Representing work across painting, drawing, photography, sculpture and mixed media. Contact us for viewing. . [read more]
We manage art events and fine art print selling. . [read more]
All Classes are in Cantonese &/or English 所有的課程以廣東話 和/或 英語教學 主任導師羅卓睿 ( Michael Andrew Law ) 更多羅卓睿導師美術作品請看:http://羅卓睿. com | http://michaelandrewlaw. [read more]
Hair Raiser is a steel floorless roller coaster at Ocean Park Hong Kong in Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong, China. It was manufactured by Bolliger & Mabillard and opened on December 8, 2011. [read more]
小草堂課程將營運至六月底,七月中正式暫停行政運作 小草堂Petit Cottage 舊址 位於JCCAC石硤尾創意藝術中心, 推廣藝術及提昇大眾對生活美學的興趣. 課程: www. petitcottageart. blogspot. hk. [read more]
Located in the Central district of Hong Kong, EC Gallery focuses on sharing contemporary art with the principle of sincerity to local and international art. [read more]
意象軒以推動兒童美術創作為目標的教室, 美術教育並非單純為教授孩子們繪畫的技能,它必須i透過美育來開發啟孩子的觀察、思考與實踐能力,同時也培養他們做事和負責任的態度。. [read more]
Art Fish Kids is a mobile art studio providing art classes for children of all ages in the comfort of their own home, clubhouse or chosen venue. . [read more]
Drawing・Painting・Exhibition,Chinese Calligraphy, ARTJamming 素描學習・繪畫課程・畫展,書法. [read more]
LovetheROCK 石頭彩繪. [read more]
Yuen Long Theatre is a performing arts venue situated at Yuen Long Tai Yuk Road in Yuen Long, New Territories, Hong Kong. It was opened in 2000. FacilitiesThe Theatre houses a 919-seat auditorium,.. [read more]
「神看一切所造的都是甚好。」【聖經.創世記】我們一直認為起初神創造天地時,已經將美好展現在人眼前。因此,我們希望孩子透過在藝術創作過程中培養出孩子的美感和欣賞能力。. [read more]
Euro Asia Art gallery goal is to represent South East Asia as a part of modern World Culture. We are the new generation of galleries and promoters. . [read more]
Flambe Glaze Ceramic Arts. [read more]
All about the love of art, and the art of love. . . . [read more]
Inspiration for Designer Makers. For the Love of all things craftie!! Creative meet ups, craft workshops & design collaborations. Based in Hong Kong. [read more]
*** LOVE ART & ENJOY LIFE *** We are Art Gallery promoting Art in Hong Kong. The name “PubArt” is given by the ideas of "Art for Public". . [read more]
這不是一般的美術課,而是快樂又認真的玩 畫派對。Let's party!. [read more]
香港著名沙畫藝術家海潮 Hoichiu - Hong Kong Sand Art Artist. [read more]
Unit Gallery is an art space for contemporary ceramics. Founded in 2010 by ceramic artist Rachel Cheung. . [read more]
Gallery Z is a space for creative work and exhibition 私畫廊是工作室用以創作和展覽的空間,不定期提供對外開放的展覽. [read more]
歡迎各位對設計創意有熱誠的朋友加入. [read more]
Art Studio - Chinese calligraphy, ink paintings, sculptures in wood, metal, ceramics. . . Commissioned work welcome. Contact: lacreation@gmail. com. [read more]
我告訴你什麼。不管莎莉是一個音樂推廣。這就是我能說的。 I tell you what. Whatever Sally is a music promoter. That's all I can say. . [read more]
Humor geral curta a página e terá:conteúdo de qualidade,diversão e muito mais deixe o seu like. [read more]
畫畫畫室(huàhuàhuàshì) / http://san-jiao. org/huahua/. [read more]
芸術・エンターテインメント. [read more]
Uriah Gallery is a Hong Kong based company providing photographic services. Our photographers are formally trained and have years of experience. Contact us at +852 9027 3135 or info@uriahgallery. [read more]
Hong Kong’s new museum of visual culture 香港視覺文化博物館. [read more]
以墨淨心 借筆尋月. [read more]
Local Arts & Crafts supply shop and Art School for children's painting, drawing, clay making. . [read more]
主力售賣手工材料及五金輔料。 不定時、無定向、更新~ 限量、特色、實用、罕有~ 未必有你需要的~但有你想買的~ 總之得閒Look一Look~就有意想不到嘅驚喜~. [read more]
PRÉCÉDÉE 24-hour / Art / Space 24小時 / 藝術 / 空間. [read more]
Tel: 23832789 2F, 212 Prince Edward Rd West 太子道西212號2樓 (花墟位置) Tel: 23832138 Rm 1109, 11F, Citimark, 28 Yuen Shun Circuit 沙田源順圍28號都會廣場1109室 (鄰近第一城鐵路站). [read more]
一對好友,多年來結伴在大街小巷中穿梭,尋找記憶之中一切美好的事物,今年年中,終於把醞釀多年的念頭付諸實現,開設《堂煌》,將尋覓經年得來的收藏與眾分享。. [read more]
公司概覽: Samuel sir 教授素描班、動漫畫班、動物素描班、塑膠彩畫、兒童和成人基本畫班、漫畫班、木顏色畫班、粉彩畫班。 為了有效地發揮創意畫班教育,把最好的繪畫教育方式帶給學. [read more]