Kwai Chung Park is a park, located at Kwai Chung. [read more]
青天白日满地紅,才能代表中華民族不屈不撓的奮鬥精神!. 紅樓的中山公園,其實是香港的國軍老兵、親中華民國人士艱苦經營的。紅樓是孫中山革命的一個遺跡,有其歷史意義。. 成日都有人來破壞,好心國民黨撥款維護啦. [read more]
A relax and dogs friendly weekend market place. Good for children at Sai Kung. . [read more]
There are four number of old and valuable trees that registered in Wan Tau Kok Playground. Three of them are Cinnamomun camphora and one of them is Bombax Ceiba. [read more]
籃球足球都可以,人少. [read more]
這公園位於新港城中心3期和耀安邨錦禧苑等之間,甚得附近居民喜愛!. A small park with some seats and lots of trees in it. . Chill out time with coffee :-). [read more]
Beautiful place for camping. Especially if anyone is a photographer loves star trails. This place is perfect for them. . Perfect for camping and nice beach view. [read more]
Take a break from the concrete jungle and experience the smells of the country side! Fish smells, junk boats, tour boats, hike trails and so much more. [read more]
Great trail, not too difficult if you excerise often. Had a blast here and saw some great views. Some parts of the trail have erosion and is somewhat unmaintained. [read more]
It is a nice playground inckuding a football ground a basket ball groud and a variety of exercise units which is in such an area where one can find old and modern chinese culture as well as.. [read more]
寧静舒服的地方,雖然鄰近屋邨和百和路,整個環境大部分時間並不嘈雜,有防曬休憩設施,就算休閒看書也不受影响!. 不算大,不過有一個香港不多見的斜坡單車場,而且這裡的公共廁所頗為乾淨。. [read more]
홍콩느낌이 물씬 나는 공원. [read more]
環境舒適,空氣清新,令人感覺舒服。. 環境凊優 …… 入夜後人少!. [read more]
This is a good space to just walk around or jog and play at the play ground. There are facilities for sports but I'm not sure where to reserve them. . [read more]
Libur bersam ank bruq. hehe. 環境清靜,有時會有小貓在公園玩。. 香港的田園风光大部分在新界西北地区,这里的村民多以养植為主,所养的淡水鱼全部供應香港本地。这里的鱼塘和遠處的青山互相呼應形成了一幅美丽的山水画。日落时分吸引了许多摄影爱好者流连忘返。. [read more]
好想去多一次呀!. [read more]
Like this place for photographing. It is so sad the environment has been messing bit by bit by developer. What else we can leave for next generation. . [read more]
Great tour guide and some nice spots to see birds. A very peaceful protected area. Must go for HK Water Bird Watching. [read more]
Ancient Kiln Park and Hkia Historical Garden is a park, located at 8 Scenic Rd, Chek Lap Kok. [read more]
A great place to enjoy fresh air, singing birds and all sorts of outdoor activities : jogging, basketball 🏀, dance and more. . . . Perfect place for a family day. [read more]
Breathtaking place to visit. You can enjoy the green and beautiful sea view overthere. Nearby there is a beach. . nice place for family gathering. Great place for the weekend trip and pictures taking. [read more]
Brand new playground equipment suitable for toddlers and older children. It also has shaded seating. Location recieves good direct sunshine. Only downside is that it is by a road with quite a bit.. [read more]
Tai Tong Lai-Chee Orchard is a park, located at Tai Tong Yuen Long, Tai Tong. They can be contacted via phone at +852 2470 2201 for more detailed information. [read more]
Easy to spend a whole day here. Kids love feeding the animals and climbing up the ropes. Need to pay entrance fee and activities. . The weather was nice and kids had real great time out there. [read more]
There is an athletics running track here with a multi-disciplinary/football field in the centre. It is open from early till late and is popular with the locals for daily exercise and jogging laps. [read more]
Pretty cool area on lanatu island. What we didn't recognize is that there are many other more beautiful areas on lanatu. If I had the opportunity to do it again I would go explore many of the.. [read more]
Nestled between the 2 towers of the Harbour Resort Hotel, this open space is popular in the evenings when the temperate drops to a more convivial level. [read more]
給予參予活動的居民於市區有學習裁種植物的機會。. [read more]
Nice view for BBQ and good place fishing. Lovely place to bring kids, usually it's quite busy on Sat & Sun. 有好多黑鱸釣👍🏻. Good choice for fishing. [read more]
設有一個7人足球場及一個籃球場,足球場及籃球場均有網,場地理想,旁邊有公廁及大排檔. 這有七人硬地足球場、籃球場及花園,屬康文署管轄,全日24小時開放,附近有公厠,熟食市場及酒樓,交通方便。. 沒有下雨的午膳時間最為熱鬧,附近上班的員工組織小隊伍進行足球及籃球比賽,喜歡這股力量。. [read more]
Love it here. A very nice small park with nice grasses and area for a little picnic. Its definitely a place for kids to have fun with the park facilities just a step away. [read more]
This is in deed a wonderful place well designed and facilitated. Environment friendly designed waste management factory in a beautiful way, recognized and awarded by many global organizations. [read more]
It is really amazing to have so much food with a very reasonable price. The refilling of the food is quick. The service is nice too. Although it is a bit far from the city centre, I would still.. [read more]
Amazing hostel. The rooms were much nicer than I was expecting. A 4 bed female dorm had four separate beds (no bunk beds), in two rooms. Big lockers provided, bed side lights and enough plug sockets. [read more]
相傳在很久以前,有位新娘出嫁,坐著花轎,經過附近山路的時候,遇上山洪暴發,花轎跌進瀑布底的潭中,新娘慘遭溺斃。後人為悼念這位不幸的新娘,便把事發的瀑布,命名為新娘潭。時至今日,該地已成為熱門的燒烤及郊遊地點,政府當局亦把附近一帶的原有山路加以修繕,或開辟新路,建成了一條新娘潭自然教育徑。. 有山有水 夠清休. [read more]
旺中帶靜,環境好,空氣清新,建築入時,閑時好去處,. 歷史悠久的香港有代表性築物, 有圖書館, 劇院, 展覽廳, 婚姻注冊處. . . . Easy and comfortable to watch morning tai chi. [read more]