B&A Beauty 悠然美容中心 is a beauty salon, located at 石門 京瑞廣場二期 2樓 232鋪, HK Sha Tin. They can be contacted via phone at 2651 4988 for more detailed information. [read more]
元朗 教育路15-19號 嘉城廣場 2樓 2110號 (逢星期一休息) 營業時間:3:00~10:00pm. [read more]
Goodskin beauty is a beauty salon, located at 葵涌石蔭和宜合道157勝利工業大廈5樓26號室. They can be contacted via phone at 85254063521 for more detailed information. . [read more]
I am freelance makeup artist. 香港化妝師, 提供化妝造型及面部彩繪服務。包括新娘化妝、姊妹化妝、宴會、微電影、廣告、生日會面部彩繪等等。. [read more]
專售從日韓而來的化妝及潔臉品,為客戶提供比街外平民化的價錢。 網上店舖,不設門市。可以面交及郵寄方式交收。一切貨物價錢已包郵費。. [read more]
Be your nail shop in TST, hand gel. soak off gel. manicure ᴘʀᴏᴅᴜᴄᴛs ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ɪɴ Japan,Korea,Usa,Canada 健康美甲,提供優質環境及服務。 ᴏᴘᴇɴɪɴɢ ʜᴏᴜʀs Mon-Sun 12~9pm Tel:2488 0688 We accept payment:Visa Master. [read more]
Makeup Cynsation - The magical moment when professional makeup creates the SENSATIONAL YOU. . [read more]
樂本健有限公司為 holista 香港總代理 各大屈臣氏同華潤堂有售official website : www. healthsmart. com. hk. [read more]
ARIUM® is a system used to clean, moisturize and deposit antioxidants, natural extracts, vitamins and nutrients directly on the scalp, skin and hair. . [read more]
�Hard Gel[單色]手$200腳$270 �Soak-of-gel[單色]手$150腳$210 �[法式/漸變]手$230腳$290 �以上項目包拆舊甲修甲,加長另加$60 �深水埗西九龍中心5樓蘋果商場5k286 �Whatsapp :69821676. [read more]
4Leafs Beauty於2003年創立,承蒙客戶愛戴及支持,至今服務顧客已超過15年。本專頁主要為介紹我們之最新項目及優惠資訊,各新舊客戶如有任何查詢,請於營業時間內致電24784565/24787565。. [read more]
歡迎查詢及預約69985551/98031628. [read more]
Style Nail 楓格坊 由資深美甲導師Agnes Chak 創立 。. [read more]
我們的專業紋繡師�擁有有多張 韓國及國際認證證書� 使用韓國或德國天然植物性色乳,不含鉛不易變色 使用一次性獨立針頭,信心保證 舖頭只收現金 歡迎致電查詢及預約:Inbox/Whatsapp91987807. [read more]
由敏感走進天然,由天然慢慢走入環保。 擴香石 | 天然手工製品 | 驅蚊產品 | dōTERRA. [read more]
上水開業15年,真心為客人解決面部問題,绝不hard sale ,單次收費,不開療程. [read more]
Selling healthy supplements, beauty products. . [read more]
POP-UP STORE已登陸金鐘!由日本「香水王子」 石坂将 先生開發,Layered Fragrance的理念是以身體和空間營造香味的層次感。自由自在的多種香味選擇,可以在不同時間地點心情演繹出不同的感受。. [read more]
粉嶺秀麗美容A-Pro Beauty is a beauty salon, located at 粉嶺新運路39號祥華商場地下MS01(街市地舖), 852 Hong Kong. They can be contacted via phone at 85226735788 for more detailed information. [read more]
Nailbienail 美甲店 is a beauty salon, located at 九龍荔枝角長沙灣道833號長沙灣廣場一樓124室, Kowloon. They can be contacted via phone at 61110079 for more detailed information. [read more]
Mayne Natural Skincare is a beauty salon. They can be contacted via phone at 852 68828394 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Seoul Cool Eyelash & Nail is a spa, located at 中環德己立街14-18號,業豐大廈3樓313室, 000000 Hong Kong. They can be contacted via phone at 85254999806 for more detailed information. [read more]
Summer nail is a beauty salon, located at 中環租庇利街17-19号順聯大廈307室, 852 Hong Kong. They can be contacted via phone at 34603575 for more detailed information. [read more]
正品母嬰用品/化妝品 批發/團購/零售,樣樣掂! 設自取點/郵寄/送貨 ,會員優惠,支付安全方便,1:1在線客服!獨家特惠精選實時更新,每日超值優惠不斷,就在 Babyonlinehk. com!. [read more]
J'Classy Makeup Studio. [read more]
雍盛納米汗蒸養生館 養生~美顔~足療~ 引入最新既養生方法,利用蒸薰足同汗蒸房, 令大家用同一個價錢去嘗試2種蒸薰方法!. [read more]
日本專門研發和生產高端護膚產品的醫學品牌,以日本製藥標準生產,100%日本製造。致力以優質的產品及輕活提案,解決都市肌膚問題,從內而外改善肌膚,成就零壓自信人生。. [read more]
♥♥♥LuWins Nail♥♥♥. [read more]
十年專業經驗,為你提供一站式美容、化妝、纖體、按摩、美甲及護甲服務 查詢/預約:26378806. [read more]
我們設有基本修手,基本修腳,Soak Off Gel, Hard Gel, 指甲彩繪,為你提供專業美甲服務. . . 仲有薰蒸足療 想了解詳情,聯絡我們 歡迎致電預約 或Whatapps 9829 9569. [read more]
Wedding services: bouquet, corsages, decoration, make up, mc, photography 一站式婚禮服務 花球、佈置、化妝、司儀、婚紗晚裝租賃、裙褂租賃、大妗姐、攝影錄影等. [read more]
享受就瘦減肥纖體養生館 is a beauty salon, located at 觀塘開源道63號福昌大廈6樓612室. They can be contacted via phone at 55799380 for more detailed information. . [read more]
首次試做: 手部單色$230*價格包拆甲、修剪死皮及七天保養(Hard Gel/Soak Off Gel均可) 一般款式$380或以內,複雜款歡迎先來圖報. [read more]
Dream’s Nail 日式美甲店NAIL SALON Tel:60848741(YOYO CHUNG) 歡迎電話預約時間. [read more]
收費透明, 多年經驗,值得信賴。 想得知本店最新資訊,請留意本專頁。. [read more]
專營及零售歐美日韓牌子護膚品或化妝品, 喜愛交流護膚心得,鍾意嘗試不同牌子 website: www. angilollipop. com. hk instagram :lollipopbeautyhouse phone number: 94992236 ANGI. [read more]