✔ 超市、電器、月餅及食店現金卷買賣 ✔ 如需購買!!! 請先聯絡查詢: 旺角店電話: 34211409 WhatsApp: 69924175/ 67015922 觀塘廣場自取:69924379 ✔ 現貨現金價. [read more]
Wan Chai Computer City is an electronics store, located at 130 Hennessy Rd. They can be contacted via phone at +85225914981 for more detailed information. [read more]
https://www. monokiller. com/art/about-monokiller_a0039. html. [read more]
Magphy, a store only sell revolutionary magnetic smartphone cable both Apple and Android, is bringing you an unrivaled charging experience. . [read more]
前來 Apple Store,選購 Mac、iPhone、iPad、Apple Watch 及更多其他產品。報名參加 Today at Apple 的主題計劃,或於 Genius Bar 獲得支援服務。. [read more]
lishan audio建立於1980年,專門為各位發燒音響朋友提供發燒器材,位於深水埗鴨寮街,位置方便,代理不同品牌前後級,新舊裝真空管,全港最齊,最多,歡迎參觀. [read more]
Alexande Memory Technology 專業 售賣名廠手提電話 電話配件 入口商品全部原廠,非淘寶貨品。顧客放心購買。. [read more]
We are a Hong Kong-based Online Shop, sells Upgrade Cables, Headphones, Wireless Bluetooth, Speakers, AMP Amplifiers, DAP Audio Players. Accept VISA, MasterCard & PayPal. [read more]
本公司本以價錢公道,完美售後,客人為先 為宗旨! 只經銷香港代理之貨品,香港行貨! 如有有任何查詢,歡迎WHATSAPP 或 PM 查詢! 電話:2770 8833 / 6480 3885 九龍旺角廣華街 48號 廣發商業中心4. [read more]
我們回收, 售賣, 及寄賣各類電子產品. 如智能電話, 平板電腦等. APPLE IPHONE, MI, SAMSUNG, 小米, 紅米, NOTE. [read more]
本公司專營蘋果產品批發及零售接近10年。現開立專頁,是為了跟用家們保持更密切聯繫。除了電子產品外,如大家日常生活需要找什麼商品,歡迎提供意見。多謝大家一直支持. [read more]
BBE is an electronics store, located at 15C & 15D, Chinaweal Centre, 414-424 Jaffe Road. They can be contacted via phone at +85224881733 for more detailed information. [read more]
Vlexshop aim at bringing trusted and high quality products at competitive prices to your door. . [read more]
Engineering. [read more]
我地的宗旨係 追求進步 永無止步. [read more]
Reinforce DigiLife Limited 慧世數碼生活有限公司 主力批發及零售有關數碼和生活上各大品牌及其週邊產品。 http://www. reinforce. hk https://www. facebook. com/reimobile/ https://www. instagram/reinforce. [read more]
Computer , Laptop & Mobile Repair services at affordable Prices. Mac repair, Windows computer Repair,LCD Replacement , Data recovery , CCTV Camera,. [read more]
Recycle locked iphone and smartphone. [read more]
歡迎來門市實店購買,零售及公司批發. 地址:九龍紅磡馬頭圍道37-39紅磡廣場地下G4A. [read more]
welcome to we_shop 本店所有貨品均由韓國空運到港 100% Made in Korea 全部現貨. [read more]
The small shop with a big smile. A friendly shop catering to Apple products and repairs. Simon, who owns and runs the shop, is always helpful. . [read more]
電器士多 於2014年成立,是由兩位有衝勁的年青人建立的。我們力致幫助客人尋找不同種類原裝正版的手機配件和新奇有趣的精品,甚至當時流行的產品。此外,我們對於貨品的質量有嚴謹挑選,確保除了客人喜愛的手機配件之外,也能達到最高的保護和安心使用。此外,我們不斷向外尋找其他店舖沒有的品牌,例如:日本D-Tech,HAKUBA,Evangelion Store。希望能夠給予客人與眾不同的產品和服務,所以請繼續多多支持,謝謝 !. [read more]
HP IPAQ Pda Repair Parts and Accessories http://www. repairHPpda. com email: sales@repairHPpda. com. [read more]
We make crazy offers everyday! Like us! Join us! Shop more, Save more~. [read more]
Mugen Power is an electronics store, located at 4208 Office Tower, Convention Plaza, 1 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Wan Chai. They can be contacted via phone at +85225981700 for more detailed information. [read more]
eTown Online 依騰 電器網 – 最新家庭電器購物網絡,eTown為你盡攬搜攞日本韓國等各知名品牌品的行業資訊及最新產品. [read more]
Free D Pro 帶領你走到潮流的尖端。 為你搜羅一切創新科技的產品,為你日常生活增添樂趣。 不用再怕投資眾籌產品失利,我們的產品保証一切都經已成功量產, 陸續不斷,意想不到的有趣產品. [read more]
Our goal is to provide consumers around the world with products at near wholesale prices. We believe shopping should be simple and hassle free. . [read more]
HKT/csl Shop HKT/csl專門店 is an electronics store, located at Shop 2067, 2/F, Phase 1, tmtplaza, 1 Tuen Shun St. They can be contacted via phone at +85228880286 for more detailed information. [read more]
Suning 蘇寧 is an electronics store, located at Shop G117-G122, G/F, tmtplaza 1, 1 Tuen Shun St. They can be contacted via phone at +85224596662 for more detailed information. [read more]
PC Games & Gaming Accessories. [read more]
Cropmarks Store 網上商店為你提供優質消閒活動用品,讓追求生活品味的你於工作以外享受閒適生活。. [read more]
永光電器行分銷世界及本地各大配電和燈具品牌,帶動現代都市工作與生活, 是工程公司及電氣裝修師傅的好拍檔。 歡迎訂貨及查詢(電話:27812855). [read more]
平過團購!! 快過代購!! 為民請命!! 爆買全城!! Mon-Fri: 10am-7pm Sat: 10am-2pm 1. MTR黃埔站A出口, 行5分鐘。 2. 紅磡火車站A3出口坐26號小巴, 海逸坊(漁人碼頭)落。 3. 香港島坐115巴士, 紅磡村落。. [read more]
Apple Store Causeway Bay is an electronics store, located at 銅鑼灣軒尼詩道500號, 希慎廣場, 灣仔區, Causeway Bay. [read more]
NETGEAR STORE 網上旗艦店. [read more]