本公司係自置物業店舖,所有貨品均明碼實價,絕無欺騙成份。所有優惠都設有期限,而每個療程都設定兩年有限期,係信心保證。. [read more]
美容方面提供各式專業皮膚護理 美甲方面提供修甲、soakoff gel、hard gel. [read more]
本店環境寬敞舒適,所有服務明碼實價,絕對沒有隱藏收費,亦無需購買套票,每次只收單次價錢,大家可以安心光顧。(查詢及預約電話:24754328). [read more]
Is not only about health and beauty. It's about passion. It's about responsibility. It's about sincerity. It's about love. Towards hair and beauty. . [read more]
Emelia & Mum's #1 initiative: Reuse and Recycle Donate your used candles and glass jars for a new candle. [read more]
Good quality all items, cod (cash on dlvery ), pwd rin po meet up or shipping fee, U can pay hsbc, tng, gcash, bpi at any padalahan po sa pinas. Salmat po. [read more]
美容集團P. B. Group旗下 Pretty Medical / Pretty Beauty Spa 灣仔太原街8號海源中心2樓全層 2/F. , Yanville, 8 Tai Yuen Street, Wanchai TEL: (852)2891-6879. [read more]
� 一站式潮流美妝、養生、纖體及美容服務,多年營運,信心保證。�. [read more]
beauty nails. [read more]
Kone beauty is a beauty salon, located at 銅鑼灣駱克道444-446號大觀樓2樓(友和日本餐廳對面,雲桂香米線樓上), 0000 Hong Kong. They can be contacted via phone at 85266711113 for more detailed information. [read more]
個人護理/護膚/化妝/纖體瘦身. [read more]
本店選用世界級名牌指甲產品如:LCN、OPI、CND、HARMONY等原裝正貨,不損真甲。. [read more]
We actively collect collections of lovely bracelets for you and your beloved ones. . [read more]
Based in Hong Kong. Businesses throughout Asia and Europe. . [read more]
免打磨營養Gel,美國hard gel,英式修甲,法式邊修甲,劃花設計,修眉造型, LCN spa 修腳護理. [read more]
Gossip Beauty Lounge新遷移至銅鑼灣區,專業服務,提供美容、半永久定妝、熱能氣化袪瑕疵、美甲及手足護理服務,歡迎與我們聯絡,樂意隨時為您效勞。. [read more]
•IDUN Minerals 所有產品沒有不必要的添加劑: Perfume香料, Paraben 羥苯甲酸酯,Talc 滑粉, silicones 矽 & bismuth鉍 • 高純度鎳和鉻元素, 去除微生物 • Dermatologically tested / 通過皮膚病學測試. [read more]
以客為先 以質為本 一人小店 歡迎單次惠顧 請先預約時間. [read more]
Hola Amigo Beauty為一站式美容店,位於觀塘. 不但提供古法木桶薰蒸,仲有facial及多項身體護理. . 價錢大眾化,保證不hard sell,堅持提供優質服務!Whatsapp: 61153025 (https://api. whatsapp. com/send?phone=85261153025). [read more]
BIH is one of the leading medical aesthetic consulting firms based in Hong Kong. Specializing in the most advanced medical aesthetic treatments and equipment, BIH advises its clients on the.. [read more]
Hard gel nail $238 Soak off gel nail $198 每月限定優惠款式只需加$65 $388任選款式(卸甲·延長·閃粉·印花·閃石·貼紙)繪及卡通人/物立體款式/複雜工序需額外收費. [read more]
本人創作靈感加入美甲藝術再溶入生活中. . . . . . . . . . . . . [read more]
Winky Corner Lash Extensions is a beauty salon, located at 尖沙咀金馬倫道38-40號金龍中心10樓1001室, 00000 Hong Kong. They can be contacted via phone at 64111417 for more detailed information. [read more]
土生土長港媽 9年陪月經驗,持有政府認可之陪月証書及婦兒營養証書。能操流利粵語,曾照顧孖B,早產BB。. [read more]
天然能量創造健康身體 日本流行最新養生美容方式. [read more]
Icenail is a beauty salon, located at 中環租庇利街一號喜訊大廈五樓05室 Unit 05, 5th Floor, Haleson Building, No. 1 Jubilee Road, Central, 0000 Hong Kong. They can be contacted.. [read more]
�美甲 �韓式半永久妝 - 氧氣眉 - 手工飄眉 - 美瞳內眼線 - 水晶唇 - 小顏髮際線 地址:元朗又新街37號又一新城1樓F006-F007 (近泛后甜品,𣾀豐櫃員機隔離入口) Instagram : Nuplus_. [read more]
We at Nu Nail and Beauty strive to provide professional Nail Art and Beauty treatments in a warm luxurious and relaxing atmosphere. [read more]
韓國半永久化妝/飄眉/霧眉/3D飄霧眉/美瞳線/黑鑽內眼線/孕睫術/駐顏粉底. [read more]
頂級手工紋繡技術 (飄柔眉、韓式霧眉、3DCombo眉、立體眼線、嘟嘟蜜唇、修改壞紋眉) 紋繡技師均專程到韓國深造,取得專業証書,頂級手工為你打造最契合你的完美眉型!. [read more]
美迪工作室 上門飄眉 #韓國半永久純霧眉 #線條霧眉 #絲霧眉 #眉粉眉 #半永久美瞳隱形眼線#水晶唇 敬請電話預約92215298 Jess 劉小姐. [read more]
上門飄眉$2000 韓式粉霧眉$2000 眼線-$1000 3D水晶塑唇-$2500 已包麻藥及半年內補色一次 一次做兩項八折,三項七折. [read more]
做為台灣的美睫品牌 [ Je t'aime Glamour 宣登 ] 的香港/澳門總代理 我們帶來宣登全面的美睫商品,更為您精選優質的台式美睫週邊 提供產品技術與售後教學服務,致力給您無微不至的購物體驗!. [read more]
美睫師持有日本JECA(前JLA)植眼睫毛協會眼型設計師及biomooi 二星講師檢定認證 技術及材料均來自日本/台灣, 客人可以絕對放心� **歡迎inbox/whatspp 5682 2668 預約**. [read more]
Lily Yan美甲,漂眉,植睫毛 is a beauty salon, located at 禧利街lisanail. They can be contacted via phone at 97230336 for more detailed information. . [read more]
所有的用料都是統一價錢 絕無附加收費,明碼實價 良心小店. [read more]