Netcom Computer HK is an electronics store, located at Shop 253A, 272&273, 298 Computer Zone, 298 Henessy Road, Wan Chai, 00852 Hong Kong. They can be contacted via phone at 34211098 for.. [read more]
Electronic Gadgets with a Twist. Electronic Gadgets with bluetooth connectivity, HD Pen Cameras, Watch Cameras, Kids smartwatches and many more available. [read more]
We supply to the local residents of Sai Kung and across Hong Kong, specialized in European appliances. Providing quality products and services. . [read more]
#Genuine Online Gadget & accessories store #cash on delivery #hongkong #warranty. [read more]
我們的產品主要包括: 1: 西班牙 Top Cable 系列 2: 西班牙 Zalux 系列 3: 奧地利PCE 工業防水蘇頭/插座系列 4: 德國 Brennenstuhl電綫拖轆系列 5: 德國.. [read more]
The Vape Shop Hong Kong is an electronics store, located at Ground Floor, Street Front, 6-10 Sun Wui Road, 852 Causeway Bay. They can be contacted via phone at +85251656313 for more.. [read more]
Zymello brand created by experienced Team that focus on fashion,comfort ,function Products to People. . [read more]
工廠位於中國深圳市龍崗區。我們是一家國際手機充電,配件,鋅合金USB閃存驅動器製造商,成立於2006年。. [read more]
日本和韓國的品牌潮流袋和T恤,韓國進口女裝及飾物,化妝、修眉服務及皮膚護理專業人員 - 盡在電業城20/F 讓我們來享受非一般的購物體驗. Hand.. [read more]
Expert in LED Bluetooth Speaker, Qi Wireless Charger. [read more]
專業訂造機電控制箱 - 電機及工程材料供應. [read more]
大家好! 我地係《香港電腦通訊節2014》「幫你做老闆- 創業學習賽」的參賽隊伍之一。. [read more]
ULTRONLIFE TECHNOLOGY奧創生活將生活創意科技帶給大家。 iCamPro FHD由Amaryllo研發的全球第一台智慧家庭安防機器人, 它不是一般IP CAM,而是一台集保安、IP CAM、Robot(機械人)於一身。. [read more]
本店大量Demo, 歡迎前來試聽!��� 大量新品上市喺我哋個Facebook內會公布!��� 超多人氣商品,店鋪地方大位置便利��� 如果想留貨,可以WhatsApp 5238-0077���� 有咩歡迎inbox查詢���. [read more]
香港上门回收收购音响啦叭CD机花梨木酸枝木家具,电话60238577. [read more]
九龍土瓜灣新碼頭街38號翔龍灣廣場G26號舖 (近九龍城碼頭) 九龍紅磡漆咸道北388號昇御商場G26號舖 (即昇御門). [read more]
Garmin is an electronics store, located at 香港尖沙咀樂道5A號地下, Tsim Sha Tsui. [read more]
超過十五年維修蘋果電腦經驗及數據恢復, 各種奇難雜症, 誠懇服務, 位置方便, 價錢公道, 原廠零件, 專業可靠, 絕不取巧 本店出售全新原裝香港行貨蘋果電腦及配件, 歡迎批發. [read more]
店鋪地址: 尖沙咀 漢口道 38-40號 漢興大廈 2樓 電話:27391262 營業時間: 星期一至五 0930-1930 星期六 0930-1900 公眾假期、星期日 0930-1800 BlueBird 耳擴香港總代理 Instagram:royhps. [read more]
本店專營電子產品及週邊配件以配合您的不同需要!. [read more]
全新Samsung Authorized.. [read more]
Smartech is an electronics store, located at Unit 1206, 12/F. , Eastern Harbour Centre, 28 Hoi Chak Street, Quarry Bay. They can be contacted via phone at +85225788813 for more detailed information. [read more]
We provide Simple, Joyful and Super Valued Shopping Experience to you EMAIL: sales. dnsconnect@gmail. com Tel/Whatspp: +852 6016 6212. [read more]
AUXIO was created with one sole purpose, to bring you the most innovative products from around the globe into the Asia region market. . [read more]
前來 Apple Store,選購 Mac、iPhone、iPad、Apple Watch 及更多其他產品。報名參加 Today at Apple 的主題計劃,或於 Genius Bar 獲得支援服務。. [read more]
We are a product and concept creation company. Established in 1990 Hong Kong with offices all over Mandarin speaking Cities equipped with original Licenses. [read more]
YOLO is a Hong-Kong based online shop for gadget-loving folks. We curate a range of creative and unique tech accessories. Browse your next 'must-have' gadget or coolest gifts here. [read more]
電子產品代理及分銷商. [read more]
售賣多款電子零件、無綫電/發燒音響零件。歡迎來臨參觀選購!. [read more]
全新Samsung Brand Shop 現已正式開幕,為廣大消費者提供一站式體驗平台。Samsung Brand.. [read more]
Watch3Store雲集鐘錶業界最精英的團隊,為粉絲搜羅世界最潮最頂尖設計的時計產品。多年來一直以低至半價的折扣優惠為客戶訂購各地正品名表,所有產品包兩年全球保用和免運費,並保證下單三天內寄送到全球各大城市。歡迎留言查詢,或到本店網站 http://mizhuyaisa. wix. com/watch3store 搜購。電郵查詢和訂購 watch3store@gmail. [read more]
Buy your excess inventory of electronic parts,ExcessChip Technology Limited specializes in buying excess inventory of semiconductors and electronic components. [read more]
Etopia Hong Kong 全新手機及電子產品烏托邦 舒適驗收空間, 飲品,遊戲,禮物 Like & Share仲有折扣 www. etopiahongkong. com 10am - 7pm (Mon to Fri) 電話/Whatsapp : (852)97304927 地址:觀塘永興工業大廈6樓. [read more]
Luen Hing Electrical (H. K. ) Limited was found in Hong Kong since 1969. Our company is one of the well known Hi-End Audio & Visual equipments, especailly in Vacuum Tube Amplifier, in wholesaling.. [read more]
Pamu Slide
⭐ 耳機係人體工學(橢圓形耳管),耳道形設計,市場上獨特入耳式設計(市場上少有)內附:6個大小耳膠,不論大小耳型都十分適合.. [read more]
Pricesmart allows families and individuals to access products direct from the source at incredible prices. [read more]