Meso Young Clinic 照顧你的皮膚,讓你看起來更年輕。我們提供美容服務,針對性療程,引入美國、歐洲護膚品,更安全可靠,全面照顧你的需要。. [read more]
本店是一間 無論對肌膚或身體所需 均講求使用有機天然產品的護膚中心。. [read more]
#家庭式温馨服務質素 #大眾街坊優惠價錢 #絕不硬銷 #專業經驗豐富 #單次消費 #療程服務 #自由選擇. [read more]
紫辰美容開業九年. [read more]
尖沙咀彌敦道36號重慶站CKE商場2樓329號舖 Shop 329, 2/F, CKE Shopping Mall, 36 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui 本店營業時間: 12:00pm -- 9:30pm 歡迎查詢!!. [read more]
提供指甲藝術、GEL甲、指甲畫花、等服務 (Professional Gel & Acrylic Nail Art Service). [read more]
*本院榮獲Beauty Pro優秀專業美容院 -採用意大利高級護膚品及纖體產品, 純天然植物提煉,功效顯著,绝無副作用. [read more]
DIY for Essential Oils, Energy, Environment, Entertainment & Elite. Happy share for beauty, health, family and nature. Amateur staff of a working mother. [read more]
Semi permanent brow makeup in Hong Kong by qualified beauticians. Specializes in 3D hairstorke eyebrow. . [read more]
Dermagram 瑞士活膚專門店中環分店 is a beauty salon, located at Shop CEN-E13, MTR Central Station, Central, Central. They can be contacted via phone at 2537 2636 for more detailed information. [read more]
首次單色試做優惠價 Soak off gel 手$198,腳$298 首次單色試做優惠價 Hard gel 手$228,腳$328 FB及IG不作回覆,如有任何查詢或預約請whatapp:98796827. [read more]
專業半永久定妝師- 韓國飄眉、絲霧眉、美瞳線、輕奢定妝眉、3D立體電睫毛、夢露紅唇、專業皮膚管理、脫疣、脫痣 等⋯歡迎查詢. [read more]
搜羅最Hit最好用醫學美容產品~ 同顧客一齊靚靚SureWin. [read more]
Il Colpo ii hair & nail was established since 2006. . [read more]
Eyelash extension、Manicures 、Pedicures 、Hard Gel & Design、Soft Gel、Treament、Waxing and more. ♡歡迎查詢預約♡. [read more]
用心經營,絕不推銷 務求令顧客在無壓力下享受扮靚的過程 本店為合法持牌照美容院 開業十多年,信心保證 為每位顧客提供專業,細心,貼心的服務 位置方便 油麻地A2出口步行五分鐘. [read more]
StarMix Beauty 為你搜集不同的美容產品 StarMix Beauty Collection Including different accessories and beauty products. [read more]
歡迎單次收費明碼實價. 單對單服務,絕無隱藏式收費. 為確保質素,每日只會接五位客人,名額有限請提早預約. [read more]
九龍彌敦道760號聯合廣場地舖G19B(太子地鐵站B2出口,聯合廣場近水渠道口) 營業時間:1:00PM-10:00PM 專售各式各樣、林林總總的髮型及美髮用品,歡迎來臨本店或網上訂購,保證貨真價實。. [read more]
專業美甲、化妝 地址:香港西灣河西灣河街市一樓 168號鋪. [read more]
專營歐美香水丶香水套裝,直接代理進貨,品質保證。 䕶膚品亦以歐洲、美國丶紐西蘭丶日本為主。 全部以特惠價出售,以區內最平為目標,優惠用家。. [read more]
戴春林中華古典御妝 Daichunlin Chinese Imperial Skincare is a store, located at Shop #173, C5, 2/F, Cke Shopping Mall, 36 Nathan Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon. They can be contacted via.. [read more]
醫學美容醫生專用平台│CONCENTRIC Concentric 是一個醫生共用平台,為醫學美容集團Angus’.. [read more]
2006年入行 設有治療性矯型(咬甲. 蹺甲等) 歡迎Send圖報價($300-$650)及查詢 hours: 24 (booking first) • 必須要預約 不便之處 敬請原諒. [read more]
DCT Nail is a beauty salon, located at No. 67 Mody Road,T. S. T. East, Tsim Sha Tsui. They can be contacted via phone at 2369 1328 for more detailed information. [read more]
Custom paint jobs specializing in Airsoft guns, but I can paint just about anything you want. I do accept international orders. . [read more]
本店全採用國際品牌優質用料,保證安全. JESSICA , Harmony ,ESSIE ,IBD ,CUCCIO ,來自英國潮流品牌MODELS OWN甲油(只招待女士). [read more]
Nail by Flamingo Dreamsss is a beauty salon, located at 尖沙咀加連威老道12-14號加連威大廈3樓(SO DREAM)8號鋪, 000000 Kowloon. They can be contacted via phone at 5595 9992 for more detailed information. [read more]
DREAMS NAIL HOUSE 旺角西洋菜南街2A銀城廣場地庫B46號舖 營業時間_1:00-00:00 敬請預約tel或wtsapp 53461314/6855 6716. [read more]
Elegant Inn 雅典專業美容為客戶服務接近二十年,一直提供優質服務現設置網上服務讓顧客得到第一手資訊,優惠及更多元化的服務. [read more]
綺慧美容擁有各地多款人氣個人護理產品,美容、化妝品、香水及個人護理等 (主要品牌均為獨家代理,歡迎零售及批發) 。美容服務團隊更專誠為閣下提供體貼一站式美容護理服務。. [read more]
Change hair salon is a beauty salon, located at 大埔大埔墟大明里寶華樓2樓A座, Tai Po. They can be contacted via phone at +852 2660 0331 for more detailed information. [read more]
詩雅美品專營全球各個護膚、化妝品及香水品牌的批發及銷售。 所有貨品均為百分之百原廠正貨。 歡迎查詢個別產品及索取報價。. [read more]
專為各位靚靚提供美甲服務 歡迎各位致電查詢 Tel / WhatsApp / WeChat:69876565 觀塘開源道62號駱駝漆大廈2座1樓86室. [read more]
Cafe Hair & Nail is a beauty salon, located at 尖沙咀金巴利道46-48號東匯大廈1B, Kowloon. They can be contacted via phone at 23660800 for more detailed information. [read more]
Estime & Sens 是一個法國品牌而且有機認證的護膚品專門店及Spa美容院。而所有產品都是在法國開發和製造的。 提供價錢公平合理,以及高質素的產品,令任何人都能在安全產品中獲得美麗皮膚. [read more]