網上花店,銷售花束、公司花籃、花盒、水果籃等 Tel/Whatsapp:63348710. [read more]
我們以花, 咖啡/甜品為主題的CAFE, 希望打造出來的環境讓客人有著悠閒自在的感覺~. [read more]
Mr*Flower offers you floral arrangement, bouquet delivery, event flowers, corporate centrepiece and hobby class. instagram: _mr. flower. [read more]
Comtemporary floral arrangements for event, wedding & home decoration. . [read more]
we'll post our new products in here, more option & information you can reach! if you have any enquiry, please feel free to contact us. . [read more]
用心製作婚禮花品、生日花束、開張花籃及畢業花束等, 設有網上訂購及送貨服務。We are the florist who uses flowers as art, brightens your special occasions or corporate uses with our passions. [read more]
Clingo Florist 凱茵鮮花已開業30多年,有多國鮮花出售,歡迎批發及零售. [read more]
Discover the exciting world of flower arranging. . . . . [read more]
實體店不定開,最好預約 -> 6228 4197 微光,和暖而不絢爛 蜂舍,蜜蜂的家,散發香甜氣息 一格格鞏固的六角柱體組成蜂巢 一朵朵溫婉的鮮花拼湊成花束 一個個甜蜜的故事編寫成《微光蜂舍》. [read more]
本店在元朗經營了十多年,終於肯弄個專頁了 我們提供盆栽販售,園藝工程報價,代訂盆栽架等園藝裝飾,新年拼蘭花等服務 2%CASH BACK 6%IBV. [read more]
Use your smile to change the world,don't let the world to change your smile. . [read more]
提供各式各樣的果籃、餐酒籃、花籃、開張花籃及新鮮花束給尊貴的您選擇訂購。. [read more]
本公司提供各種園藝服務及植物銷售. [read more]
Fleur art de Jasmine has been established since 2017, we merged French and Japanese floral art to present you a brand new idea of internal beauty. . [read more]
MON JARDIN. An internet florist with a big heart to appreciate the beauty of the nature. Tailor made flower arrangements. 婚禮花球 | 襟花 | 手花 | 盆栽. 歡迎查詢訂購. [read more]
歡迎光臨 - 森の工房!! 為你打造每個獨一無二的迷你庭林!! 百份百香港製造!! 百份百香港獨家款式!!. [read more]
【 花 】是帶給人幸福! 藉著「小花居」希望增添生活上的色彩,讓大家分享花兒們的美麗和幸福,並將高品質的設計和實惠的價格帶給您們! 歡迎任何查詢 Whatsapp: 54005014. [read more]
Based in Hong Kong, aiming to provide a new sensation to enjoy the beauty of flowers ! We offer customized hand tie bouquet, decorations and workshop. [read more]
.Since 2015 . .小店手工制作 . .保鮮花. 乾花花束. 畢業花束. 新娘花球. 肉肉植物. 開張盆景. . .WhatsApp:(+852)65880255 . .接受銀行轉帳/PayMe . .. . . 歡迎門市選購. . . . [read more]
Short Desc of Cover Page. [read more]
Gd Flower是一間香港網上禮品店 產品包括:各類花藝禮品/誌慶花籃/送禮果籃 /蘭花及植物擺設/喪禮悼念花牌⋯⋯ We are an online flower shop and gift shop in Hong Kong, specializing in the design of various special gift. [read more]
Rose of Everlasting Love— "I am the rose of Sharon, The lily of the valleys. " Song of Solomon 2:1 我是沙崙的玫瑰花,是谷中的百合花。雅歌2:1. [read more]
花店。禮品店. [read more]
{歡迎訂購、全港送貨} 求婚花束 結婚花束 各式花藝 花籃果籃 Tel: 6286 6076. [read more]
We offer soap flower as elegant bouquet and unique flower box as a great gift option for your important person. . [read more]
Jovie fleur & gift • FLOO is a florist, located at 灣仔道151-163號新世紀廣場1樓155號店, 852 Hong Kong. They can be contacted via phone at +85259260308 for more detailed information. [read more]
Sunny Blooms Floral Design Studio - 花藝設計 花藝課程 | 香港花店 | 網上花店 | 插花課程 花束預訂 workshop: 大埔汀角路 whatsapp:62222641. [read more]
花店專營花束,開張花籃,白事花牌,結婚花球。網上訂花,送花至香港島、九龍、新界、元朗、屯門及天水圍各區。 Mrs. Liu Florist - Flower Shop in Yuen Long Hong Kong. Order and buy flower online now!. [read more]
Send ����� for your lover your friend’s family and. . . . [read more]
• FLORIST | HANDMADE | BOUTIQUE • • 查詢及訂購產品,請直接inbox專頁或whatapps 5545 1866 工作室地址:葵興葵昌路78號 富都工業大廈 1205室 (葵興站E出口連接KCC商場步行兩分鐘到達,鄰近地鐵站). [read more]
歡迎致電﹑What's App﹑電郵及留言查詢和預訂 服務包括: 拍攝花球﹑新娘花球/襟花﹑開業花籃﹑畢業花束﹑場地擺設. . . (可送貨). [read more]
Oxygen Flower Studio is a flower artist collective based in Hong Kong. We handcraft bespoke flower bouquets and floral arrangements for weddings, festive gifting and corporate events. [read more]
我們是香港的網上花店!多謝海外的支持 !基於香港的關檢都十分嚴謹的關係 植物類是不可以運出境的!所以大家都不用再查詢了!謝謝. [read more]
釣魚用品繁多,型型式式,歡迎光臨!♡. [read more]
Ms. Meeh - an online florist offering something unique and special for your love one!. [read more]
花藝 | 手工皂 | 冒險 | 實驗 | 空間 沈溺與花草對話,延續短暫的花期,延續幸福。 一起出走,到處流浪 嘗試尋找更多可能性。 小 流 民 歡迎任何查詢,想要自由配搭的都可以訂購啊!. [read more]