手樓盤 不時更新新盤資訊及解答客戶提問 歡迎業主 / 客戶致電放盤及搵樓 電話:63393080 周先生. [read more]
HOUSE101 提供住宅、車位、店舖、工商廈等放盤搵樓平台及最新樓市資訊,服務全港市民,無論是買家、租客、代理或業主一樣幫到你手!. [read more]
隨著多項接通港九新界其他地區的高速公路及鐵路相繼落成,搬往元朗居住人口日益增加。除交通方便外, 區內設施一應俱全亦是於區內投資置業一大優勢。. [read more]
不論你是學生 上班族 定投資達人 想搵屋 租樓 我地都可以幫到你. [read more]
荃灣搵樓易 is a real estate agency, located at 荃灣中心商場一期. They can be contacted via phone at 97657718 for more detailed information. . [read more]
搵樓話咁易 is a real estate agency, located at 沙田馬鞍山新港城2228號鋪, 852 Hong Kong. They can be contacted via phone at 51488807 for more detailed information. . [read more]
提供馬鞍山區二手資訊。買賣。租賃。二手成交。 歡迎查詢 周先生:96048709 謝先生:65482225. [read more]
全港各區一,二手住宅,工商舖,寫字樓及按揭轉介服務. [read more]
專營:天水圍 63735900 Mable Mau/劉小姐. [read more]
各區樓盤買賣(1手樓花,2手物業) 誠意邀請業主聯絡放盤 專營將軍澳區(2手買賣) 各區新樓(1手樓花買賣) 提供各區樓盤資料(新樓,2手) 租/買均可,按揭等亦歡迎查詢,專人跟進. [read more]
我們會第一時間提供精選上車樓盤~. [read more]
Hip Shing Hong is a property developer and investor. [read more]
Hiu Lai Court is located at Hiu Kwong Street in Sau Mau Ping. It is a housing estate under Home Ownership Scheme launched by Hong Kong Housing Authority. [read more]
Finding your next house : Whether the little one joining the family, relocation of the job, getting closer with our elderly, we are here to help just that. [read more]
Get Your Perfect Home With A Professional. . . [read more]