We are passionate in the world of floral and lifestyle. Will continue to create impact with flowers distinguishes the extraordinary from the ordinary. [read more]
28 Garden 大部份貨品只售$28 主要售賣Vintage 復古風格小品, 例如家居擺設,儲物用品,餐具,花藝,乾花,文具,婚禮佈置及攝影道具等等. Tel: 8100 8535 Whatsapp: 6073 0120 Email: info28garden@gmail. com IG: 28garden. [read more]
訂購或零售各 花卉設計、花籃、水果、果汁 地址:西環士美菲路市政大樓 1/F 1127舖--盈彩花店 (1/F 轉右) No. 1127 1/F, Smithfield Public Market, Kennedy.. [read more]
We specialize in enchanting bouquets, flower arrangements, floral accessories, corporate displays and wedding bouquets as well. Our floral products (fresh flowers /preserved flowers /silk.. [read more]
幸福 · 生活 · 愛 Le Bonheur. [read more]
Contemporary Flower Design. [read more]
Bespoke Floristry | DFA & CFD Qualified Florist in Hong Kong 訂製花藝品 | 荷蘭DFA及美國CFD資格花藝師 Email | goodvibes. blossoming@gmail. com Whatsapp/wechat | +852 6590 8462. [read more]
歡迎Whatsapp 92309895 / 66166168 或 inbox 我們查詢詳情: 保鮮花訂製或寄賣 | Bridal Shower | 商務合作 | 保鮮花工作坊 (個人/小組/公司團體) | 品牌活動. [read more]
歡迎來電查詢! Tel:24782320 whatsapp:61510537 專為顧客制作合適之花藝作品~結婚花球, 襟花, 場地佈置, 花束, 開張禮籃, 禮品菓籃, 帛事花籃, 絲花制作及各種花藝作品等等. . . 特設專人送貨, 準時到達。. [read more]
保鮮花 全人手制作及個別設計保鮮花花飾,承意為你以花傳愛。保鮮花裝飾更可用於橱窗或作室內擺設。 另設自家教室,歡迎預約。 鮮花服務 花束,花籃,新娘花球. . . 歡迎查詢。. [read more]
美利花店 Mei Lai Flower Shop is a florist, located at 九龍美孚新邨第一期荔灣街市8號店, HK Lai Chi Kok. They can be contacted via phone at +852 2742 3691 for more detailed information. [read more]
本店承做開張花籃,帛事花藍. 花束, 結婚花球, 襟花, 枱花, 果籃 歡迎訂購查詢2527 6001 或 What's app 852 90883070 / 852 92829294. [read more]
Oldsoul Florist. An online boutique florist by a young girl with an old soul. . [read more]
A foremost provider of bespoke floral services to its discerning clients. Flannel Flowers prides itself on carrying an unparalleled selection of fresh flowers imported from Europe, America and Japan. [read more]
Floral design studio in Kwun Tong, Hong Kong. Contact us at info@scissorsandtwine. com. [read more]
Welcome to this flower shop🧚🏻♀ A florist who is passionate about🌹💐🌺🌸🌼🌻view flowers as art pieces👩🏻🎨 Contact 📲: +852 97272638 for order. [read more]
花藝2000—花藝興趣班好多嘢學㗎,有歐美式插花、法式花球、鮮花包裝、玻璃瓶花. . . . 一張Groupon 或花藝2000優惠劵就任你學習一款,$168 一張優惠劵,好抵㗎!http;//www. flower2000. com. hk 查詢 95003123. [read more]
花寶深信透過品質良好的種植用品,令大眾對種植過程及技巧更易於掌握,培養對種植的興趣,推動綠色生活。. [read more]
Plant + Phantasy = Plantasy 以植物無限伸延,編造各式各樣怪念頭。 提供零售、各項場合或主題盆景訂製,及工作坊服務。. [read more]
本公司成立於2000年6月,專經營蘭花批發零售,供應各品種的蘭花予港九各花店及酒店. [read more]
以客為尊的精神配合專業的務實熊度, 必定可以得到心儀的貨品及滿意的服務. . [read more]
專營訂製保鮮花花禮、乾花字母等手作產品,本公司使用高質素保鮮花,包括來自日本及歐洲經嚴格選材及處理的保鮮花,能保存花朵質感及形態,並令花色更持久及奪目。全人手製作及配色,並可因應客人要求配搭花朵的色系,令花禮產品獨一無二,花禮更具代表性及獨特性,對收花人更具意義。. [read more]
鲜花,是一种高雅的礼品,通过赠花来表达微妙的感情和心愿,确是别有一番意境,如果懂得一些送花意义及技巧会更加恰到好处. [read more]
芳怡花店 is a florist, located at 九龍紅磡寶其利街44-56號金華大廈地下10號鋪(老坑火鍋旁). They can be contacted via phone at 22421618 for more detailed information. . [read more]
開張誌慶;心意花籃;送禮花束;節日花籃;探望慰問;帛事花牌. [read more]
Shop B19, Radio City, 505 Hennessy Road, Causeway Bay, H. K. 香港銅鑼灣軒尼斯道505號電業城地下街B19室 Tel:(852)29676247 Whatsapp:(852)54069546. E-mail : Oshkltd@yahoo. [read more]
Conceptualised in Les Baux-de-Provence, MAISON XXII dedicates to channel the way of European living into a fascinating journey of sensory inspiration. [read more]
專門售賣多肉植物, 選購請到 www. succulentsbo. com 多肉、專用介質、盆器、工具速遞到手。 多肉出門,肉寶負責到底。客人養肉疑問、養護交流,歡迎隨時搵肉寶。. [read more]
Tailored made bouquet Brighten up your special day. [read more]
I want to build and live my love; live in this ideal in this. [read more]
Forever Love Flora is a florist, located at 尖沙咀金馬倫道百樂酒店首都廣場二樓F119. They can be contacted via phone at +852 9300 0665 for more detailed information. . [read more]
香港婦女中心協會致力推動婦女持續就業,發揮所長,促進婦女經濟自主。 HKFWC continually promotes women’s re-employment, develop their talents and economic autonomy. . [read more]
專營 99 枝玫瑰花束! DIY套裝低至$700!位於火炭的地鋪花店,產品包括花束、花籃、花球、絲花、禮籃、花禮、月花、佈置。歡迎致電 95882371 查詢. [read more]
創造無數美麗的花朵,靜待愛花的您來欣賞。 遠赴韓國獲取認可資格: KFA、GFDA韓式荳蓉裱花導師、 KNDA蠟燭裱花和SoyP Candle Diploma導師及KHFA黏土奶油裱花、藝術美工刀花榮譽導師. [read more]
About us. [read more]
bouquets • flower baskets • bridal • arrangements • workshops. [read more]