以自然、簡約、色彩、優質生活的理念搜羅世界各地的時尚商品,分享不同的禮品及生活用品,讓你體驗生活的品味。 We offer flowers, gifts and lifestyle products. . [read more]
Wedding Garden, a local florist established in 1999, offers a wide range of floral designs and event production with an in-house professional lighting design. [read more]
Floral gifts, Bridal bouquets, Banquet Decor, Opening flowers, Workshops and Cooperations. zmilez@outlook. com (By Appointment Only ). [read more]
花薈花圃專營: 植物盆栽,開張花籃,悼念花籃,花束 ,植物盆栽 , 蝴蝶蘭, 批發零售,無任歡迎! 試業期間,8折優惠! 專車專人送貨,保證安心! Whatsapp/Wechat :64492099 或者INBOX留言購買!. [read more]
專業承接設計製作: 鋪頭開張、傳統節日、喜慶及就職晚宴等各類型大小尺寸室內室外傳統港式花牌。小型企牌及花圈,中西花籃。 歡迎致電查詢詳情及免費預約上門度尺報價。 Whatsapp 61818268. [read more]
花莊開業20年,信心保証。上水和元朗天水圍嘉湖銀座設花店為客提供鮮花花束,情人節、母親節花束,畢業花束,開張花籃,帛事花藍,乾花絲花,生果禮籃及結婚花球等服務。. [read more]
Specialised in floral arrangement with preserved flower and dried flower 保鮮花及乾花花藝設計專門店. [read more]
Lyas Florist is a trusted and custom-built marketplace for customers and corporate clients to order the most beautiful fresh & silk flower bouquets, arrangements, as well as premium gift boxes.. [read more]
手作花茶小館. [read more]
Hong Kong Florist Bridal Bouquet & Corsage, Wedding floral design and accessories 結婚花球/捧花,襟花,手花製作服務 婚禮花藝設計 Whatsapp: (mainly)93715363/69735397. [read more]
Ca Ra Fa Florist 為花藝品牌。 香港首間與日本San-X合作推出輕鬆小熊保鮮花產品。 歡迎各訂製/查詢,商業合作。. [read more]
碧草 B. jo Florist is a florist, located at 九龍吳松街150-160號寶靈商業中心3樓17室, 852 Hong Kong. They can be contacted via phone at 2730 5338 for more detailed information. [read more]
Botanic Studio & Laboratory, bespoke botanic design services. The florist with asthma to create the mixed media arrangement in an artistic idea. . [read more]
Flower, a special creature of God, is not only for human to admire its beauty. We believe that it is a way to show our Love, Sympathy and Engagement. It helps us to express ourselves that goes.. [read more]
FaFa Florist Flower Shop承諾提供優質的花店服務給我們的顧客。我們了解您送的花束/禮物代表了你的個性和專業。而您的滿意是我們的第一優先考慮. . [read more]
日本AUBE 不凋花國際協會海外認証教室 日本花資格協會(JFLA)海外認証教室 日本Ecole de Garde海外認証教室 日本CREA Herbarium 海外認証教室 日本Academie d'Art Floral Francais (AAFF) 海外認証教室. [read more]
👰🏻婚禮花球 | 襟花 | 手花 | 車花 | 頭花 | 佈置 💐花束 | 鮮花 | 永生花 | 乾花 🌸乾花香薰擴香磚 🌹保鮮花音樂盒 🌿家居裝飾 🌸企業活動 | 工作坊 Wedding floral & accessories Bouquet Home Decor. [read more]
A young and energetic florist serves you preserved flower arrangements with aroma stones and essential oils. . [read more]
專營皮革玫瑰, 可永久保存。 Love is never old. . [read more]
EMAIL: styledbyhim@gmail. com/ flowersbyhim@gmail. com Not Your Average Unique floral design http://linkedin. com/in/flowers-by-him-a236b155. [read more]
Whatsapp 93466908 Address : 15/F, Island Centre George Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong HSBC : 512-660556-292 (T. S. L). [read more]
我們是倆口子打理的小花店 本著理念─小孩的初心,既簡單又純真地製作每件作品 而且花和植物是愛的標誌 以不造作的線條為創作概念突出花草本身的自然美態 將滿滿的愛和幸福帶給所有人. [read more]
A foremost provider of bespoke floral services to its discerning clients. . [read more]
結婚花束,畢業花束,喜慶花藍,迎賓枱花,花藝埸地佈置, 襟花 及 各類鮮花擺設. [read more]
Agnès b. Fleuriste is a florist, located at Shop 119, Level 1, K11, 18 Hanoi Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, N/A Hong Kong. They can be contacted via phone at +85231434115 for more detailed information. [read more]
花店 專業花藝 本店用心去設計每一件花藝作品,特別為你度身制作,希望大家會擁有獨一無二的喜悅, 期待為您真誠服務。 ☆☆★ Love de florist ★☆☆. [read more]
Limited edition designer bouquets of locally-sourced fresh flowers for only HK$ 250, with complimentary same day delivery to selected areas in Hong Kong. [read more]
主營:情人節,母親節,畢業,生日,求婚花束,宴會鮮花擺設及佈置. [read more]
MyFlorist is a online shop committed to providing a flower and gift delivery service which combines good taste, value for money and reliable service. Arrangements are available for all kinds.. [read more]
保鮮花手作店 Each flowers have the timeless quality of fable 每一朵花都擁有永恆的寓意和故事!. [read more]
Flora Floriculture is a HK local flower shop & online flower shop. We import the cut flowers directly from Holland, roses from Kenya, roses from Ecaudor. [read more]
Welcome to the official site for Hong Kong’s leading Japanese preserved flower design company and school. We provide luxury flowers for business aviation, restaurants and great gift ideas. [read more]
Hana 意思有花朵(日語),神的恩典(猶太語),而Heya 是日本部屋的意思,Hana Heya 來自我們滿載花的情感與祝福的結合。花有獨特的形態和給予有不同愛的感覺~愛意,鼓勵,感激,安慰,原諒,. [read more]
Fa BB是一家香港網上花店。我們認為送花是一種心意及展示愛的一種表達方法。其實特別日子送花是習俗,但平日送花才是真正的有驚喜。因此我們網店的宗旨是用誠實的價錢,讓你能送出一份. [read more]
婚禮籌備服務. [read more]
本公司於1989年成立,已經25年。本公司並已考獲荷蘭ADFA,DFA的認可。 服務範圍: 婚禮,喪禮,時令果籃,情人節花束,大型花籃等等. . . . . [read more]