泓景臺 Banyan Garden is a real estate agency, located at 九龍荔枝角道863號, Lai Chi Kok. They can be contacted via phone at +852 3528 0550 for more detailed information. [read more]
荔枝角店︰九龍長沙灣道香港中心 27 樓 (荔枝角站B1出口). 銅鑼灣店︰銅鑼灣 羅素街8號 8樓 (客戶服務中心 敬請預約) 日本分店︰東京都渋谷区円山町28-4 3F. [read more]
Tsuen King Garden is one of the largest private housing estates in Tsuen Wan, New Territories, Hong Kong, located at Tsuen King Circuit. It comprises 12 high-rise buildings into 2 phases which.. [read more]
For those who seek an exceptional life. [read more]
一手市道暢旺,發展商加價信心亦有上揚趨勢。據本刊統計,踏入6月上旬,已經有約10個新盤加入提價行列,當中恒隆地產旗下西南九龍浪澄灣加幅21. 8%,而嘉里屯門滿名山加幅更達到26%至40%,實行在旺市分一杯羹。 在加價熱潮的風氣下,長實地產牽頭的海之戀第3期已經一馬當先,未賣先加價,餘下6伙6座極高層海景戶,實用面積770至1,149平方呎,較本月5日首度開價時提價3%,最新價單定價$2,478. [read more]
🚄匯璽II 參觀時間🚄 最後兩天機會 現樓示範單位 11:00-18:00
❤️❤️❤️❤️. . . 歡迎致電預約睇示範單位 電話☎️ 69991550 曾小姐 24小時whatsapp
👑匯璽👑 今日開賣啦,朝早已經有成97組千萬富豪到場啦👍🏻👍🏻
據一手住宅銷售資訊網,新鴻基地產(00016)旗下元朗錦田北PARK YOHO Genova. [read more]
Park YOHO(前稱 峻巒,Park Vista[1] 和 Acappella),位於香港新界元朗區錦田北沙埔青山公路潭尾段18號,是新鴻基地產的大型中密度住宅項目,呂元祥建築師事務所設計。. [read more]
新地元朗著目新盤,GRAND YOHO 間隔實用寬敞,元朗地鐵站上蓋,鄰近商場 主打2房3房單位,適合換樓客,投資者 如有查詢,可致電 5407 7200. [read more]
葵翠邨為前葵涌已婚警員宿舍公屋發展計劃,於2018年入伙。邨內平台設有遊樂設施、安老院、綜合家庭服務中心,地面設有停車場及交通停車灣。在貨櫃碼頭路則設有葵翠邨公共交通交匯處. [read more]
富榮花園Facebook專頁. [read more]
Capital One Hongkong is first Thailand Based Company , Subsidiary in Hongkong Capital One has built its reputation on a commitment to providing quality real estate and services after sales.. [read more]
www. smdc. com. [read more]
專營日出康城第三期緻藍天,誠邀放盤!買賣、租樓,歡迎致電 2623 7373 或 6398 9357 (梁生) 、 5540 3546 (林生) 。. [read more]
凱滙 (Grand Central) 屬觀塘市中心第二、三區項目第一期,包括兩幢住宅大廈,各樓高40至44層,共提供1,024伙分層住宅。 單位的實用面積介乎約350平方呎至約1,200平方呎,間隔涵蓋1至4房。單位供. [read more]
Opus Hong Kong is a 12-storey, 42. 62m residential high-rise completed in 2012 at 53 Stubbs Road on Victoria Peak in Hong Kong. The project was designed by Frank Gehry in collaboration with Ronald.. [read more]
1)專業日本不動產市場分析 2)多元化投資選擇:住宅、商業樓宇及土地等 3)完善的租務管理 4)日本香港律師團隊提供專業咨詢 5)全日本民宿服. [read more]
Homes R us is a friendly real estate agency here in Discovery Bay. We pride ourselves in listening to your requirements and finding the right home for you. [read more]
為各類投資客人提供專業買賣物業見意. [read more]
LOFTER突破世代,想你所想,同類項目頂級品牌,以工業之價值,享尊尚商業氣息!. [read more]
為工廈物業帶來嶄新定義,有人說香港土地供應不足,而我們確信只要您懂得運用,有限空間也可爆發無限宇宙。. [read more]
LOFTER GROUP 的LOFTER星級工作室,為工廈物業帶來嶄新定義,有人說香港土地供應不足,而我們確信只要您懂得運用,有限空間也可爆發無限宇宙。. [read more]
Laguna City is a real estate agency, located at 香港九龍觀塘晒草灣茶果嶺道, Kowloon Kwun Tong. They can be contacted via phone at (852) 23570039 for more detailed information. [read more]
YOHO Town is one of the private housing estates and shopping centres in Yuen Long, New Territories, Hong Kong, developed by Sun Hung Kai Properties. DescriptionYOHO Town is divided into 3 phases. [read more]
土瓜灣房地產. [read more]
南灣 Larvotto is a real estate agency, located at 8 Ap Lei Chau Praya Road. They can be contacted via phone at 29220922 for more detailed information. . [read more]
【#只賣位置 不賣靚裝 #新界價買港島兩房 】 要靚裝邊到都做到 要地段就可一不可再 呢間簡約風格嘅2房1廳 #無得輸.. [read more]
Managed by www. morris-property. com. [read more]
專為客戶尋找銅鑼灣/灣仔的出租物業和香港各區的買賣盤. 有大套樓盤/套房/單位/鋪位(租/售). 歡迎業主放盤. ________________________________________________ We provide Buy & Rent Quality Hong Kong Apartments, Homes, Real Estates. [read more]
沙田 / 大圍 / 大埔 / 馬鞍山, 全港各區一二手物業資訊 詳情歡迎FB inbox查詢 電話: 6698 1281 (Johnny Kwok) 營業時間: 逢星期一至日 09:00 - 22:00. [read more]
提供沙田及馬鞍山區二手資訊。買賣。租賃。二手成交。 歡迎查詢. [read more]
Prime Property Consultants Limited is a professional real estate service provider specializing in office, retail, industrial, residential and investment. [read more]
The Harbourside è un grattacielo ad uso residenziale situato a Caolun, in Union Square, area urbana di Hong Kong. La costruzione dell'edificio, alto 255 metri, si è protratta dal 2001 al 2004,.. [read more]