商舖租售/樓宇租賃及買賣. [read more]
全港首創流動布板車服務 只要一家人安在家中, 好嘆窗戶專員, 就會攞埋啲布板上門, 提供專業意見, 幫你襯埋款式, 仲有蚊網同窗台墊! 免費上門睇板,度尺,報價。. [read more]
卓展置業顧問有限公司 New Town Development Consultancy Limited is a real estate agency, located at 香港九龍尖沙咀柯士甸道122號麗斯中心10樓B室. They can be contacted via phone at 21895816 for more detailed information. [read more]
Nob Hill is a private housing estate in Mei Foo, Sham Shui Po/Kwai Chung, Kowloon, Hong Kong, located at the former site of Lai Chi Kok Amusement Park, together with Wah Lai Estate and Lai Yan Court. [read more]
每天發佈成交資訊、樓盤推介、買樓注意事項、各大銀行按揭息口更新。另有專業人仕免費咨詢。. [read more]
荃灣利嘉閣萬景峰千萬團隊Facebook專頁,帶給您最新地產及物業資訊. [read more]
荃灣區內即將有多個大型一手樓盤開售,全城矚目,萬眾期待. [read more]
一個80後小子初出茅廬, 同好多香港人一樣, 好想置業, 但有人覺得係香港置業是夢!! 但做人一定要有Dream, 人無夢想, 就同條咸魚無分別 !! 希望大家係呢度會搵到屬於你心目中的Dream House. [read more]
專營日出康城及將軍澳區新樓 最新資訊熱線:李先生 5616-2800. [read more]
公司經營範圍#元朗#錦田#天水圍#大棠#屯門#洪水橋#錦上路#橫洲#沙田#西貢#大埔 牌照號碼 : C-063493. [read more]
房地產. [read more]
International properties investment in UK, Australia, Malaysia, Thailand etc, with updated news, insights and advice from real estate professionals. . [read more]
工商鋪出租. [read more]
長虹地產於2008年成立,專營新界區村屋、別墅、樓宇、工商舖買賣租賃、土地發展收購合拼等。. [read more]
專營住宅物業,元朗一二手買賣租賃,港九新界一手盤 資訊,首次置業,按揭問題 專業團隊 幫到你 ! 素描二維碼或致電24小時熱線 一一解答你地問題 細心専人由頭跟到尾 快同我地聯絡啦!. [read more]
富達物業 西貢村屋 買賣 租 將軍澳區 清水灣 坑口 舊屋重建 土地買賣 合作發展 is a real estate agency, located at 西貢福民路58-72號高富樓地下5號鋪, 852 Sai Kung. They can be contacted via phone at 66838268 for more detailed information. [read more]
- 多元化服務 - 電子化收租服務,免費家居保險轉介及查詢,免費太陽能棚轉介及查詢 - 服務態度 - 多次獲客人好評 - 資訊種類 - 提供一手樓盤及二手樓盤必須知嘅按揭資訊 - 有故仔聽 - 行內. [read more]
地產樓盤網Home130提供業主或代理放盤的樓盤網站! 快Click入我們網站註冊!. [read more]
專營:帝堡城,康林苑,廣林苑,廣源邨,火炭半山,工商舖及各區樓盤. [read more]
ROSA INVESTMENTS LIMITED 為一間香港物業租務管理公司,替客人管理出租物業,包括出租、租約、管理、維修、出售等服務。. [read more]
上源 (LE PONT) 項⽬是由萬科置業(香港)發展的分層住宅屋苑新盤,位於新界屯⾨ 掃管笏路99號,預計關鍵⽇期為2020年6⽉30⽇。 上源 (Le Pont) 地⽪⾯積約為290,628平⽅呎,最⾼可建樓⾯⾯積約達841,7. [read more]
專營工商/住宅買賣,租賃 Joining Realty provides sale & leasing service of Industrial/Residential for clients with over than 20-year experience. [read more]
香港の賃貸住宅(マンション・アパート)の情報サイト. [read more]
Cityloft offers a series of luxurious apartments for city residents who loves convenience and comfort living in the heart of Hong Kong. . [read more]
美聯物業元朗教育路分行 is a real estate agency, located at 新界元朗教育路15及19號嘉城廣場G003號地鋪. They can be contacted via phone at 24732922 for more detailed information. . [read more]
元朗中原-新時代廣場第一分行B組『Yoho系列專組』 is a real estate agency, located at 新界元朗鳳攸北街2-6號永富閣地下10號舖. They can be contacted via phone at 85292557171 for more detailed information. [read more]
D. [read more]
A few steps away from the MTR Olympic Station and in the centre of transport network and the business district, Park Summit is served by a multitude of pub. [read more]
One SilverSea is a real estate agency, located at 18 Hoi Fai Road, Tai Kok Tsui. They can be contacted via phone at 001-818-338-2883 for more detailed information. [read more]
辦公時間 Office Hours: 星期一至五 Monday - Friday 10:00 – 19:00 星期六 Saturday 11:00 –17:00 星期日及公眾假期 Sunday and Public Holidays 休息 Close. [read more]
提供地產代理, 住宅買賣, 物業出售等服務. [read more]
Your home Your business = Our Priority. [read more]
中原地產 Joe. [read more]
專業投資物業公司 泰國布吉海景別墅 墨爾本鑽石級公寓 名牌酒店物業管理. [read more]
Specialized in Sai Kung 主要經營西貢優質村屋,獨立屋,及舖位租售。深得本地居民信賴支持。. [read more]
帝城地產本著服務至上,細心聆聽顧客所需,為客戶提供專業買賣或租賃意見。免費提供各區最新成交,以及銀行估價服務。 專人熱線:(852)3952 0222. [read more]