Plantcake 斑琦餅坊 純素禮餅專家. [read more]
私人訂制:立體蛋糕,平面蛋糕,cookies ,cupcake,馬卡龍 地址:香港仔舊大街118號兆群商場1樓20號. [read more]
Freshly Homemade Scones by two Scone Lovers made with ❤ HONG KONG *MADE TO ORDER*. [read more]
Le Délice Pâtisserie provides artistic cakes and desserts for your magical moments Any enquiry, please inbox us or send email to ledelicehk@gmail. com. [read more]
Ichi Cake - 蛋糕材料、工具及課程,共享diy烘焙樂趣 is a store, located at 上水龍琛路39號上水廣場8樓815室, 0 Hong Kong. They can be contacted via phone at +85223880106 for more detailed information. [read more]
郭錦記為一家老字號餅店,䇄立於長洲超過四十年,創辦人郭錦全先生亦經常接受不同謀體訪問,深受顧客愛戴。 本店出品傳統餅食,以傳統餅食工藝制作,務求以最優質的產品供給客戶。. [read more]
煮食能令人有種窩心的幸福感覺!. [read more]
天然酵母麵包店 - 中環 / Levain Bakery - Central (Official). [read more]
營業時間:早上7:30至晚上11:30. [read more]
Saint Honore Cake Shop 聖安娜餅屋 is a bakery, located at Shop 113, 1/F, Oi Tung Shopping Ctr, Oi Tung Estate,, Shau Kei Wan. They can be contacted via phone at +85231561438 for more detailed information. [read more]
An all natural carrot cake specialty shop in Hong Kong. Low fat, low sugar fresh indulgence, delivered to you! 香港全天然紅蘿蔔蛋糕專賣店。 低糖、低脂的新鮮美點!. [read more]
-蛋糕甜品預訂 -歡迎預訂立體蛋糕,結婚蛋糕,回禮小禮物 -提供不同款式蛋糕甜品訂講,包括各種平面或立體蛋糕、曲奇、蛋卷、Cupcakes、Macaron 等 -私人蛋糕甜品班 -本店領有食物製造廠牌照. [read more]
Corner Cafe is located 21 Western Street, G/F, Wing Cheung Building, Sai Ying Pun, web site link with www. eatmycakes. com. hk. Tel: 34808842. [read more]
Maison Eric Kayser Hong Kong - Sai Ying Pun is a bakery, located at 75-79 High Street, Sai Ying Pun. They can be contacted via phone at +85229771980 for more detailed information. [read more]
We share our baking experiences to all cake lovers like you^^ 讓您親手製作愛心蛋糕!來到 The Pop Cake 製作甜品,你能親 身感受不一樣的體驗:教室設有個人教授, 親子班及團體班亦有 訂購服務, 歡迎查詢. . [read more]
One of the shops of Maison Eric Kayser in Hong Kong located in Wanchai on Queens Road East. Discover our French culinary art de vivre through our great choice of: - bread : baguette, pain de mie. [read more]
Real bread, patisserie, cakes and coffee. No artificial ingredients. Made fresh in Happy Valley each day. . [read more]
每位女生都夢想擁有一雙美美的高跟鞋, 而每顆馬卡龍也值得配上一條精緻的小裙邊。 Please inbox or email us at LPPMacarons@gmail. com for enquiry. [read more]
100% handmade & made in HK. ·低醣、低碳 ·生酮飲食 ·無麩質 ·體重管理 ·關注血糖 ·糖尿病 ————————— ·希少糖 ·甜菊糖 ·赤藻糖醇 ·杏仁粉 ·椰子粉 ·亞麻籽粉 ————————— ·歡. [read more]
Sweet Wishes create bespoke cakes, cupcakes and pastry. For any enquiry, please email to sweetwisheshk@gmail. com or drop us a message thru inbox. 歡迎查詢或訂購, 請電郵至 sweetwisheshk@gmail. [read more]
Cupcakes | Icing Cookies | Wedding & Birthday Cake | Sugar Flowers | Dessert Table | FOR ALL EVENTS!. [read more]
Magic Wood Patisserie is a store, located at Room 04, 17/F, Wah Chun Industrial Centre, 54 Tai Chung Road, Tsuen Wan, New Ter. , 0000 Tsuen Wan. They can be contacted via phone at +852 9723 3287.. [read more]
從前喜歡網上購物, 喺e-bay同外國網站投下及買了一大堆精品(包括Snoopy, Disney, Sanrio, M&M's & others), 諗住大d開間精品店, 點知租金越嚟越貴, 間屋越嚟越細, 係時候要清吓喇. [read more]
Big Grains 品穀 is a bakery, located at G/F, 61 Parkes Street, Kowloon. They can be contacted via phone at +85237020186 for more detailed information. . [read more]
2017年爸爸因癌病離世,我工作過度導致入醫院養病一個月,令我明白到健康不是必然。 與爸爸力抗七年,當中學習到飲食對身體的影響,體驗過如何制作精髓食品既有營養又健康的食物之外,還四處跟拜師學藝,學好技術後,便鑽研甜品中可否加入我的三大完素,天然,健康,有營養的食物。因此我就開始了這個專頁,故事的發展就需要你們的支持才可以把我的夢想實踐。我不是需要賺大錢,我只想大家活得開心及健康。. [read more]
Simple homemade goodness. Order online! Webstore: homiecookies. com IG: @homiecookies Email: feedme@homiecookies. com. [read more]
零售/批發烘焙材料 請預先營業時間來電訂購及查詢報價. [read more]
即制新鮮出爐麵包/西餅/ 訂做各式立體做型蛋糕/WEDDING CAKE/CUP CAKE. [read more]
Whisked is a baking studio dedicated to children aged 3 and older. Our classes are taught in either Putonghua or English. www. whiskedbaking. com. [read more]
Hong Kong’s first ever Chocolate Dessert Art Gallery incorporating the ChocoKoo Chocolate and Cooking studio is now open. ChocoKoo will show you a whole new experience of making and.. [read more]
50年代,「ABC愛皮西大飯店」是盛極一時的俄羅斯菜高級餐廳,在彌敦道有多間分店。樓上是西餐廳、樓下則為餅店,時光荏冉,僅餘下中環結志街的「ABC餅屋」。. [read more]
新界大埔靖遠街25號地下 G/F, 25 Tsing Yuen Street,Tai Po,N. T. 營業時間:早上10:00-晚上8:00(逢星期四休息) 電話:26380306 入帳戶口 HSBC:119-779197-833(szeto) Payme,Alipay. [read more]
A new joint venture between the Levain Bakery and Coco Espresso aiming to provide the best experience for our customers. . [read more]
French and German Bread, Coffee and Sandwich. [read more]
"YOUR MACARONS. YOUR WAY. " • Corporate Events • Wedding Dessert Display • Private Baking Class • Food Factory License 29 51 808087. [read more]
Lartisan千匠烘焙 以高品質食材、天然酵母、無添加、無防腐劑製作為宗旨,承傳法國及歐洲正統手製技術、薪火相傳,百分百本港製造,誠心誠意為香港帶來高質素的麵包、蛋糕、曲奇餅。. [read more]